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  • Before: Aug 1, 2007
  • Users: mackle
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  1. mackle

    22nd June 2007: Army of Flying Robots(UK)/Threads(UK)/Lungs/Erode You- Dublin August

    Re: 22nd June 2007: Army of Flying Robots(UK)/Threads(UK)/Lungs/Erode You- Dublin Aug Crowd Control now added to this gig
  2. mackle

    Drainland/Divisions Ruin/Jenny & the Deadites/Putrefaction/Carosah LowerDeck July 26

    CESSPOOL presents: DRAINLAND Dublin masters (and mistress)of downtuned, sludgy and dischordant hardcore, like a way faster Dystopia being fronted by Linda Blair from the Exorcist. Ex loads of bands. Deadly. DIVISIONS RUIN The best...
  3. mackle

    Curfew Fest '07

    Can't wait for this! Should be really fun
  4. mackle

    new baroness tuneage

    Got the new thing yesterday. Really good. Second Baroness song is so different to First and Second. Its also a very different buzz to the new stuff they played live.
  5. mackle

    playlist time

    Braindead- Priest Killer EP Monarch!- Diie Tonight Monarch!/Moss- Split 7" Bruce Springsteen- Darkness on the Edge of Town Circle of Dead Children- Zero Comfort Margin Capitalist Casualties/Cripple Bastards- Solit Swans- Greed/ Holy Money Napalm Death- Smear Campaign Earth- Pentastar Repulsion-...
  6. mackle


    Seems to be a common thing about Mastodons sound being shit. Everytime someone mentions something about seeing them they always comment on that. Was terrible in Belfast. They need to fire their soundman
  7. mackle

    Led Zeppelin to reform and tour

    Really hope this happens. Though imagine the rush to get tickets!!!
  8. mackle

    HMV sale, deadly

    I had to sit through a meeting yesterday and listen to how badly the company is doing. My heart was bleeding for them! They only made 30 million sterling last year. Awwwwwwwwwwh
  9. mackle

    HMV sale, deadly

    Yeh its so much as well. There's never anything there I wanna buy so I just end up ordering so much stuff in.
  10. mackle

    HMV sale, deadly

    Its great. I get staff discount as well. Score!
  11. mackle

    22nd June 2007: Army of Flying Robots(UK)/Threads(UK)/Lungs/Erode You- Dublin August

    Re: 22nd June 2007: Army of Flying Robots(UK)/Threads(UK)/Lungs/Erode You- Dublin Aug Galway, Cork and Belfast
  12. mackle

    Army of Flying Robots(UK)/Threads(UK)/Lungs/Erode You- Dublin August 16th

    Army of Flying Robots The UKs best hardcore band. Threads PurpleVsSabbathVsFlagVsZeppelin Lungs Stooges inspired rock from Dublin Erode You Noothgrush/Grief worship from Lurgan/Belfast...
  13. mackle

    22nd June 2007: Army of Flying Robots(UK)/Threads(UK)/Lungs/Erode You- Dublin August

    Army of Flying Robots The UKs best hardcore band. Threads PurpleVsSabbathVsFlagVsZeppelin Lungs Stooges inspired rock from Dublin Erode You Noothgrush/Grief worship from Lurgan/Belfast...
  14. mackle

    Drainland, Divisions Ruin, Jenny and the Deadites, Putrefaction-DUblin July 26th

    CESSPOOL presents: DRAINLAND Dublin masters (and mistress)of downtuned, sludgy and dischordant hardcore, like a way faster Dystopia being fronted by Linda Blair from the Exorcist. Ex loads of bands. Deadly. DIVISIONS RUIN The best...
  15. mackle

    New Baroness song

    Was posted before. Still though its a great song. I see they've finished their album. Looking forward to hearing it
  16. mackle

    The first Starbucks label release - Paul McCartney. The second - Sonic Youth.

    Going on the last 2 Sonic Youth albums it'll be shite whatever they do for them.......
  17. mackle

    Favorite Queen album

    Queen II obviously! Good stuff on Seven Ages of Rock. The bit about the boss was good as well. The Police though !zed
  18. mackle


    Why did I ignore them for so long! First four albums killer. Some Kind of Monster = Best movie ever also
  19. mackle


    Its the same band. Just a bit of a line up change. THink they like to be called the Voordoms these days but as they are best known as the Boredoms they just get put on bills as that
  20. mackle

    Crank calls

    My favourite ones lately are when my friend phoned this guy from school who had been a dick to hims house. His mum picked up and he pretended to be some 16 year old girls father and convinced the mum that her son had got the girl pregnant. Got to the point of arranging a meeting and her sobbing...