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  • Before: Oct 30, 2007
  • Users: Lord Damian
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  1. Lord Damian

    will disputes

    it's all a bunch of rancid shit. this experience is making me question the worthiness of human interaction and, indeed, humans being.
  2. Lord Damian

    guitar playing ailment

    i'll have to take a picture of it i guess, side by side with my right hand for comparison sake. it's off the hook.
  3. Lord Damian

    i hate john lennon's face

    was he? the one and only time i met him over cocktails i found him charming.
  4. Lord Damian

    will disputes

    thanks folks - i'm almost glad to know it's more of a normal situation than i thought.
  5. Lord Damian

    guitar playing ailment

    nope, not a callous - it's the top part of my knuckle which doesn't come in contact with mysterious.
  6. Lord Damian


    CHRIST almighty, that sounds.....absolutely amazing.
  7. Lord Damian

    guitar playing ailment

    wasn't sure if this was a lifestyle thing or not, but tough titty. just recently i've noticed a lump of (??bone?? mineral buildup?? fuck knows) forming on the top of the knuckle that attaches my thumb to the rest of my hand...this is my fretting hand, and as a bass player i imagine my thumb...
  8. Lord Damian

    anyone hear newstalk this morn, i think a junkie may have declared war!

    now that's a group that's just bound to be taken seriously!
  9. Lord Damian

    will disputes

    yeah, it's pretty shitty. that's just the general outline, there are specifics that would make your toes curl if i felt comfortable enough to share them on an internet messageboard... it's really, really stressing me out.
  10. Lord Damian

    will disputes

    no land involved in this one, just dough and property. essentially a lot of he said/she said, and information making it to my ears third-or-fourth hand. just feels like i've been fed bullshit so far and have just decided to work things out for myself. thankfully, it's not family who's...
  11. Lord Damian

    i hate john lennon's face

    not sure if you were aware of this, but he doesn't have a face anymore.
  12. Lord Damian

    I have to get glasses!

    mine is the opposite, now get your perfect vision out of this thread!!!!!!!! i've been wearing glasses since i was 4. 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haven't had a checkup for nigh on 7 years now, could be time for one. thinking about laser surgery these days, actually. not that specs are that big of a...
  13. Lord Damian

    will disputes

    anyone here ever been involved in one? advice/anecdotes/anything to lighten the fucking foul mood i'm in are welcome. you know you're an adult when you start researching solicitors...:mad::(:mad::(:mad:
  14. Lord Damian

    Quotes from your child

    my sister told me the other day that my 2.5 yr old nephew said to her, just before drifting off to sleep: "Mommy, Uncle Damian is the greatest swimmer in my ocean". Profoundly cute.
  15. Lord Damian

    The Broody Thread

    so you're brooding about not breeding and having a brood? brood brood brood the word has lost it's meaning to me.
  16. Lord Damian

    Springsteen v Kathy French Hot Press

    great thread..and i don't even have half a clue who these people are.
  17. Lord Damian

    Men who dress like elves

    what's going in where, the shopping bag? i dunno...lembas bread, mayhap?
  18. Lord Damian

    anyone hear newstalk this morn, i think a junkie may have declared war!

    off topic just a bit, but i was just curious what the crack problem is like over there? i get the sense it's not as bad as smack, whereas over here it seems to be the reverse.
  19. Lord Damian

    Headline band not providing backline

    i use an Ampeg 6x10, and i'd carry it up 5 flights of stairs by myself if i had to, if only not to have to rely on the sound guy to give adequate bass thru the monitors.
  20. Lord Damian

    Headline band not providing backline

    this just in - promoter for a pretty swank venue here in town scheduled us for an opening slot for a couple of bands from out of town tomorrow - she just sent an email telling us we are to provide the backline and we don't go on until 12. we'll be telling her to go fuck herself, thereby...