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  1. talkingllama

    What did you wake up with this morning?

    i know! :D
  2. talkingllama

    What did you wake up with this morning?

    i didn't wake up this morning. i'm off work at the moment so have chosen to wake in the p.m. suckers. :p
  3. talkingllama

    Name my dog

    jessie james
  4. talkingllama

    Name my dog

    no, unfortunately he's just an idiot. (he's 21)
  5. talkingllama

    Name my dog

    my brother named our current dog 'boy dog'.
  6. talkingllama

    Name my dog

  7. talkingllama

    Suits, formalwear, yaddayadda...

    this would make you gay ;)
  8. talkingllama

    Suits, formalwear, yaddayadda...

    :confused:i've a feeling your thinking of the models who wear the trousers and one button jacket with nothing underneath it.... you see that doesn't happen in real life!:rolleyes:
  9. talkingllama

    Suits, formalwear, yaddayadda...

    suits are a complete waste of money. Just buy on black trousers suit with a matching pencil skirt (a per Roxy's suggestion) and then work around it with nice shoes, tops, hair stuff etc. and try to stay away from dry clean only stuff as it's a complete waste of time. girl i know in work is...
  10. talkingllama

    What people off thumped look like in your head (what you have never met)

    no, that was my second cousin twice removed... he's a prick!:eek:
  11. talkingllama

    What people off thumped look like in your head (what you have never met)

    heheh..that is soo true! :) (incidentally, i don't have four legs, a really long neck, huge teeth or a long wooly coat in real life)
  12. talkingllama

    'anne sexton on why she loves oral sex!!!'

    and then there were two... NME Ireland
  13. talkingllama

    Stolen Wallet

    tough luck there tripoli, sorry to hear about it. I'm sure you couldn't have found a better way to spend the E90 alright but to try look on the bright side and all, at least you got away unharmed and they didn't try pull a knife or surynge or something on you... you'll have your new cards and...
  14. talkingllama


    wholegrain mustard or Ballymaloe Relish
  15. talkingllama

    putting empty cartons & packets into the fridge, i mean, whats that all about

    yeah sour milk reekes...oh wait :rolleyes:
  16. talkingllama

    putting empty cartons & packets into the fridge, i mean, whats that all about

    does she do it to warm them up? not a bad idea....
  17. talkingllama

    I'm AMAZING! I'm having an AMAZING year!

    and it snowed fucking loads that year! we haven't had a decent snow in years...
  18. talkingllama

    Stupid things you did as a small child!

    5 years of nagging, trust me on this one. The pony was a year and half old and cost 250 pounds(a decent pony costs at least a grand)... and as i mentioned before, was mental.
  19. talkingllama

    Can I recommend...

    Just so ye know, there's an equally delicious Pig and Heifer deli on Amien st. beside the Subway. and No it's no more expensive than o'briens or munchies, sandwich and a can for around a fiver. also they give free fruit... :)
  20. talkingllama

    Stupid things you did as a small child!

    hey, my poor dad put up with 5 years of my nagging! 5 years!... damn i was persistent kid... anyways, it one of the only advantages of growing up on a farm in the middle of nowhere. as far as my dad was concerned, it was just like another calf.