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  • Users: NotMe
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  1. N

    another irish punk forum

    Will you come over and take Veryslowley home? He's being a bold boy and it's past his bed time.
  2. N

    another irish punk forum

    OMG! Someone on it stole my name!:eek:
  3. N

    hes a baby, hes a baby, a city baby!

    city baby, city baby, city baby.... attacked by rats! *sorry*
  4. N

    Christian anti-rock tracts

    'Killer Rock'. Har har. "rock music, even much Christian rock, is a powerful demonic force controlled by Satan". You know it's true.
  5. N

    Johnny Ramone dead

    shit:( The Ramones were great.
  6. N

    on/off dethroned as irelands worst lookers

    Check out poncho..... She's hot.
  7. N

    PUNK MP3s

    exellent links!!
  8. N

    First Album you Got /Bought

    My first album was Scooter - And The Beat Goes On..... oh the shame. :o
  9. N


    "The B.R.E.A.S.T. (Belligerant Revolutionaries Enraged Against Sexist Tyranny) Brigade is currently working on organizing this first of hopefully many annual fests." So, the Breast Brigade are organising a Clitfest ehh. Sounds interesting.
  10. N

    For Sale

    I wouldn't buy that. It's a loada shit.
  11. N

    Ever had the complete and utter crap kicked out of ya?

    I had one of those curled up in a ball experiences when I was walking home from school one day. There were about ten inbred skangers involved but only five of them took the time to chase me up the road and kick the crap out of me. I had to go home and wash the nike shoe prints off my forehead.
  12. N


    heh heh.
  13. N


    I checked out Kings of Nuthin' ... interesting band but they're far from being hardcore/thrash. Was that a joke?
  14. N


    Did you think you were their only fan?
  15. N

    Worst Bus for Smoking and Drinking

    There's always someone smokin hash at the back of the 39 - any time of day. One time I was coming home from town and these 14/15 year old scumbags down the back started throwing bottles and stuff at people. Someone told the driver and he stopped on the Navan road and called the Gards so they...
  16. N

    Would you vote for a gay politician?

  17. N

    baghdad style

    Wow that's a hellova lot of pictures!
  18. N

    Sub Hum Mans

    guess you wont need the chair and paper so....
  19. N

    Sub Hum Mans

    I doubt the queue would be that long. :rolleyes:
  20. N

    Sub Hum Mans

    Yeah, go with the punk.