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  1. N


    Zoo club in kilkenny is now called Coda Bar and there is a guy there that runs all ages gigs every 2nd sunday afternoon, his name is Andrew and he is from Hype Promotions, I've run gigs all over the shop in Carlow probably my favourite place to play cause everyone is mental, we started off doing...
  2. N

    GigSmart Fundraiser, This Friday. All the details should be there. What this is about is an insurance policy that we are hoping to get sorted out this week. This will allow gigsmart to hold gigs in different venues like Theatre's and community halls. I had an enormous...
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    Morello Single/Video Release and Tour

    Getting back to the subject, the single is really great and I personally would love to see it climb the charts, so if you haven't bought a copy of it yet and you like Smashing Pumpkins/Foo Fighters/QOTSA Type of music then there's a good chance that you'll like Morello, so go out and buy the CD...
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    ISH Magazine - feedback on your feedback

    Nope, that was somebody else not in Otranome.
  5. N

    ISH Magazine - feedback on your feedback

    Fair enough, I don't really know the whole story just that an email battle ensued and knowing the band in question and knowing them to be reasonable people and then having just come into discussion with you in recent times, I might have jumped the gun a little bit. I am not that good at...
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    ISH Magazine - feedback on your feedback

    Aren't you the same guy that seen a band called Otranome? You didn't like them and then you decided to email them constantly for about 3 months to tell them how much you dislike them? I know that they have a song written about a bloke called Andy. Just I think that you have a really...
  7. N

    ISH Magazine - feedback on your feedback

    I don't think that it was your disagreement that lead to these discussions but more my comeback which was spose to be taken as a joke but humour doesn't really sit well here obviously. Anyway, I thought about what you said and its starting to sink in, but before I close can I just say that...
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    ISH Magazine Launch.

    Seriously, I'm hurt that somebody that I have never met thinks that I am a dickhead.
  9. N

    ISH Magazine Launch.

    Well actually it was more like me playing good and bad cop, you should check out some of my work alot of the times I am arguing with myself. Some of the shit in my Dear Terry columns are articles that I wrote in about and solved myself, desperated times call for desperate measures. Anyway if...
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    ISH Magazine Launch.

    It was kind of a private joke that I thought Andy would get after reading my articles but he didn't and then it got messy. When you get the mag and read my articles then maybe you'll get it, I deliberately wanted to stay away from explaining my arrogant and patranizing attitude cause its the...
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    ISH Magazine Launch.

    I'd love to but I have 3 goldfish to be lookin after
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    ISH Magazine Launch.

    Maybe you should try breaking the big words down into syllables and putting them together. Niall
  13. N

    ISH Magazine Launch.

    Come back to you on what points exactly, you made a point of the layout being poor, well its got a full INDEX on the 3rd page where you can find whatever you are looking for. You said that alot of the photo's were blurry, the designer went for this effect purposely, it might not be to your...
  14. N

    ISH Magazine Launch.

    So whats the general emphasis here then, we've had two people say that its shit, one person say that its sexist ( no, thats just me ) and alot of people raving about it, but I do have to say that its very alarming that the people who haven't picked up a copy yet are hearing more of the negative...
  15. N

    ISH Magazine Launch.

    But thats the whole point of the mag, to give you a list of good bands that you probably have not heard of, if you see them in a glossy magazine and it says good things about them then you'll probably take more of an interest in them. We chose the bands for the first issue from the list of bands...
  16. N

    ISH Magazine Launch.

    Ohh and by the way, its hardly my magazine. I just write the abusive articles so that the magazine is well balanced and not all backslapping. Niall
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    ISH Magazine Launch.

    Nope, I am just inviting you to write in and give your comments for the next issue. And don't worry I am not even trying to get some kind of support here or to win anybody over, I did originally have that in mind when I first started posting here, but found most people to be complete knob...
  18. N

    ISH Magazine Launch.

    Well in all fairness thats the first bit of real criticism its gotten so far. Its been really receptive by everyone else who see's it as a welcome change from the normal articles about Damien Rice and Glen Hansard. Now there are photo's and information being handed out to the general public...
  19. N

    ISH Magazine Launch.

    Did anyone pick up a copy of this? Its free and you can get a copy of it in most of the trendy places around Dublin, the IFC and the music Shops, music maker, musician, instrumental etc etc etc. I have to say that its the dogs bollox, its a really professional looking magazine and it gives...
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    ISH Magazine Launch.

    Hello everyone, I am sure that you are all aware of the magazine ISH. Its finally here after much controversy it will finally be available tomorrow night at its official Launch Party in the Temple Bar Music Centre. Its Free in, there will be a DJ spinning some of the best tunes for Irish...