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  1. stabmasterarson

    ABADDON video (rough cut) to download

    here's a link to video i've nearly finished up for the band....still a bit of tightening up with some cuts to do, but feedback would be appreciated! also check their main homepage for mp3 downloads etc. cheers, ANDY.
  2. stabmasterarson

    Des Bishop

    he shoulda tryed working there when they only paid £2.50 an hour...that would have made it a real fucking struggle!!! if money was down, it was made up out of our wages....if it was over, we were accused of being thieves....clean up was unpaid and one time we got robbed with a needle...the staff...
  3. stabmasterarson

    video - technical advice

    WTF?!! since when has mini dv been accepted as broadcast standard??! ...beta sp is also not suitable for TX (too much drop out on varying decks) tho it is used occasionally....digi-beta is the only truely acceptable format for broadcast in this country....if you would like i can help out with a...
  4. stabmasterarson

    you dont see much of this round here....!

    cuz that's what hc all bout, impressin' girls?!! so what it's a different style to what happens over here...personally i can't dance that way, but it's sick to see people goin' off like that and enjoyin' the music....which after all is the important ting...isn't it?!! shit i've been to...
  5. stabmasterarson

    RESPECT THRU demo!!

    never made threats...only pointin' out that people got problem with me, they can say it to my face and don't have to hide behind keys...but this forum seems to be all bout jumpin' on bandwagons and the sly kicks in when yo' "on-line" mates are there for back up!! i posted this thread bout my...
  6. stabmasterarson

    RESPECT THRU demo!!

    would you blame her?..i only let yo' ma live round there, juz to make sure she ain't holdin' out on ma cash!! you never notice the scarin' from the clever brand i gave her?! you a lil speky runt by any chance...kinda lookin' lost in this big world?!! you seem to know who i am, well not quite...
  7. stabmasterarson

    RESPECT THRU demo!!

    well i am in my late 20's and livin' with your mom...sure enuff the bitch does wind me up.:D ANDY RTF.
  8. stabmasterarson

    RESPECT THRU demo!!

    ah shit yeah that's what i fuckin' herb ANDY RTF.
  9. stabmasterarson

    RESPECT THRU demo!!

    yup irish alright... BUMP ANDY RTF.
  10. stabmasterarson

    RESPECT THRU demo!!

    SUP!! 4 tracks of heavy hardcore- gettin' a mailout list together so anyone intrested can holla at [email protected] & i'll be mailin' next week. ANDY RTF.
  11. stabmasterarson

    Scary Eire

    it was a 60min tape that was fairly full up, dunno what tracks waz on cept dole q & can't even remember who copied it up for me!! ANDY RTF.
  12. stabmasterarson

    Scary Eire

    nice one, yeah got them mp3's but they're only cuts of tracks. i'll post up there. cheers for the help. ANDY RTF.
  13. stabmasterarson

    Scary Eire

    i know it'll be shit hard to find anything, but any ya'll know where i can find any releases they put out?!! second hand, whatever don't matter. used to have a bunch their stuff on tape but shit got chewed last nite in my walkman!! argh thanks in advance for any help!! ANDY RTF.
  14. stabmasterarson

    Scary Eire

    i know it'll be shit hard to find anything, but any ya'll know where i can find any releases they put out?!! second hand, whatever don't matter. used to have a bunch their stuff on tape but shit got chewed last nite in my walkman!! argh thanks in advance for any help!! ANDY RTF.
  15. stabmasterarson

    The Coolie goes into the recording business!

    mero or someone like that should have the contact for vinyl pressin' in one of the eastern block countries (can't remember which one & it's prolly changed names bout 79869657654 times since i last used it!! haha) & i think he used the same company we used when i was in the UK & that shit was mad...
  16. stabmasterarson

    Shai Hulud Split Up!

    never lizened to "nu-metal" so ain't quite the expert on it you are, but from what i see of it, that genre of music has more to do with appearance, clothin', hot topic bullshit etc, than anything else & i can happily say i don't fall into any of them catagories. you can very easily seperate...
  17. stabmasterarson

    Shai Hulud Split Up!

  18. stabmasterarson

    Shai Hulud Split Up!

    hmm yeah nu-metal, i knew i had it wrong, shit thanks for puttin' me straight there, cuz for a minute i thought you had a clue!! you don't like what i say, don't read it, it's as simple as that. so hardcore punk has no set rules/ideals yet you place place a rule & YOUR ideals onto me. i don't...
  19. stabmasterarson

    Shai Hulud Split Up!

  20. stabmasterarson

    Shai Hulud Split Up!

    prolly why i don't lizen to alotta punk. i like the hardcore & ladies mix far more personally!! each to their own, s'pose. ANDY RTF.