Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA (3 Viewers)

So the Covid vaccine does not work?
It has a range of 60ish to 95ish % depending on the vaccine. This is information you can look up. It is not a yes/no question.
Do you have to get another vaccine for the Delta variant too?
Possibly not - again it's a % protection, and no a yes/no. At present the Delta is hospitalising mostly younger people in the UK where it has existed longer.
How can I have a mutated version if I am not sick.. do you mean I might be asymptomatic and carry a mutated version even though I feel fine and that this could harm you?
Yes - in fact the likely source of the mutations are in asymptomatic people who carry the virus for a long time, giving it time to mutate. The more it is allowed to spread, the more likely it is it mutate.
As far as I know this type of transmission is exceedingly rare, like way way more than one in a 100..more like one in 6 gorillion.
The more people that are vaccintated, the rarer it becomes.

I got vaccinated for these reasons
A: because i live with an older person who's life could be wrecked by coronavirus and it's after effects.
B: I have two very young relatives i spend time with and they have no protections from the thing
C: to be part of slowing the thing down. I've a few mates with really bad side effects from having had the virus - it will continue to mutate (or evolve as we like to call it - and it is going through generations faster than us) - we either beat it with science or it'll keep fucking up people or killing them.
D: a friend has a sibling with really limited lung capacity, their world has been basically a house since this started and untill we get a hold on this thing their life will continue like that - all boats rise and sink together like.. I've got a vast exerience of being housebound by illness and I'm not going to inflict it on others where i can help it.
look at it this way (and this is a simplified way of looking at it) - if a vaccine is 90% effective, and i mean it reduces your chance of catching/suffering from it by 90%, and also reduces your chance of spreading it by 90% - if you meet someone randomly and you're both vaccinated, the chance of that person being able to spread it to you is now 1% of what it was pre-vaccine.
because their chance of spreading it to you has dropped to 10% of what it was - and your chance of catching/suffering from it has dropped to 10% of *that*.
I got vaccinated against chickenpox and there is not a 1 in 100 chance I will get it. There is Zero chance I will get it so this jab just does not work does it?
You don’t have a zero chance of getting chickenpox, it’s very low but it’s not zero. No vaccine is truly 100% effective just like having had chickenpox doesn’t prevent you from having it again. Biology is messy because the number of variables is massive.

Clearly you just don’t want to take a COVID vaccine and you’re doing mental contortions to “logic” yourself out of it. Would you be having this sort of debate if you were planning a trip to Brazil and needed a rake of other vaccines to go there? Of course you’re feeling pressured to take the vaccine, it’s the only protection we have beyond staying on our own from the biggest public health emergency we’ve faced in decades.

COVID is not going away, coronaviruses have been with us for millennia and will always mutate. Think of them like car crashes. You *could* avoid them purely through behaviour in driving slowly along empty roads (or by working from home and keeping your distance in the case of COVID) or you could also put on a seat belt (take a vaccine) which will not 100% save you from death but it will reduce your risk greatly. And, like a vaccine, it will protect those around you as you’re now not being flung around the car like a human wrecking ball.
You don’t have a zero chance of getting chickenpox, it’s very low but it’s not zero. No vaccine is truly 100% effective just like having had chickenpox doesn’t prevent you from having it again. Biology is messy because the number of variables is massive.

Clearly you just don’t want to take a COVID vaccine and you’re doing mental contortions to “logic” yourself out of it. Would you be having this sort of debate if you were planning a trip to Brazil and needed a rake of other vaccines to go there? Of course you’re feeling pressured to take the vaccine, it’s the only protection we have beyond staying on our own from the biggest public health emergency we’ve faced in decades.

COVID is not going away, coronaviruses have been with us for millennia and will always mutate. Think of them like car crashes. You *could* avoid them purely through behaviour in driving slowly along empty roads (or by working from home and keeping your distance in the case of COVID) or you could also put on a seat belt (take a vaccine) which will not 100% save you from death but it will reduce your risk greatly. And, like a vaccine, it will protect those around you as you’re now not being flung around the car like a human wrecking ball.Tge Corona is the common cold and has millions of variants. It's impossible

You don’t have a zero chance of getting chickenpox, it’s very low but it’s not zero. No vaccine is truly 100% effective just like having had chickenpox doesn’t prevent you from having it again. Biology is messy because the number of variables is massive.

Clearly you just don’t want to take a COVID vaccine and you’re doing mental contortions to “logic” yourself out of it. Would you be having this sort of debate if you were planning a trip to Brazil and needed a rake of other vaccines to go there? Of course you’re feeling pressured to take the vaccine, it’s the only protection we have beyond staying on our own from the biggest public health emergency we’ve faced in decades.

COVID is not going away, coronaviruses have been with us for millennia and will always mutate. Think of them like car crashes. You *could* avoid them purely through behaviour in driving slowly along empty roads (or by working from home and keeping your distance in the case of COVID) or you could also put on a seat belt (take a vaccine) which will not 100% save you from death but it will reduce your risk greatly. And, like a vaccine, it will protect those around you as you’re now not being flung around the car like a human wrecking ball.
I'm not contorting anything. The Corona as you say has been around before us, isn't corona the common cold? There are millions of variants that come with the common cold and that's impossible to vaccinate against. I don't want to take it and if you are vaccinated then you shouldn't be worried about catching covid from me.
I got vaccinated against chickenpox and there is not a 1 in 100 chance I will get it. There is Zero chance I will get it so this jab just does not work does it?

not interested in spending time explaining basic statistics. so we can leave that there.

for me, getting the shot has been motivated by two things: personal safety, and social solidarity.

the surrounding world — the world of idiot governments, evil pharmaceutical corporations, disinformation influencers, and all the rest of it — will still be there tomorrow. but getting the shot is a simple step to making this pandemic end sooner. it was, for me, an immediate, simple, obvious decision.

I appreciate that most likely none of this is persuasive to you. but just laying it out for you. the world you’re advocating already exists. It’s called brazil. 1,635 people died avoidable, pointless deaths there yesterday, just like every day now for weeks. if that’s what you want, I don’t know what to tell you.
I'm not contorting anything. The Corona as you say has been around before us, isn't corona the common cold? There are millions of variants that come with the common cold and that's impossible to vaccinate against. I don't want to take it and if you are vaccinated then you shouldn't be worried about catching covid from me.

The corona has not been around before us. Coronaviruses have.

The corona is not the common cold, the common cold is a type of coronavirus.
not interested in spending time explaining basic statistics. so we can leave that there.

for me, getting the shot has been motivated by two things: personal safety, and social solidarity.

the surrounding world — the world of idiot governments, evil pharmaceutical corporations, disinformation influencers, and all the rest of it — will still be there tomorrow. but getting the shot is a simple step to making this pandemic end sooner. it was, for me, an immediate, simple, obvious decision.

I appreciate that most likely none of this is persuasive to you. but just laying it out for you. the world you’re advocating already exists. It’s called brazil. 1,635 people died avoidable, pointless deaths there yesterday, just like every day now for weeks. if that’s what you want, I don’t know what to tell you.
Thanks, I appreciate and respect your opinion. I'm sorry if I come across annoying that's not my intention but I'm very inquisitive by nature . I'm just a bit peeved and worried that we are going to see some sort of vaccine apartheid developing in this country, we are already beginning to see this with some restaurants not allowing unvaccinated into their premises, airlines not allowing travel unless you have a vaccine passport and now employers putting pressure on staff. I think this sets a very dangerous precedent.
Thanks, I appreciate and respect your opinion. I'm sorry if I come across annoying that's not my intention but I'm very inquisitive by nature . I'm just a bit peeved and worried that we are going to see some sort of vaccine apartheid developing in this country, we are already beginning to see this with some restaurants not allowing unvaccinated into their premises, airlines not allowing travel unless you have a vaccine passport and now employers putting pressure on staff. I think this sets a very dangerous precedent.
What are the options available to society as an alternative, considering there is no way of predicting mutations?
Hey @FairFuks FYI my wife has been sick from COVID for almost a year. It's been by turns terrifying and depressing. She's been improving since her most recent middle-of-the-night ambulance trip in May, but is a long way from better and judging by how things have gone over the last year could go suddenly downhill again at any moment.

Getting the vaccine dramatically reduces the risks for you and everyone around you. I urge you to reconsider
Thanks, I appreciate and respect your opinion. I'm sorry if I come across annoying that's not my intention but I'm very inquisitive by nature . I'm just a bit peeved and worried that we are going to see some sort of vaccine apartheid developing in this country, we are already beginning to see this with some restaurants not allowing unvaccinated into their premises, airlines not allowing travel unless you have a vaccine passport and now employers putting pressure on staff. I think this sets a very dangerous precedent.

the same thing has been true of schools for decades. your kid doesn’t have to get shots, but if they don’t, then good luck getting them a school spot. I appreciate the abstract libertarian point that, as a thought experiment, this is a form of soft coercion. so, yes, in a perfect spherical-cow world, no-one should be in a situation where they have to make this trade-off. however in the real world this is so far down the list it’s just irrelevant.

then add to that the actual, real, concrete *benefits* of getting this vaccine, and it just becomes simple.

and calling it ‘apartheid’ is just pointless dramatics. if this is your real, serious belief, then it would be to your benefit to be proportional in how you describe it. there’s no IDF here carpetbombing you.
So the Covid vaccine does not work? , do you have to get another vaccine for the Delta variant too? How can I have a mutated version if I am not sick.. do you mean I might be asymptomatic and carry a mutated version even though I feel fine and that this could harm you? As far as I know this type of transmission is exceedingly rare, like way way more than one in a 100..more like one in 6 trillion!
you sound like a grade A bullshitter to me.

were you at the GPO yesterday with all the 'patriots'. Real fucking heros the lot of them.

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