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  • Before: Feb 27, 2003
  • Users: rumpus
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  1. rumpus

    Donacha, I've got your back pack!

    a cardigans cover band?
  2. rumpus

    Number two's

    And congrats to YOU Mumblin! I concur with ms honey's remarks 100%
  3. rumpus

    Settler, TONIGHT???

    I rode settler's ma.
  4. rumpus

    Number two's

    yey! goodonyamate! .|..|
  5. rumpus

    Settler, TONIGHT???

    Huuuuuuuuuuge thankyous to all who helped and came along. A really nice night and we felt very very grateful. CONOR! - I don't think I thanked you from stage.....sorry man!! Thanks a million squillion! It felt like a real celebration. Cheers all. :) :) :) :)
  6. rumpus

    Ballroom #9 Aftermath

    Alex, I don't know. And for that I'm sorry. But let me say this. It was nice to meet you on friday. Sorry if was distracted during my conversation by ...ehh...drink.
  7. rumpus

    Ballroom 9 - Reviews

    I feckin love the ballroom It's me favoryte thing to do on a friday night. can't wait...
  8. rumpus


    much obliged your holiness
  9. rumpus


    Sorry I missed it a regular type thingo?
  10. rumpus

    no disco 15th Jan

    I kept telling them that. Star wipe every 3.5 seconds. It's a tried a tested formula. Why mess with what works. ...and starwipe ....aaand......we're out.
  11. rumpus

    no disco 15th Jan

    come and get me mr mancanzo! I fffffffffffffffffffeckin dare ye! (wait. don't. I'm weak. You couldnt finish the job for pity.) I'll take yiz all on! (no. I can't. I must stop this.) but selliously - a lorra work went into the vid. Tiz nice.
  12. rumpus

    you don't have to be crazy to work here - but it helps!

    Barry, the last time you said that ended up with a squishy back we is in the telly tonite we is in the telly tonite we is in the telly tonite we is in the telly tonite we is in the telly tonite...
  13. rumpus

    no disco 15th Jan

  14. rumpus

    you don't have to be crazy to work here - but it helps!

    thanks for the encouragement guys. I feel all squishy. Ro, will you marry me?
  15. rumpus

    Da2 Venue - New Site

    Oi Lenehans, that's actually pronounced cantplaywontplayery mumblin' = one person = 3.46 seconds us = 5 people = 17.3 seconds ... I guess we do take a bit too long time to kick someone out....or maybe everyone...hmmm
  16. rumpus

    Da2 Venue - New Site

    I member once in the old da club a sound man checked one microphone for 25 minutes for us. he said the word 'church' into it so many times it lost all meaning....
  17. rumpus

    Da2 Venue - New Site

    sound check = check each instrument for sound, then play 1.5 songs. 2 songs if something's very wrong. any more is muso wankery
  18. rumpus

    Sugar & Spikes

    This is going to be class I can only go to the 24th one tho...being a ballroom lover why oh why why only one friday per week
  19. rumpus

    Any bands looking to share a rehearsal space?

    If the price was right, I'd be very tickled.
  20. rumpus Christmas Extravaganza!

    Pete, Bless your heart. A great party. Best xmass party I've gone to. You the host with the mostess..