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    Family Guy series 4

    i saw the first 5 episodes over across yonder atlantic when they first aired. fuckin fantasic. twice as much disconnected random shit as before. and american dad will be your new favourite programme whenever it gets here.
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    DOOM101 Fred Zeppelins Cork July 22nd and 23rd

    you better remind them to buy a few extra bottles for that weekend.
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    DOOM101 Fred Zeppelins Cork July 22nd and 23rd

    yeah, but the whole no walls/no roof problem up there at the moment it a bit drastic. well, maybe they have the roof on, i haven't been up in a week or so. i reakon it'll be more like 130 capacity when it's done, maybe 150 at a push. once he puts in the bar, the stage, the sound desk, and the...
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    Strike Anywhere signs to Fat Wreck

    i don't like half the bands on fat wreck, but they're deadly. as a label like. from ashes are class.
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    dealing with metal bands

    i think he sounds like a lovely fella. i like a man who Knows What He Wants and Will Stop At Nothing To Get It. ooooh if i could remember some of them word for word, i wish i could. but deleted they be, gone forever.:(
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    i forgot how amazing the first ludacris album is

    and they be lost for words like i beat 'em at scrabble... ah, luda. i have a 90 minute ludacris mix tape that is completely indispensible.
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    Strike Anywhere signs to Fat Wreck

    fat wreck rules. and from ashes touring with anthrax is my favoutire thing to happen all year.
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    :eek: this statement made my year.
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    female Ramones???

    but really the issue here isn't so much that it's another ramones cover band, or that it's ten quid in, or that you're a perv. the real issue here is, seriously, GIRLS? in a BAND? i mean, come on....
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    Philo statue

    wow, overall the dumbest statement i've heard in months. astoundingly ignorant. congratulations.
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    yeah so you'll have to go to el farolito when you're in san francisco. there's 2 of them now, they're both in the mission district somewhere. i know one's around mission and 26th, i'm not sure about the other one. mission is all hickey territory. burritos the size of your head.:)
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    holy shit, hickey are one of my favourite bands. i've never met anyone in ireland who even knows who they are. fuckin deadly. yeah the website's nice, poor matty. stone cold fuckin genius.
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    A night of Doom for me birthday April 16th

    bollix, i thought your birthday was the 16th? well, expect a bunch of day-late messages. and your card's a week late anyway... bollix. happy birthday boss!
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    [[[SEWER RAT]]] Cork Based Distro

    nice one boss. good luck..|..|
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    A night of Doom for me birthday April 16th

    bollix. wish i could go to this. not that i feel guilty i'm missing your birthday, you understand, i'm just sorry i'm missing such a good piss-up.
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    this is the most recent one i got. my mammy thinks it's great. it was my 13th tattoo. anyway, tattoos are gay. not as gay as pearl jam though.
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    "art" "exhibition"

    bump. this is tonight. all the paintings are up on now. except rory gallagher, who has been withdrawn. thanking you insincerely. .|..|
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    Way more furious than the FuryFest

    here, do you know how much this is? link me a site bo. looks like fun, i'll go if it's not mad expensive.
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    holy god..

    i'm flying into new york on paddy's day this year. i think i'll be leaving the circle A shamrock at home for the moment though. "a banner proclaiming "US out of Iraq, UK out of Ireland"" says it all really. i think a few tshirts would be a good idea.
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    "art" "exhibition"

    greetings. next wednesday, upstairs at the coal quay in the city of the cork. paintings by me to see and buy, spray-paint-on-canvas stylee. people playing records from about 9pm till about half one. and i'll be gone for the couple of months there-after, so come get me drunk. couple of the...