Comically bad service (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2001
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Went to FXB in Temple Bar for a work thing with my American students. They were narky about taking our booking, and last time, tried to make my colleague pay for the meals for people who didn't make it, despite the fact that the restaurant wasn't full, and the tables would probably not have been filled anyway. (I wasn't there last time, it was a different bunch.)

The first thing they said to us was, "We need the table back by 8:30." Okay, it's a practice I don't like, but whatever, I can accept that they do that in some cases, and I don't mind so much if the service is efficient (because the worst thing is when they take ages to serve you, and then rush you out the door, giving you no time to eat). So we said, "Sure, that's fine. We'll be gone by then." And he said, in his best passive-aggressive, "They're sitting down at 8:30, so we need you gone by 8:15." Some of the students were a few minutes late, and they were pretty peeved, and a few didn't show, and fine, it's annoying, but it's a big group, and they're students, and it's just what happens. The place was pretty much empty anyway.

They spent most of the meal staring at us from in front of the kitchen window, and when dessert came, they put a dessert down in front of someone who hadn't ordered. I hadn't noticed (it was my dessert), and so he assumed it was spare and just said he'd eat it since it was going. Then, when I said I hadn't got mine, fair enough, it's annoying, sure because big groups can be like that, but they didn't even come down as far as me to deliver the thing, just stood at the far end of the table with plates, waiting for people to point. I'm used to people actually putting a plate down in front of me. So the waiter comes back, says, "Who took a dessert who hadn't ordered one? Hm? Who has a dessert who shouldn't have one?" Then POINTS to the guy, and says, "YOU, you have something you shouldn't." He proceeds to take the plate away and bring it over to me, all the while I'm protesting, "No, it's fine! Just bring out another one! He can eat it! I don't mind!" But no, he said, "No, he took it." Fucking christ.

There's a way to handle a minor mishap in a big group, and there's a way not to.

The thing is, the food was decent, the service was actually fairly efficient, but they just threw the food down, and stared at us, waiting for us to finish and leave. We tried everything to be pleasant and gracious in the situation, and the students, who are ridiculously polite and generally very go-with-the-flow (and also, they're happy they get a free meal, so they don't complain), thought the bad service was pretty comical. They were a bit shocked, especially since most of them have waited tables themselves, that it's possible to behave like that and still keep a job, but we all laughed because there wasn't anything else to do about it.

I don't know when I've been so badly treated in a restaurant, especially one that charges so damn much for what is essentially passable grub.
I dunno what it stands for, but the F stands for SHITE.

If I'd been paying for it myself, I'd be a lot more annoyed, that's for sure. It's pretty expensive for food that's pretty much just, eh. Not bad, just not particularly good, either.

It will always stand out for me as a crap restaurant experience, just because of the overall nastiness. Fucking hell. And it wasn't just one staff member, it was all of them, and there must have been six different people serving, clearing and, um, managing or whatever. They were hovering over us at about 8:02, practically tapping their feet.

At least if the food is overpriced and overgreasy, they could at least be pleasant, while ripping people off. Maybe the steaks were good, I dunno. I had fish. It was good, but I've had better and paid less for it and not had to worry while I was eating it that the staff were going to get out the tear gas if I didn't eat fast enough.
That sounds pretty horrendous. Did you say anything to them about it?

Let's get Tom Doorley on the case.

I didn't because it was a work thing so I didn't want to cause a fuss (although we won't be using that restaurant again, and we're a good regular bunch to have in), and I get enough flack in the world about my righteous indignation (partly because it tends to make me anxious, not satisfied that justice has been done), but it made me wish I did restaurant reviews.

I think people don't talk enough about service in reviews. Obviously, the food is paramount, but bad service can make it just not worth it. I don't reckon Tom Doorley would rave about this place. Everything was drowned in oil, the soup had very little flavour (a little swirl of pesto on top of a red pepper soup just made the soup taste like salty cream with a mild pesto infection), and the veg was swimming in grease. I'd love to see someone take it to town, though. It's insanely popular, and instead of appreciating its clientele, the staff treat customers like getting served food that they're paying for is some kind of special favour.

There's a place in Boston called Durgin Park that has the worst service known to man. I think it started out as a sort of seamen's tavern, with bawdy brassy waitresses with foul mouths, and it just became a selling point around, I dunno, 30 or 40 years ago when the area was turned a bit more touristy. But that's theatrical. You go there because it's funny bad, deliberately bad, and you expect to be insulted by a comically insulting, impatient, intolerant brazen wench. Maybe Dublin restaurants could solve their bad service problem by adopting this "We'll make you feel small and rip you off big!" approach. Only I don't think Durgin Park rips people off, but I don't know.
I was in the green onion in Limerick once. Big party. The service was OK but there was all that palaver as people arrived in dribs and drabs (for some ungodly reason my sister and her friend never agree to meet in a pub 15 mins before the table is booked they always arrange to meet at the restaurant itself which makes no sense to me). Anyway, afterwards, we divvied up the bill and I collected the money. The bill was pretty big - about €750. I collected about €850 to include a tip.

When I got to the counter there was an item at the end of the bill - "Open Item - $75"

"Ehh sorry - whats that last item there"
"oh that's the service charge - there a service charge on parties larger then 10"
"Oooh - I'll just be taking some of this cash back so."
ive often felt like not paying a service charge in places where the service was particularly shite and the waiting staff were rude but i've never had the balls to kick up a fuss..

i'm gonna try be less of a doormat in the future and you MORMON NAILER can help me by inspiring me with yr stories..

so what happened when you refused to pay the charge and why did you refuse to pay it?
Some of the service in restaurants where I live is amazingly bad. Over the last year - in a variety of places, I've experienced the likes of;

  • Waiting 20 mins or more for the bill
  • Being in a group and having half the party get their course about 15 mins before everyone else gets theirs
  • Drinks simply never arriving
  • Plates at the end of a course not being removed for half an hour
  • Comedy waiters who think their role is to tell shit jokes, rather than give you what you ordered
  • Being asked exactly every 3 mins if everything was ok. Every 3 mins for half an hour...
Some of that might sound a bit severe or picky, but I am always polite to a fault when someone is serving me, so the very least I expect is for the staff to do their job properly.
I had heard somewhere that you don't have to pay the service charge, I dont whether that's true or false but I was in a bake. I just told the girl at the counter I'm not paying the service charge, she called the , manager and I told him the same.

There wasn't much he could have done really.

The worst meal I ever got - and thinking back I've had very few real stinkers - was in a Hilton in Tulsa. It was one of those Hilton Gardens, kind of like a Holiday Inn. The menu was poor enough so I ordered chicken wings and a steak.

The waiter was quite young - and really really dim.

How would you like the steak?
Medium rare - what kind of sauce do you have with that?
Umm weeel we have HP and Heinz 57 varities
I was think more along the lines of bernaise
We don't have that
Ok forget it.
You want baked potato or mash with that?
Can I get fries?
Grand fries so
Do you want the baked potato or mash?
Ahhh no.

So anyway the chicken wings arrived and they had been deep fried except the oil wasn't hot enough so they were drowned through in oil and raw inside. I just left them

Next he brings out the steak and the plate was as cold as if it had come out of the cold room.

I was not happy at this stage. I could see the chef inside in the kitchen and considered storming in there. I said nothing but grabbed about 20 comment cards from reception and filled them out pretty bluntly.
It's not super-bad, but still enough to irritate me: I was in Cafe Bar Deli the other night. I'd been having a coffee with a mate, and Mr Jane was on his way in, and everywhere was jointed, and I just wanted to sit and wait where I was going to be having dinner. So I went in and said, "There'll be two of us, but I'd like to sit and order something while I wait."

The guy refused to seat me by myself and said I should wait outside the dining area until the other arrived. I tried to explain that I really wanted to order something, but he was having none of it, turned his back to me while I was talking and just started talking to someone else.

I pointed to a high table that isn't used for dining, and said, "Look, I'd really like to sit down, can I at least sit there while I wait?" "That's the dining area," he said, but he said it as if I'd never seen a restaurant before, with a tremendous snit on his face. I made it clear that that wasn't what I was talking about, but I wanted to cry, the attitude on him was so fucking rude, so I sat, starving, when they wouldn't let me have a table so I could get a starter while I waited, and by the time Mr Jane arrived, they were so busy there was no way we'd have got seated.

In short, if you eat by yourself, don't fuck it up by having mates, or you don't eat. We ended up leaving and going to the Market Bar instead.

Mormon, that sounds like the worst fucking meal ever.

And what is it about restaurants outside of Dublin being even WORSE? Is it because they have a captive audience? Mr Jane was away with mates in Sligo a couple of months ago, and he called me from the restaurant because he couldn't believe how bad the service was. It was like 50 quid a head, too, and so not at all a cheap joint. When they were clearing the starters, the waiter said, "Keep your fork." Mr Jane just said he'd prefer a clean one, but they were not happy about it. The starters took 45 minutes to arrive, some people didn't get theirs, others were cold by the time they got there, and the food was only just about passable (i.e. 'on a bed of greens'=on soggy, undressed iceberg lettuce). It was hours before they even got their mains, and again, people never got served, so he complained to the management, and things rapidly changed. They got a couple of bottles of free wine, anyway. Although I think that's fucking cheap. I don't want wine.

I don't want to be offered dessert. I don't drink wine, and if I wasn't going to order dessert, I don't want it. I want to not be charged for things that did not arrive in time, or that were not up to standard. Don't give me free shit I don't want. And anyway, with a 300% markup on wine in most restaurants, it's the cheap way out.
gruel on dame street wins the award for the worst service i've experienced; the staff were abominable.
and i once had a meal in kingsland, again on dame street, which ended in a threat to walk out without paying for anything.

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