Straight Edge article in the Irish Times today? (3 Viewers)

that's possibly the greatest thing I've ever seen. Since the Original Straight Edge tshirt.

Any chance of an Ebola one with the guy who played Dennis Pennis as Nick?
Complete and total load of shite.
First of because, again, the assumption that if one is a sXe he is also a pro-life campaigner is as bollox as saying that the Labour Party still has socialist ideals. There is actually a VERY high number, and the very big majority, of pro-choice sXe kids. Same goes with the usual Bible-bashing bullshit, that loads of people seem to be taking about recently, as it is a completely false and steretypical-base assumption just because now there are bands with sXe kids that happen also to be Christian. Religion and sXe are two separate things and it has been proven on how in Europe you will most certainly not find a Christian sXe band.

But then i don't understand where this criticism comes out from. The whole punk thing is just as stupid and the attitude some dickhead punks, and in Ireland there is a very good amount, is perhaps worse than the attitude of some sXe kids (and the holier than thou sXe kids are not that many in Ireland, as far as i know). And guess what? Just read carefully your own words: "the movement was bent massively out of shape by idiots who attached their own bullshit beliefs", this is pecisely the same criticism that can be thrown at punk because it's the EXACT same thing that happened to punk, yet i don't see any witch hunt going on against them. Why is that?

If people don't like sXe or sXe kids just make it clear, just say you don't like them. Don't try to find reasons to hate them, because chances are that the same reasons can be used against punks or skins or whoever you associate with.
dave smalley alligned himself with the conservitive punk movement in the states and is still getting shit from it, sxe demigod that he is,MXPX took tons of shit for theit christian bollox they were spouting and you obviously were nt around for the Cro mags, shelter hare khrisna backlash that john joseph of the cro mags still goes on about to this day
i still rate YOT and gorilla buiscuits is strill the best gig i ever saw live but
sxe is a fucking joke
i ll ask again why has ian mc kaye completely distanced himself from straight edge, he lives the life but wants nothing to do with it WHY??
And i will repeat once again, religion and sXe are two different thing. That is why Cro-Mags, Ray Cappo and all the other Krishnacore people still today said that they were sXe and whatever religion they were. They never assumed that their religion had anything to do with sXe and still today there are kids that stress that religion and sXe are two different things. If it wasn't so, how come in the US is one thing and in Europe is a completely different thing?

And as for sXe being a joke, i once again repeat that if the reasoning are the ones you gave then punk is just as much of a joke. Just admit it, if sXe is joke then punk has no right to be considered more serious or more 'legit'. If sXe is a joke then punk is just a joke, possibly an even worse one.

Really pisses me off how people point the finger at sXe kids for being 'holier than thou' when by doing that and asserting that sXe is a joke they fall in the same trap and become the people that believe they are 'holier than thou'. Hypocrisy much?
Originally Posted by damone
how a movement like str8 edge can evolve from gettin underage kids into gigs into a anti drink,drugs,pro-life bunch of middle class boys and their better than you ,right wing ,kick box dancing , look down you re nose at others gang of cunts is pathetic
and by right wing i dont mean blood and honour ,i mean bible bashing ,creationist,little bit too close to mormon town Salt lake city or hare khrisna finger pointing pricks
all the str8 edgers i know who have been non drinkers for fuckin years by the way dont feel the need to go round telling others its their choice and it works for them , they dont regard themselves as str8 edge cause they realise the movement was bent massively out of shape by idiots who attached their own bullshit beliefs
why do you think minor threat distance themselves totally from the edge now ? "some day youll look back and laugh"

Was gonna reply to this nonsense but AnarchoBob stole my thunder and all my points. Well put though!!

I also continually have to clarify the fact that while I'm sXe and won't change, I completely don't in anyway care what you personally choose to do. While having to do this never bothered me at all, now that I think about it, it's about as justified as me having to say "yeah I'm a punk-but don't worry I don't spit at old people/sniff glue all day/cut myself and/or take heroin. Ah fuck it, now I've started I'm hardly even bothered-practically every stupid, hackneyed criticism of sXe applys IN NO WAY WHATSOEVER to us normal sXe Punx, ESPECIALLY in Ireland and can be obliterated in any rational debate

"Stamp out Straight Edge!" ...Yeah, whatever. Why don't ya get the immigrants while you're at it? Ya ganga fuckin eejits.
And i will repeat once again, religion and sXe are two different thing. That is why Cro-Mags, Ray Cappo and all the other Krishnacore people still today said that they were sXe and whatever religion they were. They never assumed that their religion had anything to do with sXe and still today there are kids that stress that religion and sXe are two different things. If it wasn't so, how come in the US is one thing and in Europe is a completely different thing?

And as for sXe being a joke, i once again repeat that if the reasoning are the ones you gave then punk is just as much of a joke. Just admit it, if sXe is joke then punk has no right to be considered more serious or more 'legit'. If sXe is a joke then punk is just a joke, possibly an even worse one.

Really pisses me off how people point the finger at sXe kids for being 'holier than thou' when by doing that and asserting that sXe is a joke they fall in the same trap and become the people that believe they are 'holier than thou'. Hypocrisy much?
cro mags and cappo are lightweights explain mr mc kayes stance
sxe was and always will be just a twisted offshoot of punk
i dont hthink im holier than thou,leave that to the scientoligists ,jehovahs witness s and the edgers
So whats the deal,straight edgers don't drink or do drugs but they smoke a bit of weed,right?

What about poppers?
see the thing about straight edge is WHO GIVES A FLYING FUCK.

I sometimes wish I had better things to do than hang around with the living dead and fuck my head, but theres no quazar in limerick:mad:

Thats just what Limerick needs, Quazar,to ween you's of the shooters like.
cro mags and cappo are lightweights explain mr mc kayes stance
sxe was and always will be just a twisted offshoot of punk
i dont hthink im holier than thou,leave that to the scientoligists ,jehovahs witness s and the edgers

Please, don't make me laugh. You are seriously trying to say that spouting out your stereotypical views, coming up with a series of different flaws, ridiculing sXe kids and just downgrading sXe to a 'joke' is not 'holier than thou' attitude? Because that is precisely what it is. You are indulging in the kind of attitude and thinking that you accuse sXe kids of and you don't even realize it.
Please, don't make me laugh. You are seriously trying to say that spouting out your stereotypical views, coming up with a series of different flaws, ridiculing sXe kids and just downgrading sXe to a 'joke' is not 'holier than thou' attitude? Because that is precisely what it is. You are indulging in the kind of attitude and thinking that you accuse sXe kids of and you don't even realize it.
thank you for enlightening me ,how did i get everything so wrong, and i didnt even realise it,im gonna change, im gonna scream for change,break down the walls and start today
I personally have never met anyone who calls themselves straight edge that has forced their view on anyone.
I have. I used to go to SxE gigs in Oakland years ago, and also in New York for a while, just cos I enjoyed some of the bands and the antics of the crowd (in my self knowingly superior way of course - like I've said before, a very high percentage of hardcore fans in the US are fucking apes) and I've seen people punched in the face for lighting up a cigarette on the sidewalk. You wouldn't dare drink a beer at those gigs, even though its for sale behind the bar.
With every post you just prove my point. You do think you are better than other and ridicule them or point the finger at their flaws yet refuse to admit that perhaps there is an element of 'holier than thou' attitude. Well done mate.
I have. I used to go to SxE gigs in Oakland years ago, and also in New York for a while, just cos I enjoyed some of the bands and the antics of the crowd (in my self knowingly superior way of course - like I've said before, a very high percentage of hardcore fans in the US are fucking apes) and I've seen people punched in the face for lighting up a cigarette on the sidewalk. You wouldn't dare drink a beer at those gigs, even though its for sale behind the bar.

Should we take a count of how many people have been punched or attacked by punks,or any other subculture for that matter and then tar everyone involved with the same brush.
right. so. I know of four straight edgers in this country that I would regard as mates to varying degrees. two of them have bought me pints on occasion. None of them have ever given me shit about drinking or smoking or anything else. they're all in their 30s. I have met the odd twat who was sxe and preachy about it but they were generally a lot younger, and new to the whole thing, and would still be twats if they weren't.

I don't know any of these younger sxe kids that were approached about the article, so I can't comment on them. I'd probably not have any reason to speak to them if they're actually anything like that article portrays (ie militants). I probably have very little in common with them, and generally I avoid anyone who puts X's either side of their name because it's generally an indicator that their straight-edgeness is something they let define them rather than part of a bigger picture. And they're boring.Not because they're sXe but because they're nothing else besides sxe if you know what I mean.

Underground music is often a hotbed of zealotry - young folks who get into something, embrace the accompanying beliefs, and become passionate about them to the point where they let them define them as a person - witness not only militant sXe heads but anarchists or animal rights types in hardcore/punk, the right wing/nationalist element sometimes associated with particular strains of black metal, the drug culture sometimes associated with certain areas of dance music etc. That's fine, generally people will stick to these things and let them become part of their life rather than revolving their life around them, and sometimes the ones that shout the loudest fall the hardest. Whatever. I have total respect for sXe folks who have it as a personal choice, and none for those who ram it down anyone's throat, but that goes for anyone who rams any of their lifestyle choices or moral beliefs down the throats of others.

That was a very long winded way of saying sXe is grand, more power to yis and all that,and I don't really know where these preachy types being discussed are, but you can be sure if someone at a gig gave me grief for having a pint I'd not stand for it. It's not happened in a long, long time though. Likewise if you wanna go and be a raging fucking drunken mess 24-7, good for you, just leave me alone.

there's an awful lot of "i'm right you're wrong" bullshit in this thread folks, and it's not all coming from damone.
how a movement like str8 edge can evolve from gettin underage kids into gigs into a anti drink,drugs,pro-life bunch of middle class boys and their better than you ,right wing ,kick box dancing , look down you re nose at others gang of cunts is pathetic
and by right wing i dont mean blood and honour ,i mean bible bashing ,creationist,little bit too close to mormon town Salt lake city or hare khrisna finger pointing pricks
all the str8 edgers i know who have been non drinkers for fuckin years by the way dont feel the need to go round telling others its their choice and it works for them , they dont regard themselves as str8 edge cause they realise the movement was bent massively out of shape by idiots who attached their own bullshit beliefs
why do you think minor threat distance themselves totally from the edge now ? "some day youll look back and laugh"
Who are you talking about here? Have you ever actually met anyone like this? Krshna? Mormon? fuck me that's one hell of a warped perception you've got. Completely misssing over some of the the most significant straightedge currents in 90s like posi-revival and the more political progressive vegan straightdgestuff like Culture and (some) catalyst bands

Na you're going on a fuckin charicature of 90s straightedge. fuck me, no one's been krishnasince the mid 90s. Still 'worldwide it's growing' you fuckin nutcase.

As for bible-bashing creationists? What the fuck? Name a single straightedge creationist band that wasn't regarded as a joke by the majority straighedge hardcore scene? I mean, fuck, xDisciplex and their ilk got slagged to fuck by most straightedge kids. seriously, get fucking real mate.
By the way, creationists are a pet-hate of mine

As for Minor Threat distancing themselves, so fuck? MacKaye is a boring pious cunt who makes shit music and has done nothing worthwhile since MinorThreat. Sanctimonious wanker.

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