Fujiya & Miyagi, Tieranniesaur – The Village, Friday 20th April

Fujiya & Miyagi return to play The Village on Friday 20th April, along with the amazing Tieranniesaur.

Following on in the great tradition of misleading band names (The Walker Brothers, Alabama 3 etc) Fujiya & Miyagi or neither Japanese nor are they a duo rather they are a quartet of adventurous musicians from Brighton who tap into the rich heritage of Krautrock & electronica to create a sound that is very much their own.

Named after a chopstick obsessed karate teacher and a type of record player, Steve Lewis & David Best were drawn together in 1999 by a mutual love of Neu! & The Aphex Twin and quickly set about searching for – and finding – their own unique space amongst the increasing clutter of bands indebted to the krautrock movement. And as their range of influences grew so too did their muse and have succeeded in making a series of records that have perfectly captured the trajectory of a band whose sense of adventure is matched only by their ability to make progressively better records culminating in last year’s wonderful ‘Ventriloquizzing’ LP
Fujiya And Miyagi are also a potent live force creating a kind of euphoric deadpan groove. Be prepared to dance, to chuckle and if they bring their ventriloquist dummies, to be a little bit creeped out.

Whelanslive.com, in association with Heineken Music, present
Fujiya & Miyagi
Friday 20th April
The Village Venue
Tickets €15 incl booking fee available from WAV Tickets on 1890 200078.


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