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  • Users: minka
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  1. minka

    The What I Ate Today Thread

    yesterday, aka another choir concert week, another day of, erm, interesting food choices: breakfast: toast, 1/2 grapefruit, tea lunch: sushi, trout with lots o' salad afternoon snack: kinder bueno dinner: chocolate brownie washed down with two pints of budvar it kind of went downhill from...
  2. minka

    Do any of you ACTUALLY exercise?

    yeah, i pretty much ignore it because i tend to build muscle and am generally pretty dense (no, not like that...) - i have, for instance, a friend who is two dress sizes bigger than me and two stone lighter. i go by "do my clothes fit" instead. exercise things i do: cycle to/from work most...
  3. minka

    Need a new word for Gay

    because one of them is in any way better than the other? christ. why not try "nig nog" and be done with it?
  4. minka


    true (and i have a tendency towards that sort of perfectionism meself), but i think the (meaningless) cv version is *supposed* to say "i am unbelievably conscientious and will not do a slapdash job on anything". did i mention the cv was also eight pages long? i nearly lost the will to live.
  5. minka


    i've had that one! not quite the same wording, but someone who claimed they were a perfectionist and had a giant typo in the first line of their cv. *sighs*
  6. minka


    as someone who has read a lot of other people's cvs (er, for jobs, like, not just because i'm nosy), buzzwords make me cry. ditto, mission statements, lists of vague strengths with no examples of where they were demonstrated ("man, that person says they're good at teamwork! i'd better hire...
  7. minka

    mortgage stuff

    for my mortgage? no. i think i just had to give them contact details for my gp, who could tell them that i wasn't about to drop dead.
  8. minka

    Arvo Part Festival

    hee, our instructions there were "you are angry! very very angry!".
  9. minka

    Do you regret doing what you did in college?

    degree in english and history, masters in history. don't regret a moment of it, really, though i didn't end up working in anything related to either subject. loved having that many years to just read and think (well, ok, the first couple were more about developing my boozing skills...) and i...
  10. minka

    Exercise/Fitness Levels

    i must relearn how to tumbleturn properly. the last time i tried, i managed to come out of it facing sideways, which is not ideal... currently using a 50m pool, which at least means i don't need to turn round quite as often.
  11. minka

    Exercise/Fitness Levels

    ah yeah, i was being semi-facetious - i actually do hum sometimes when swimming (no doubt much to the amusement of anyone who passes me in the other lanes), though i suspect a karaoke-style belting out of "total eclipse of the heart" might result in drowning. thinking while swimming is the...
  12. minka

    Exercise/Fitness Levels

    note: this does not work when swimming.
  13. minka

    Exercise/Fitness Levels

    me three - i can cycle, swim, walk for ages, but cannot run. though a friend of mine has told me it's just a matter of getting your body used to it reeeeeallly gradually, not that you need to be super fit to do it (or that you're not fit if you can't). like, walk for a minute, run for a...
  14. minka

    did you ever smoke after a tooth extraction?

    i had my top wisdom teeth out with what the dentist referred to as "the soothing needle", aka intravenous valium. i was conscious, but did not actually notice him removing the teeth.
  15. minka

    Blessington Basin

    aw, that was one of my favourite places to go when i was a kid (my great-aunts lived on the ncr, and i visited them a lot). let me know when the programme goes out! i loved the way it seemed like it was almost a secret place, like you wouldn't find it if you didn't know where it was (perhaps it...
  16. minka

    The What I Ate Today Thread

    yesterday: breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit, muesli, tea lunch: belgian day in the canteen! my not so healthy choice - frites, endive in cheese sauce, beef stew, asparagus tart. yum. afternoon: slightly crap "mediterranean" tuna sandwich, mini-toblerone evening: one square of cadbury's caramel from...
  17. minka

    Best fry one can get in Dublin

    mermaid is on dame st., near the olympia. similar ponciness levels to odessa but i think the full irish breakfast is better. i do love brams as well (for it is on my road, and has sustained me through many's the hard day wallpapering/decorating/sanding the gaff), but i'm not nuts about the fry...
  18. minka

    The What I Ate Today Thread

    hmm. yesterday: breakfast: tea, muesli lunch: toasted ham/cheese/tomato/onion sandwich, pickles, posh fizzy ginger drink afternoon: cheese sandwich, kinder bueno evening: reheated leftover veggie pasta bake after choir practice random beverages: too many lattes, one beetroot innocent smoothie...
  19. minka

    Best fry one can get in Dublin

    mermaid cafe brunch. pricy, but heaven in cooked breakfast form. as an indication of its brilliance, all the brekky things come arranged on a giant potato cake. they also do a mean eggs florentine. for less posh breakfast, i am a big fan of kennedy's in fairview. though it is very small, so...