Cool dream (1 Viewer)

A friend was telling me that he had a reoccuring dream: he was on the old, Irish Who wants to be a millionaire?. He got to the million euro question, knew the answer and gave his response as "Go fuck yourself Gay". He used to always wake up happy after that dream.
i dreamt vividly lastnight that an estranged friend from galway was in my room. they told me not to drive to close to the guy in front because there was an oil slick, then proceeded to have a joint on my bed and laugh at comedy on a tv that doesn't exist in my room.

i was driving from donegal to galway today, and decided that i'd take the dream advice on board. a bucket (yellow, builders one) fell off the lorry in front of me with general building waste, bricks, dust, all that shit and i had acres of space to avoid it and sort of 'warn' the lads behind me. crisis averted (bear in mind i only bought the car last thursday)

was thinking of texting the person to 'thank' them. would that be a mental text to send? (answer is probably yes).
I had a dream that I was house sitting for my brother and I flooded it (like knee deep) because I left the bathtub overfill. I was distracted by someone who knocked at the front door. I cleaned it up (buckets out windows) but tried to deny it when my brother noticed all the water marks on the ceiling. Maybe I should warn him.
Ah you'd have to text them.

we are extremely estranged.

I had a dream that I was house sitting for my brother and I flooded it (like knee deep) because I left the bathtub overfill. I was distracted by someone who knocked at the front door. I cleaned it up (buckets out windows) but tried to deny it when my brother noticed all the water marks on the ceiling. Maybe I should warn him.

i actually flooded my kitched last week. real life nightmare.
A friend was telling me that he had a reoccuring dream: he was on the old, Irish Who wants to be a millionaire?. He got to the million euro question, knew the answer and gave his response as "Go fuck yourself Gay". He used to always wake up happy after that dream.

bring back @timbot
Terrible one last night.

I broke a red light at a t-junction outside Belfast. Narrowly avoided a collision. Pulled over by the RUC. They took me onto the grass verge and interrogated me for about 10 minutes. There was a train station beside the grass and the train pulled in. The RUC suggested that "we carry on the conversation on the train" so we went aboard. They were still quizzing me by the time it pulled into Connolly. They then fucked off into a taxi. My car was still where I left it.

I then ended up in my parents house in Wexford and frantically rang everybody I knew to give me a lift to Belfast so I could collect the car. Nobody would help. I eventually got back up in a couple of days only to find my car burnt out.
I can't believe there is a thread for this.


So this is the most mental dream I've had in years. I've changed some names here to protect the innocent.

Myself and my housemate (at the time) Bill were fighting a guerilla unit of some South American freedom fighter faction. Were deep in country, miles form anywhere in thick jungle. It's raining. Apparently it's always raining so this is nothing new. Water trickles everywhere, but the canopy of the trees is so high and thick that you don't really feel rain, you can hear it and occasionally large drips fall on your person but for the most part you are just wet, there is a haze everywhere. The soil underfoot is sodden, huge puddles have collected everywhere and I am kneeling in one of these puddles looking at a dirt, or more accurately a swamp road in front of me. We are on the side of a steep hill, verging on a mountain so along with the puddles there are small rivers of mud flowing between our feet. If I stand up and look across the road I know there is a huge gully on the other side. I do not stand up.

To my left is a small featured South American man who's name I know but couldn't tell you. To my right is my house mate Sean. He is dressed as I am in army fatigues. Green camouflage - the jungle edition, they feel soaked and heavy. These are the real deal, the kind of horrible starchy materiel that feels like it will outlast you, travel for hundreds of miles for many years after you die and will turn up in some future retro second hand shop and be bought by a future hipster for a miniscule price that they will complain about. My boots are thick leather and unlike my uniform they are comfortable and my feet and fresh socks are dry.

The plan is to ambush a truck which will arrive down the road within the next few minutes. We are at the front line of the assault. We wait and then finally the truck arrives. My heart is beating fast , my mouth is dry and I clutch my gun which I only now become aware that that I am holding. I look around and now the guns become evident. The man to the left is holding his tightly to his chest saying a prayer and staring over me toward the truck which is approaching from the right. Bill looks at me and i also realise that here we are holding our AK47s and we look fucking cool. Bill is now smoking, he takes one last pull on the cigarette and discards it, he says nothing and gets into firing position.

The assault begins. We shoot. they shoot. Bullets fizz by us making that sound of air ripping and then a dry thud of bullets hitting trees and earth, men in front of us fall down dead or wounded, the sound is intense, booming sounds which echo around the valley and seem strangely otherworldly, as though they are movie special effects, but not the sound of guns, they sound alien, like the sound it makes when you trow stones in a cement tunnel. My ear is so close to the gun that it seems as though my brain is processing the shots piece by piece, the high whir of the bullets slicing through the air seems to be almost louder than the boom coming from the barrel, or maybe the boom is so loud that I'm deaf to it after just a few shots. The truck is an old green mercedes the WWII type with a canvas roof, Our shots tear through this canvas and inside we can see glimpses of a mass of humans all scurrying towards the back of the truck ungracefully, desperately. These soldiers are piling out of the back of the truck and taking cover on the other side of the road, I can hear some of them yell as they lose their footing and fall down further into the valley on the other side. It must be a mountain. I hear thuds as their bodies land on something solid below, though I know that if I walk over to the other side of the road and look down I will see a fall of several meters and then the canopy of the trees below. it's hard to believe that anything would fall any further than the canopy. The opposition soldiers falling wasn't part of the plan but we're delighted to hear them fall. Even gravity is on our side lads, how could we fail.

The shooting continues but so do the soldiers dismounting the truck. It's almost like the multitude clowns getting out of the tiny car, they just keep coming. They reach a critical mass on the other side of the road. I look to my right and the man next to me is gone. On my left Bill signals that it's time to go. We retreat but after a few metres it's obvious that it's hopeless. We're surrounded. We throw down our arms and Bill pulls out some cigarettes. He gestures "oh well" with a shrug of his shoulders. "Fuck it so" I say and we wait for the opposition - who are basically dressed and look exactly the same as us - to shoot us. They have something else in mind.

They speak in a language I don't understand so after a few smiles and nods a soldier walks forward and hands Bill a 9mm berretta, yeah the kind John McClain uses in Die Hard. He explains that there is one space for us in their plans, that two hostages consume too much food and the negotiations get bogged down as two families and two sets of negotiators it just becomes too much to handle and besides two men can plot an escape one man alone know that's futile and accepts his fate much quicker. So we have to fight it out for the gun. For some reason, I decide that it would be better for Bill to just shoot me, I have no idea why, but it seems to make sense to me. He doesn't want to, but I reason with him and he has no response which makes sense. He gives me a cigarette and I smoke it. This whole negotiation angers the soldiers who are obviously hoping for a fight to the death. Instead they get the grand spectacle of two men smoking talking and eventually hugging shaking hands and standing at arms length. Bill raises the gun to my head, says 'Sorry about this" and pulls the trigger.

There is no sound but I know the bullet has gone into my skull. There is a white flash and then I realise that Bill has inexplicably managed to shoot me in the jaw. The bullet passing through my mouth, knocking out most of my teeth missing my tongue and exiting through the back of my jaw, where the lower jaw joins to the rest of the skull. I hold the lower half of my face together and gurgle insults at Bill. He responds with fear and embarrassment. "you couldn't even fucking shoot me properly you fucking cunt" I gurgle at him.

"I'm so sorry"

"Well do something, for fuck sake get another bullet"

The soldiers are shocked, they don't know whether to laugh or be sick as I mumble wet vowel based profanity at Bill. Blood is streaming out of my face. Some of the soldiers laugh uncomfortably. Others look away but most just stare blankly at us. Bill tries to get another bullet from the commander. He looks equally shocked and fumbles in his pockets for the bullet.

"Give him the fucking bullet, you fucking prick" I murmur, and gesture with my free hand making a gun. He finally produces a bullet but staring at me and not paying attention to what he's doing he drops it into the mud.

"Oh for fuck sake" Both Bill and I exclaim in unison

"Jesus fucking christ, of all the fucked up things you've managed I can't believe you've fucked up my execution, bastards. That's why you'll fucking lose you cunts, lack of fucking organisation, fucking shit bags" I'm irate and wandering around in a circle, shouting at the soldiers who are still looking on in a mix of horror and fascination. I spit blood towards them and they recoil in disgust tinged with awe and respect.

"Get the fucking bullet"

"I'm trying I can't find it"

Bill is on his knees at the commanders feet fumbling through the mood and leaves on the jungle floor.

"Well get another one and fucking shoot me, do you know how much this fucking hurts"

I know it hurts, but it's indescribable, dream pain, my only reference point for this kind of pain is a tooth ache which i had when I had the crown of one of my molars broken off in a fight. The exposed nerve then irritated by cigarette smoke. That kind of pain.

Bill begs the commander for another bullet, but this time the commander wants to prolong this ugly farce he's watching. He refuses and then points his side arm at Bill. Bill gets on his knees and searches the muddy ground for the bullet. I stumble forward towards the commander and spit blood in his face hoping that he'll do the necessary and shoot me. Instead the shocked look returns to his face he wipes it looking absent and wan and taps Bill on the shoulder. Bill stands up and the commander fumbles in his pocket before handing Bill a second bullet. Bill actually thanks him, which infuriates me further.

"Don't fucking thank him for fuck sake look at my fucking face"

"Right, yeah sorry. Are you ready ?"

The gun is loaded and he raises it point blank range, aiming at my head

"I'm sorry about this" He says,looking mortified and slightly teary eyed.

"It's okay. I'm sorry for shouting at you" I say

I continue "it's just that this really hu" Bang

And I'm awake. Heart beating like a scared rabbit and my teeth hurting like hell.

Moral of the story, don't eat cheese before bed, visit the dentist often.

And don't expect Bill to clean the kitchen.
I had an awesome dream last night. It was one of those nights where my body just gave out and needed sleep. I didn't wake once.
Not worth explaining the dream but it felt like a premonition and a wonderful one at that. Bring it on, universe!
Flying form today.
I had this great dream that I went shopping for leather jackets with Will Smith in the Dun Laoghaire Shopping Centre. He was really easy to hang around with. No stress whatsoever
I had this great dream that I went shopping for leather jackets with Will Smith in the Dun Laoghaire Shopping Centre. He was really easy to hang around with. No stress whatsoever

I once had a dream where Justin Timberlake was playing Ireland and he was chugging cans of Dutch Gold before he went on stage.

I've never verified that it wasn't a premonition though so who knows.

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