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  • Users: minka
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  1. minka


    i found myself nodding in agreement with your first sentence. now i too feel middle-class and middle-aged.
  2. minka

    SoundCheck Girlfest @ Spy Aug 6th

    oh awesome, thanks! [edit: listening to it now and it's great!] i'm not sure if the film about him (wild combination) is available on dvd yet, i saw it in the ifi last year and it's fantastic.
  3. minka

    bamboo steamer pots

    you can also just stick them over the top of a saucepan with a little water in it. any green veg is good steamed: broccoli, pak choi, etc. sadly i am too tragically lazy to make my own dumplings or char siu buns or any of that malarkey from scratch, but you can buy them chilled in most chinese...
  4. minka

    SoundCheck Girlfest @ Spy Aug 6th

    ooh no, must investigate. i loves me all the works of arthur russell, and am an occasional sucker for cheese. (btw, i was there last night til 11-ish, i'm anna's sister. not drinking cocktails due to being up the duff.)
  5. minka

    Hollandaise sauce

    also reminds me that the recipe for bearnaise in the blessed nigel slater's appetite is pretty much foolproof, as far as i remember.
  6. minka

    Hollandaise sauce

    drool. i really shouldn't read the food board when i'm hungry.
  7. minka

    Hollandaise sauce

    yeah, mine has always turned out fine. where by fine i mean "delicious but ludicrously unhealthy".
  8. minka

    Thumped Is 10 II: The Jimmy Cake & Voided By Ponces

    Re: Thumped Is 10 II: The Jimmy Cake & Voided By Ponces one of the jimmy cake has even gotten knocked up as a shameless publicity stunt for this gig*. *may not be entirely true.
  9. minka

    Restaurant Recommendations

    yup, hop house is good stuff. i'm liking both fortuna and sichuan house at the mo for tasty spicy goodness. bonus points for fortuna's picturetastic menu, featuring a lot of beaks. and feet.
  10. minka

    Bike stolen

    yes, i learned this the hard way last year when some fucker kicked my back derailleur nearly through my back wheel. joy.
  11. minka

    From Scratch

    hmm, let's see... things i always make from scratch: salad dressing pasta sauces (actually, any sauces, stuff from a jar is almost invariably gack) soup things i sometimes make from scratch but not always: stock (i do this pretty often, but otherwise it's marigold stock powder time)...
  12. minka

    No more spice burgers

    oh man, i don't think i've had a spice burger since i was a child (shout out to the rimini on collins ave.) and now i want one and i possibly can't have one. i used to love them. they are basically the bastard love child of fried stuffing and some sort of haggis, aren't they?
  13. minka

    Tolerance for the mundane

    you are so very, very wrong. FOOD OF THE GODS.
  14. minka

    Bulgur Wheat -might appeal to veggies on Thumped

    i have one for a great sort-of-tabouleh thing where you just soak the bulghur til it's soft in hot water, then add loads of chopped rocket, mint, parsley, sliced cherry tomatoes, toasted pine nuts, and a really lemony salad dressing. the recipe says to serve with grilled chicken but it's nice on...
  15. minka

    13th floor elevators

    are the remastered albums available separately, do you know? my current copy of easter everywhere sounds like it is being played in a galvanized bucket.
  16. minka

    Tolerance for the mundane

    avocado and brie avocado, black olive tapenade, and tomato avocado and, well, anything (i like avocado) hummus and roasted peppers from a jar WEIRD BUT GOOD CORNER: strawberries, black pepper, blue cheese
  17. minka

    Shock > Free 12 hour party with Optimo DJs this Saturday...

    i have this comp and it is ace. any idea when the optimo peeps might be djing over the course of this 12 hour extravaganza? i'd really love to catch their non-dancefloor set and/or nerd over their record collection but alas do not have time to spend all day in the bernard shaw.
  18. minka

    The Bus Is Empty, You Get On Board

    last weekend's bus highlight: two tracksuited youths get on bus. one of them does not have enough bus fare and goes around the bus attempting to borrow it from other passengers. meanwhile, their mate (who wasn't even getting on the bus) attempts to first persuade the bus driver to let his...
  19. minka


    hoorah! glad to have shared the pea risotto goodness.