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  • Before: Aug 11, 2009
  • Users: bogmanfan
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  1. B

    John Hughes died

    "I've never seen a man get picked up by his testicles before. You're lucky I got there when I did or you'd be picking up your nuts to tie your shoelaces." "She's short and skinny but she's strong. First baby came out sideways. She didn't scream or nothin." Two quotes from my favourite ever...
  2. B

    Shelf Classics

    I'm still deluded into thinking I'll listen to it. If I haven't done so by the end of the month I'll PM you.
  3. B

    Shelf Classics

    Also, I've never listened to disc 3 of 69 Love Songs, even though I absolutely love disc 1. Disc 2 has only been on twice I think. I also bought that Pet Sounds Sessions boxset for €20 in a sale. Worst €20 ever spent, it's still in the cellophane five years later.
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    Shelf Classics

    Album: Hips and Makers, by Kristen Hersh. I bought it over 10 years ago and I've never played it. Every time I go through the collection to sell some off, it somehow survives the cut. Even though I know I'll never listen to it. Film: Fahrenheit 9/11. Bought cheap in Xtravision, never watched...
  5. B

    Where to buy earplugs in Dublin?

    Cheers guys, got a few packs of these in the chemist at Jervis luas stop yesterday.
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    Where to buy earplugs in Dublin?

    specifically Hearos. Not a fan of the Boots ones, or those E.A.R. yellow ones. Used Hearos in the US, and they're much more comfy. Anyone know of any chemist or music shop in Dublin that sells 'em?
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    Who is this About?

    But isn't that the point? That they ignored the UK market while they failed to crack the US. Then came back and no-one in Blighty gave a shite anymore. Could also be yer wan Ms Dynamite
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    Who is this About?

    Gotta be Craig David
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    Funny Cool stuff on TV @ moment

    30 Rock is on every night on 3e at around 11.00 Seinfeld is also on at 7.30. Still classic
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    student visa

    I studied in Chicago on one back in '99. All organised by DCU back here, so can't be of much more help than that. Had to apply at the Embassy I remember.
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    Totally addicted to Sramble Live. Phone is charging for the second time in 24 hours right now. Great game, even more fun that Live Poker. Check it out.
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    Animal Collective

    Not a huge fan anyway, but I thought this was fairly crap. Way too much bass which just drowned out everything else. Last track was great, but other than that I was checking my watch a lot. Thought it sounded like Black Dice during an earthquake, but not as good.
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    Animal Collective

    Was at that Mum/AC gig too. Didn't like them at all, which stopped me from buying any album up to Merriweather. Although, to be fair, Mum were far worse. Still my worst ever gig I think. Waiting to see if tomorrow night is better...
  14. B

    Afghan Whigs appreciation thread

    Hadn't listened to them in a while, but just couldn't get over how good both albums sounded. Will give Congregation a spin tonight. Up In It wasn't great, think I sold it a few years back. Just remember being horribly disappointed with 1965, especially since the single (somethin' hot) was so...
  15. B

    Afghan Whigs appreciation thread

    Best rock group ever? Well listening to Gentlemen and Black Love last night, I certainly thought so. Black Love is just a fantastic album, best opening and closing songs ever. Never really got into 1965 though, should I try again?
  16. B

    Black Metal Recommendations

    Well Neige has said that the first 2 tracks on the Ameseours ep were originally written for Mortifera, hence the BM style vocals by him. The album, which is out this month, will be more like the third track which is amazing. Can't wait .|..|
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    Black Metal Recommendations

    Won't really be true BM, but is anyone else looking forward to the Ameseours album? Neige for Alcest is the main guy. The Ruines Humaines ep is magnificent.
  18. B

    Favourite TV shows of all time

    Seinfeld Alias Dexter Only Fools and Horses Top Gear Bachelors Walk V Frasier Blackadder Goes Forth Fantasy Football League Rising Damp
  19. B

    DJs exposed

    I remember being in the Modern Green Bar many years ago and some head behind the decks was bobbing his head and listening intently to the headphones with a look of fierce concentration. He was playing Brainfreeze by DJ Shadow and Cut Chemist from start to finish and unedited...:rolleyes:
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    For psychedelic and noisy you cant beat Super Roots 7 and Vision Creation Newsun. For flat out noisy, check out Super Roots 5. For a band often called 'noise' this is their only noise release