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  • Before: Aug 23, 2006
  • Users: Rachel666
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  1. R

    quorn goss

    yeah i heard about that. That's pretty annoying. Goes to show it's not as hippy as it a lot of it's consumers... But at the same time quorn is conning loads of meat eaters with their advertising campaigns. One of my pals made this yesterday hard tortilla shells, warmed in the open quorn...
  2. R

    Age of Consent

    I'd also like to say HAH! to every fucking biddy on the natural birth control thread. Look at me i'm riding at 16 and you can't say shit!!!! wayhey .|..| A suprising amount of girls in my school are in long term relationships, engaged, and are making big big deals of saving themselves. (oh yeah...
  3. R

    quorn goss

    living in wicklow were selection is few i realised i was missing out on all the new stuff. The cottage pie isn't that nice. it's 90% potato. And it's really expensive. The chiggen boigaz are great! I wish i'd known sooner... I've also seen in someones gaf, quorn chicken pieces for tortilla...
  4. R

    Linda McCartney Sausage Sandwich Appreciation Thread

    Lindos taste like dried up scabs alone but when you put ketchup on them they taste grand.
  5. R

    Little things that make your day.

    i work in the deli in t****s now. Only the other day i followed someone to the blindspot to watch them steal a big bottle of vodka, via putting it in their hoodie belly pocket. then remove the security tag and throw it into the meats. it was only brilliant. I'm so inspired now. I didn't realise...
  6. R

    I hate Bebo

    it's really creepy how everyone in my class considers themself a "sex kitten" or "sexy faerie". actually bebo is so shit I can barely describe my contempt with the culture.
  7. R

    trashfest vs. k-town

    how many people on average go to ktown? I hate really crowded places.
  8. R

    I hate Bebo

    Bebo is a hit among 16 year old normallers.
  9. R

    Little things that make your day.

    i was facing off meats (which isn't even my job by the way.) customer: sorry, do you know where the gallwooolilags [some mad meat name] are? do you know what gallwooolilags are even? me: ah jesus, i couldn't tell you to be honest. i'm vegetarian. ho ho ho him: hohohohohoho me: hohohohoh a few...
  10. R

    Crud towns in Ireland

    The wicklow accent continues to evolve into something poetic, beautiful and quar-tin laaaavly. I love wicklow. I hate the people. I hate the lack of a hurling team to support.
  11. R

    Afghan hunger Strikers

    where did you get your information? the pub? "sheer stupidity"? do you have ANY idea what kind of desperation would make a person turn to hunger strike? some had their asylum turned down and were going to be deported, others where doing it in solidarity. what the hell... They aren't just doing...
  12. R

    Little things that make your day.

    You know what, today was shit. I take back every nice thing I ever said about everything.
  13. R

    back pain

    I ruined my back when i was 6 due to a head over heals extravaganza gone wrong. Usually I get it at work or school from standing for a long time or having a messenger bag (they look savage but they will eventually kill you). I find that even walking swiftly, with nothing on your back or sitting...
  14. R

    Gigs In May.

    how do you pronounce "hjerte"?
  15. R

    parents who can't say no

    Or auditioning male lifeguards for a pool party by getting them to take their shirts off. :rolleyes:
  16. R

    Poxy proxy

    thanks Pete but the problem has deteriorated so much that i cant even connect to the internet now (using school computers). When I dial up it gets as far as verifying username and password, then it says that they're invalid in the domain and stops connecting. My brothers laptop is still...
  17. R

    What were your childhood nicknames

    fanny my little sis calls her arse and vagina collectively, "bum bum"
  18. R

    Poxy proxy

    I already have trillian but aim and msn on it won't work because of my IE problem. I tried installing the latest version but it wouldn't work, it said my microsoft was a stolen copy or something. I don't know what to do now...
  19. R

    the institute

    did anyone go here? is it worth it? whats the art dep there like? are class sizes big?
  20. R


    Apparently crimethinc kids who got in trouble with the cops are having their sentences lowered provided they wear wires to meetings.