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  1. Wilbert

    Recommend me a game for the Xbox

    Absolutely. Crackdown and GTAIV too.
  2. Wilbert

    Staying friends with an ex

    Oh, I'm reading it alright!!!
  3. Wilbert

    It's tense in here!

    If another company sneakily asked you to work for them and you agreed and left, you'd be a poached egg_. Sorry.
  4. Wilbert

    XBox 360

    This elite is only just over a year old. I just took my brothers 360 into that place in North Lotts that repairs them only to be told that "we don't fix 360's with the RROD anymore" Well put that on your goddamned website then!!! GRRRR!!!!
  5. Wilbert

    F***in' C**ksucker

    and then never call her.
  6. Wilbert

    XBox 360

    My brothers elite RROD'ed on him yesterday. I thought they had this crap sorted for the Elites?
  7. Wilbert

    F***in' C**ksucker

    That's unreal. I would go absolutely mental at the prick. It's amazing how some tools think they own the space outside their house. Vengeance is definitely called for!
  8. Wilbert

    32G iPod Touch - €200

    Sorry, didn't know about that.
  9. Wilbert

    32G iPod Touch - €200

    This is now gone.
  10. Wilbert

    32G iPod Touch - €200

    Hey Gambra. To be honest, it's barely been used. And it is precisely as you described; an iPhone minus the phone/texting/camera abilities. Everything else is there.
  11. Wilbert

    32G iPod Touch - €200

    Any takers? No use for it since I got iPhone.
  12. Wilbert

    The Thaoiseach

    You'd pronounce it Chachanooga? That is madness! Or as you'd say, chat is madness.
  13. Wilbert

    Bored In Work 367

    Staggeringly bad! She looks like a Goodfellas wife!
  14. Wilbert

    13 year old swaps i pod for walkman

  15. Wilbert

    13 year old swaps i pod for walkman

    I'm finding it hard to believe a 13 year old wrote that article.
  16. Wilbert

    synth repair in Dublin

    Also try Conor Farren. He's based out near Blanchardstown. PM me for his number if you want it.
  17. Wilbert

    Happy Birthday to Pantone247 on 29th June 2009

    Happy Birthday, Pantonio!
  18. Wilbert

    How much is a mini Dv camcorder worth plz

    It's not worth much. €70 maybe. As for whether it's any good. It depends what you want it for, I guess. As a camera for just holiday films it's ok. Handy enough to use. It's not obsolete but in a few years it probably will be.
  19. Wilbert

    BBC4 tonight

    has a series of programmes about various photographers including Annie Liebowitz and Eve Arnold. Starts at 9.30.