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  • Before: Sep 24, 2008
  • Users: sarah
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  1. sarah

    where do you like to shop for metal duds

    cheers lads, will check out virgin etc, personally prefer the oul charity shops myself for more interesting clothes, but teenagers don't want different- for the most part they want to be little metal clones.
  2. sarah

    where do you like to shop for metal duds

    Hey, the little hair-metaller bro has requested various hoodies and/or t-shirts with band logos for a present. where does one buy decent quality stuff like this? usual suspects megadeath panthera bla bla last time he was up I brought him to asha and couldn't believe that they were...
  3. sarah

    beijing to mongolia

    cheers d appreciate it!
  4. sarah

    beijing to mongolia

    has anyone here ( la la?!) travelled these regions before? I have a vague plan of wanting to see Beijing and then taking a tour of mongolia but wondering are the any good sites to find travel operators in that area. who are the best flight companies etc to fly to china and best sites to find...
  5. sarah

    Scary Photos

  6. sarah

    The Necks...

    I found myself nearly passing out with boredom, think I left after the first half of that bank of ireland show. apparently the second half was better and from the sounds of it I was in the minority.
  7. sarah

    Guna Nua ?

    cheers Jane, might just see ya there!
  8. sarah

    Guna Nua ?

    @ whathappen? that dress is amaaaazing fingers crossed for you. Jane when's that fair,- what dates?, I'm quivering at the very thoughts of it.
  9. sarah

    thumped self portrait festival of strangeness - aka The Selfies Thread

    ah tanks...didn't know whether anyone would make out the face on the phone. top marks for observation.
  10. sarah

    People who hate you for no appartent reason

    i totally know what you mean, I was on the bus the other day and cuddled up to this woman who was dressed in a lovely fluffy coat...mmmmm... and she totally started looking at me funny, scooching further towards the window and stuff. luckily she couldn't move to far away. :)
  11. sarah

    thumped self portrait festival of strangeness - aka The Selfies Thread

    hey thanks, since it's sunny I decided to dress like a bon bon to celebrate!
  12. sarah

    Photo Challenge: photo colour domino

    pink green or orange if you prefer
  13. sarah

    Actors that would make you turn off a movie/telly programme

    the two of them since they adopted the bennetton kids the are in all these really annoying 'world issue films' e.g. babel to show how much they care. puke!
  14. sarah

    Irish hip-hop

    Anyone see the report on hipnose? a mixture of sean nos (sp?) and hip hop...weird think it's just for people from ballymun and the gealtacht though. edit: been mentioned already I see
  15. sarah

    Things that make you a little bit angry.

    continuing in this vein... parks with no bins to put said poo in- NONE at all having to carry a big runny shit( they happen sometimes despite diet being healthy and unchanging) in a flimsy bag for the duration of a walk is a very unattractive prospect, I have been guilty of ignoring this type...
  16. sarah

    Schmap Dublin Guides - I've been shortlisted?!

    yeah they took some crappy cameraphone pic of mine for the phoenix park ref, I think they just pic the first one that comes up in a search or something random and lazy like that. sure there must be hundreds of more exciting/better quality ones.
  17. sarah

    travelling photography practicalities.

    hhhm I must also purchase a decent lense, are they pretty standard sizes from make to make? can you use the same lenses on different cameras if you wanted to upgrade that is?
  18. sarah

    travelling photography practicalities.

    don't have a small camera but think i'll splash out or hint at certain obliged relatives given that the christ time is coming. my camera takes rechargeable batteries which are a pain in the wazoo. have one of those soft lowepro bags at the mo which seems grand. so much choice.
  19. sarah

    travelling photography practicalities.

    To my well traveled fellow thumpedelings, I'll be purchasing a sweeter camera in the next while ( post x-mas ) and want to know how you guys cope, with battery life etc.. if you're going on a prolonged trip in far flung places, what cameras have stood you in good stead? would manual cameras be...