Die Hard (2 Viewers)

It's the greatest action movie ever. There's nothing like it. It's so fucking funny as well. Deputy police chief Dwayne T. robinson cracks me up.

It also does something which action movies don't do anymore, it builds. No major action sequence 15 minutes in or any of that shit, it builds and builds and builds literally til the moment when McLane jumps of the building.

And by then, well i'm just about to have the most hetero joygasm ever...

I couldn't agree more my friend. I love the bit with the lights:

They're shooting at them

It's panic fire...they can't see

(under breath)
They're shooting at the lights.

More shots ring out from the building going over the SWAT
officers' heads and suddenly the huge dome of one of the
spotlights shatters behind Mitchell and Robinson's head.
The glow fades. A moment later the next light twenty feet
away dies.

They're going after the lights!"
I couldn't agree more my friend. I love the bit with the lights:

They're shooting at them

It's panic fire...they can't see

(under breath)
They're shooting at the lights.

More shots ring out from the building going over the SWAT
officers' heads and suddenly the huge dome of one of the
spotlights shatters behind Mitchell and Robinson's head.
The glow fades. A moment later the next light twenty feet
away dies.

They're going after the lights!"

Hahaha. I love when Special Agent Johnson dismissively says to him 'Um, thank you. When we commandeer your men, we'll try and let you know...'

'Nail that sucker!!!'


The soundtrack fucking rocks balls as well.
one of the greatest moments in that movie is when they start shooting at sgt powell as he's reversing away from the building, it then cuts to a shot of argyle in the back of the limo, music blaring, on the telephone talking to his hunnies.
its up there with any classic movie moment.
one of the greatest moments in that movie is when they start shooting at sgt powell as he's reversing away from the building, it then cuts to a shot of argyle in the back of the limo, music blaring, on the telephone talking to his hunnies.
its up there with any classic movie moment.

Best coverage ever?
one of the greatest moments in that movie is when they start shooting at sgt powell as he's reversing away from the building, it then cuts to a shot of argyle in the back of the limo, music blaring, on the telephone talking to his hunnies.
its up there with any classic movie moment.

theres a flaw there though. When Argyle tunes into the police frequency he hears Al telling dispatch that 'his car is being made into Swiss Cheese'.

But that happened about 30 seconds before that.

And Al wasn't in the habit of repeating himself.
theres a flaw there though. When Argyle tunes into the police frequency he hears Al telling dispatch that 'his car is being made into Swiss Cheese'.

But that happened about 30 seconds before that.

And Al wasn't in the habit of repeating himself.

yeah, lets not forget these clangers either...

  • Continuity: The contents of and the ramp leading up to the truck that the terrorists arrive in.
  • Continuity: There is clearly no ambulance in the truck when the terrorists first arrive, but Theo drives an ambulance out of the truck near the end of the movie (error acknowledged by moviemakers).
  • Continuity: Takagi's blood/brains on the glass wall.

  • Continuity: Al's police cruiser's lights are on as he drives up to the building. The very next shot is from John's point of view in which they are off, only to come on again when the body crashes onto the hood.
  • Continuity: The wound on the cop's head disappears suddenly after McClane shoots at the police car.
  • Revealing mistakes: The eyes of the dead terrorist in the elevator close just before Gruber touches his face.
  • Continuity: The Christmas tree on the table that Karl hides behind is lying down before it gets knocked over by McClane later.
  • Continuity: The first and second rocket attacks both blow out the same window on the APC.
  • Continuity: McClane's hands while holding the wallet with the picture of his family.
  • Continuity: McClane swings through the window on the hose and lands on his back. In the next shot, he's on his chest.
  • Continuity: In the first close up where Hans is hanging from Holly's wrist, there is blood on Holly's face from John's arm. In the second close up this blood is missing.
  • Revealing mistakes: Obvious stunt double for McClane (missing a tattoo on the shoulder) during the fight with Karl.
  • Revealing mistakes: Obvious stunt double for John McClane during the fight with Tony.
  • Incorrectly regarded as goofs: John's vest is white when he enters the vent system and brown when he exits. It got dirty. It's *so* dirty that it's changed color and is, of course, a completely different vest, but it's all part of the fun.
  • Continuity: When McClane is having a gun fight on the roof of the building he slides down a slide with his machine gun in the right hand; the next shot he has the gun in the left hand.
  • Revealing mistakes: Squibs are visible on the metal door that McClane goes through when Karl shoots at him during their final fight.
  • Continuity: Early in the film, shortly after the terrorists have launched their assault, McClane glances out a window and sees a woman in the building across the street. However, previous and subsequent long shots of the building he's in show that there are no other buildings close by.
  • Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): On the ambulance used for the escape near the end, "Department" in "Fire Department" is misspelled "Deparment". But, it isn't a real ambulance, and furthermore, it was painted by people who don't speak English.
  • Continuity: When McClane goes to the roof to get the hostages off, he is not wearing his undershirt, but in the view from the helicopter when he is firing into the air, you can see him wearing a white undershirt.
  • Factual errors: Several times during transmissions with the two-way radios, characters interrupt each other, which would be impossible given the type of radios they were using.
  • Revealing mistakes: When jumping off the roof at Nakatomi Plaza just before it explodes, you can clearly see John McClane's "rubber shoes" that were used to protect his feet. While the people are being held hostage, he is supposed to be barefoot.
  • Boom mic visible: Just after we are first introduced to Johnson and Johnson, Hans is seen walking on the top floor in, looking up and shining his flashlight. In the Forward Tracking Shot, just before he climbs the wall, the shadow of the boom mike is visible just above his shadow on the far right of the screen in the widescreen version of the film.
  • Continuity: When Takagi is asked for the code key of the main computer, he says he doesn't have it. Trees outside the windows shake in the wind. In the next shot, they are suddenly standing still. Furthermore, in the wide angle shots of the outside of the building, there are no trees at all that high up the side of the building. The only trees are on the ground and Takagi and the terrorists were on about the 30th floor.
  • Continuity: Al's patrol car has had the spotlights removed, but in the overhead shot of Marco's body crashing through the windscreen, there are dual spotlights visible.
  • Continuity: Holly's maiden name is Gennero. This is misspelled in the credits as "Gennaro", and also on the Nakatomi computer that McClane uses at the start of the film. Furthermore, when he hits the touch screen button with her name, it suddenly changes from "Gennaro" to the correct "Gennero".
  • Continuity: Trim on the rear doors of Al's patrol car disappears and changes style.
  • Continuity: John's tank top changes from white to gray in various scenes.
  • Continuity: When John is first hanging from the hose from the roof, he ends up right next to a band of stone between floors, in the next shot he is directly in front of a window.
  • Continuity: When Karl steps out of the elevator after Hans and John's conversation, he appears on the right, then left, then right side of the hall.
  • Continuity: In the fight between John and Karl, John jumps onto Karl's back and knocks him onto his stomach on the rolling cart. In the next shot, however, Karl is lying on his back.
  • Continuity: When Karl's brother comes to apprehend John, we see a close-up of his weapon when he flicks the light switch. The charging handle is forward (the bolt is closed). In the next shot, however, it's back, and the bolt is open. We later see him slap the handle forward.
  • Crew or equipment visible: Near the end of the movie, when McClane walks through the large hall (where the hostages had been held captive earlier), you can see a shadow of someone behind the Christmas tree just after the tree falls.
  • Revealing mistakes: Right after John states his name as John and is told to hold tight, the drill on the safe is restarted and the sparks start coming out before the drill starts moving. Also the sound of the drill is at a way higher RPM than the drill itself is moving once it does start moving.
  • Crew or equipment visible: In the shots that we see of John McClane when he asks the hostages where his wife has been taken to by the terrorists, you can see the pyrotechnic charges taped to the roof that are about to be used. When the helicopter swings overhead and a soldier uses his machine gun, you can see the charges detonating and the fact that they are charges being used to simulate M-60 bullets hitting the roof.
  • Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): After the terrorists blow the roof up, and the hostages are running down the stairs, one of the hostages gets hit in the head with a softball-sized rock and it doesn't faze him.
  • Audio/visual unsynchronized: When John is first chased by a terrorist, up on the floor still under construction, he turns on and off a radial arm saw. The very distinct sound of the blade running against either a kerf in the fence or a kerf in the table can be heard. However, when the terrorist finds the saw, it can be clearly seen that the blade is running free.
  • Revealing mistakes: When John meets Hans by the roof and gives him his empty Beretta, Hans (who is obviously proficient with firearms) would have noticed the light weight of the empty gun. A Beretta 92 holds 15 or 17 rounds making an empty Beretta much lighter than a loaded one.
  • Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): When Hans reads "Now I have a machine gun, ho...ho...ho," and then rolls the dead guys head, you see him blink.
  • Audio/visual unsynchronized: When the swat team is trying to enter the building and they fail to pick the lock, a swat team member clearly lights a cutting torch to burn the lock. A few scenes later you can clearly hear a grinding sound indicating a drill or grinder is being used to try to break the lock.
  • Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): When Theo updates Hans on the police activity, he reports that "the four assholes [are] coming in the rear in standard two-by-two cover formation." The SWAT team members are not in '2x2 cover', they're all running together single file (more or less).
  • Audio/visual unsynchronized: When Argyle first learns of the Nakatomi takeover, he is pouring a glass of whiskey just off screen with the appropriate sound effect. However, when the glass reappears on screen a moment later, it is empty.
  • Continuity: As Hans falls out of the window the window breaks and there is no glass on the sides of the window. Then by the next shot you can clearly see glass on the left side of the window.
  • Continuity: Prior to climbing down an elevator shaft staircase, McClane (who is supposed to be barefoot) is clearly seen wearing shoes as he jumps through an elevated service door.
  • Continuity: McClane's shirt goes from white and then to a dark grey and then to a mixed color or dirt, blood and white.
Apologies Yurn. I can explain all the ones Farmy posted too, by way of further apology

The contents of and the ramp leading up to the truck that the terrorists arrive in.

Scutter> what about them?

There is clearly no ambulance in the truck when the terrorists first arrive, but Theo drives an ambulance out of the truck near the end of the movie (error acknowledged by moviemakers)

Scutter> It was a fold-up ambulance that they unfolded
Continuity: Takagi's blood/brains on the glass wall

Scutter> turns out he had no brain.
Continuity: Al's police cruiser's lights are on as he drives up to the building. The very next shot is from John's point of view in which they are off, only to come on again when the body crashes onto the hood.

Scutter> He turned them off, then back on

The wound on the cop's head disappears suddenly after McClane shoots at the police car

Scutter> magic healing. Al is pretty cool, so thats possible.
Revealing mistakes: The eyes of the dead terrorist in the elevator close just before Gruber touches his face.

Scutter> nervous reaction

The Christmas tree on the table that Karl hides behind is lying down before it gets knocked over by McClane later.

Scutter> They picked it up cos they were getting in the xmas spirit

Continuity: The first and second rocket attacks both blow out the same window on the APC.

Scutter> that was done with mirrors to make the terrorists think thats what was happening

McClane's hands while holding the wallet with the picture of his family.

Scutter> Yes, they were his hands

McClane swings through the window on the hose and lands on his back. In the next shot, he's on his chest.

Scutter> he rolled over

In the first close up where Hans is hanging from Holly's wrist, there is blood on Holly's face from John's arm. In the second close up this blood is missing.

Scutter> she wiped it off with the sleeve of Han's shirt

Revealing mistakes:
Obvious stunt double for McClane (missing a tattoo on the shoulder) during the fight with Karl.

Scutter> McClane is so great he often gives the impression that he is multiple people. That explains that

Revealing mistakes:
Obvious stunt double for John McClane during the fight with Tony.

Scutter> As before

Incorrectly regarded as goofs:
John's vest is white when he enters the vent system and brown when he exits. It got dirty. It's *so* dirty that it's changed color and is, of course, a completely different vest, but it's all part of the fun.

Scutter> He had another vest stashed up there

When McClane is having a gun fight on the roof of the building he slides down a slide with his machine gun in the right hand; the next shot he has the gun in the left hand.

Scutter> he changed hands

Revealing mistakes:
Squibs are visible on the metal door that McClane goes through when Karl shoots at him during their final fight.

Scutter> what the fuck is a squib. Who cares?

Early in the film, shortly after the terrorists have launched their assault, McClane glances out a window and sees a woman in the building across the street. However, previous and subsequent long shots of the building he's in show that there are no other buildings close by.

Scutter> they were just built, then were up, then the owners decided they didn't like them, so knocked them down

Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): On the ambulance used for the escape near the end, "Department" in "Fire Department" is misspelled "Deparment". But, it isn't a real ambulance, and furthermore, it was painted by people who don't speak English.

Scutter> the mexicans are to blame for this

When McClane goes to the roof to get the hostages off, he is not wearing his undershirt, but in the view from the helicopter when he is firing into the air, you can see him wearing a white undershirt.

Scutter> no

Factual errors:
Several times during transmissions with the two-way radios, characters interrupt each other, which would be impossible given the type of radios they were using.

Scutter> They are special radios make to look like ordinary ones

Revealing mistakes:
When jumping off the roof at Nakatomi Plaza just before it explodes, you can clearly see John McClane's "rubber shoes" that were used to protect his feet. While the people are being held hostage, he is supposed to be barefoot.

Scutter> he made them out of a rubber tree that was on the roof

Boom mic visible:
Just after we are first introduced to Johnson and Johnson, Hans is seen walking on the top floor in, looking up and shining his flashlight. In the Forward Tracking Shot, just before he climbs the wall, the shadow of the boom mike is visible just above his shadow on the far right of the screen in the widescreen version of the film.

Scutter> thats not a mic. Its a giant acorn

When Takagi is asked for the code key of the main computer, he says he doesn't have it. Trees outside the windows shake in the wind. In the next shot, they are suddenly standing still. Furthermore, in the wide angle shots of the outside of the building, there are no trees at all that high up the side of the building. The only trees are on the ground and Takagi and the terrorists were on about the 30th floor.

Scutter> adjustable trees. They have them in LA

Al's patrol car has had the spotlights removed, but in the overhead shot of Marco's body crashing through the windscreen, there are dual spotlights visible.

Scutter> Al put the spotlights back before he fell

Holly's maiden name is Gennero. This is misspelled in the credits as "Gennaro", and also on the Nakatomi computer that McClane uses at the start of the film. Furthermore, when he hits the touch screen button with her name, it suddenly changes from "Gennaro" to the correct "Gennero".

Scutter> he corrected his spelling mistake. So what? Hes a hero, not a spelling wiz

Trim on the rear doors of Al's patrol car disappears and changes style.

Scutter> One of those chamelion trims that change according to the drivers mood. It changed cos he got scared.

John's tank top changes from white to gray in various scenes.

Scutter> trick of the light

When John is first hanging from the hose from the roof, he ends up right next to a band of stone between floors, in the next shot he is directly in front of a window.

Scutter> he swung across to the window from where the stone was

When Karl steps out of the elevator after Hans and John's conversation, he appears on the right, then left, then right side of the hall.

Scutter> again, mirrors

In the fight between John and Karl, John jumps onto Karl's back and knocks him onto his stomach on the rolling cart. In the next shot, however, Karl is lying on his back.

Scutter> yawnnnn, he rolled over

When Karl's brother comes to apprehend John, we see a close-up of his weapon when he flicks the light switch. The charging handle is forward (the bolt is closed). In the next shot, however, it's back, and the bolt is open. We later see him slap the handle forward.

Scutter> this is a plain lie

Crew or equipment visible:
Near the end of the movie, when McClane walks through the large hall (where the hostages had been held captive earlier), you can see a shadow of someone behind the Christmas tree just after the tree falls.

Scutter> that was the dead body of one of the hostages that Hans had killed for no reason, and propped him up to let the other hostages know not to mess with him

Revealing mistakes:
Right after John states his name as John and is told to hold tight, the drill on the safe is restarted and the sparks start coming out before the drill starts moving. Also the sound of the drill is at a way higher RPM than the drill itself is moving once it does start moving.

Scutter> thats just camera trickery, like in the radiohead video

Crew or equipment visible:
In the shots that we see of John McClane when he asks the hostages where his wife has been taken to by the terrorists, you can see the pyrotechnic charges taped to the roof that are about to be used. When the helicopter swings overhead and a soldier uses his machine gun, you can see the charges detonating and the fact that they are charges being used to simulate M-60 bullets hitting the roof.

Scutter> no, they're mixing that up with the A-Team

Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers):
After the terrorists blow the roof up, and the hostages are running down the stairs, one of the hostages gets hit in the head with a softball-sized rock and it doesn't faze him.

Scutter> horse of a man

Audio/visual unsynchronized:
When John is first chased by a terrorist, up on the floor still under construction, he turns on and off a radial arm saw. The very distinct sound of the blade running against either a kerf in the fence or a kerf in the table can be heard. However, when the terrorist finds the saw, it can be clearly seen that the blade is running free.

Scutter> yeah, a kerf

Revealing mistakes:
When John meets Hans by the roof and gives him his empty Beretta, Hans (who is obviously proficient with firearms) would have noticed the light weight of the empty gun. A Beretta 92 holds 15 or 17 rounds making an empty Beretta much lighter than a loaded one.

Scutter> super lightweight bullets that only a superhero like John McClane has. Superman has them too.

Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers):
When Hans reads "Now I have a machine gun, ho...ho...ho," and then rolls the dead guys head, you see him blink.

Scutter> a nervous, post-death, twitch

Audio/visual unsynchronized:
When the swat team is trying to enter the building and they fail to pick the lock, a swat team member clearly lights a cutting torch to burn the lock. A few scenes later you can clearly hear a grinding sound indicating a drill or grinder is being used to try to break the lock.

Scutter> yeah, it was a tough one to crack. They had to use several different ways before they finally got in

Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers):
When Theo updates Hans on the police activity, he reports that "the four assholes [are] coming in the rear in standard two-by-two cover formation." The SWAT team members are not in '2x2 cover', they're all running together single file (more or less).

Scutter> Theo was a moron, deep down

Audio/visual unsynchronized:
When Argyle first learns of the Nakatomi takeover, he is pouring a glass of whiskey just off screen with the appropriate sound effect. However, when the glass reappears on screen a moment later, it is empty.

Scutter> drank it quickly to calm his nerves
As Hans falls out of the window the window breaks and there is no glass on the sides of the window. Then by the next shot you can clearly see glass on the left side of the window.

Scutter> delayed-reaction breaking glass. They sell it in woodies DIY

Prior to climbing down an elevator shaft staircase, McClane (who is supposed to be barefoot) is clearly seen wearing shoes as he jumps through an elevated service door.

Scutter> took them off one of the bad guys, but there was a bang off them so he took them off afters

McClane's shirt goes from white and then to a dark grey and then to a mixed color or dirt, blood and white.

Scutter> yeah, blood messes with the colour

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