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  1. timbot

    Mythbusters dude...

    ?? Is this a pornalike or will I never be able to watch Mythbusters again? (Actually, if they gave Jamie and Karen their own show that would be fine by me)
  2. timbot

    Franz von Gruithuise "For a time in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it was believed that there were canals on Mars. These were a network of long straight lines that appeared in drawings of the planet Mars in the equatorial regions from 60° N. to 60° S. Lat., first...
  3. timbot

    I've got this

  4. timbot

    Built to spill: One more cup of coffee

    That was me, it was shameful...I did run up to Dunnes to get an emergency pair of pants. The worst thing is that the tear kept getting bigger throughout the day.... :o
  5. timbot

    wee wee

  6. timbot

    Random Acts of Destruction

    Well, that and the fact that reports on increases in crime either generally or in specific areas do make an impact. Reporting crimes draws attention (long run) to the fact that they are happening meaning in ten years time there may be less chance that your car is robbed.
  7. timbot

    Autechre Quaristice Preview

    I think this is my favourite statement of the year so far...
  8. timbot

    are tags gone?

    Who said that?
  9. timbot

    Vatican says aliens could exist

    *Groan* How long were you dreaming that one up Froog?
  10. timbot

    Vatican says aliens could exist

    It wasn't that Case of Conscience book? James Blish is the author
  11. timbot

    Vatican says aliens could exist

    Well, I think this is interesting. Carl Sagan talked about how whenever new discoveries are made religious bodies dont go "Fantastic, the universe is even bigger and more miraculous thanks to God/Allah/Flying Spaghetti Monster" and instead say "No, my God is a small God and a small God they...
  12. timbot

    Housemate wont pay rent

    Bad buzz, ring the landlord yourself and talk through the situation. Depending on the T & C you might lost the deposit but hopefully they are reasonable people and you can sort something out. Pretty slack of your housemate though...
  13. timbot

    Its just over 24 hours til the end of the world!

    There was similar furoe when the first nuclear bomb was ignited. There was a fear that there were undiscovered nuclear isotopes in the Earth's atmoshphere and that igniting the bomb would cause an uncontrollable fission purpose wiping us off the face of the planet. Little did they know that...
  14. timbot

    Anyone grow up on or near Francis St?

    Like me...?
  15. timbot

    Anyone grow up on or near Francis St?

    I get that feeling too, the town I grew up in and the town it is now bear no resemblance to each other. Not that I ever thought Dungarvan was the kind of place that I would get nostalgic about. I guess it is all part of the long slide to stale jaffa cakes and the nursing home...
  16. timbot

    Anyone grow up on or near Francis St?

    Not to be sniffed at...
  17. timbot

    Buying grass

    Hey, the man needs a quick grassy hit. He's jonesing...
  18. timbot

    Anyone grow up on or near Francis St?

    There's still loads of butchers on Meath Street. I was living just off it for 2 years. And there is still a place that stinks like an abbatoir, I walk past it every day.
  19. timbot

    Is Trey Parker a genius?

    I've only seen the Star Wars parody but it was fantastically funny...
  20. timbot

    Ouch! Fuck!

    Never got them - they are like Herpes Simplex aren't they - once you have them they will never go away...