State of the scene (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2002
The gigs discussion thread and also various other talks with people and various things I've been reading has got me thinking a bit more recently about what the future holds for the punk scene in Ireland.
I was wondering what other people think lies ahead over the next few years and further? How healthy do you think the punk scene currently is in Ireland, do you think it will improve or decline? Is the current scene sustainable at the moment.
Older people, how do you think it stands now compared to the past?

I can't really write all my thoughts down in one go, I suffer from the problem of everything occuring to me all at once and then forgetting some of the things I was thinking about because there is too much there, but I'll try and write some stuff coherently at least.

However, my opinion at the moment is more or less that the scene in Ireland is in pretty good shape and there is almost a regular kind of tour circuit established for bands to come over and play in Ireland. This is good for getting tours organised both for Irish bands and bands from overseas.
In saying that, I am a bit concerned by the current lack of places to play outside the main cities. There don't seem to me to be as many scenes in the middle of nowhere as there used to be, maybe this is just my imagination but I think a lot of these scenes have basically ended up moving into cities like Dublin, Belfast and Galway. I don't know if this is a good thing for the future, although I think it does strengthen the scenes in the cities.

I would really like to see Ireland begin to establish more of a reputation as a good place to go and tour for bands from all over the world. Right now I don't think we get enough bands willing to come here when they are playing European tours. This is down to many factors of course which cannot all be affected, but I think we definitely miss out on some bands we shouldn't be missing for whatever reasons. On the other hand, there can be overkill with touring bands, especially around Summer time, and I have always thought that maybe we could co-ordinate better with each other in Ireland when organising tours to try and keep clashes to a minimum. I think this is getting to be a major problem in countries like England where they are almost spoilt for choice with touring bands.

So I'd like to see some more bands coming our way, but not too many. Essentially I think if we had more places outside of the cities to play, then we could support more touring bands here. This brings to me the question of how to get more people maybe who live outside the cities, are into punk, but don't know much about what is going on in Ireland overall, into putting gigs on in their own area? (That whole paragraph is badly worded by the way)

Another thing which I would like to see is more Irish bands touring outside of Ireland. It seems to me that right now there are not that many Irish bands working on establishing themselves outside Ireland in the DIY sense. Fuck what I am trying to say here is hard to put into words too. Put it like this, every year we see tours coming through Ireland by bands from Germany, England, Scandinavia, the US, etc., countries with pretty well-established scenes. This is not a bad thing, but how often do we see Irish bands going to play in these countries? There are some bands doing it but not very many in comparison I think, it would be nice to see this ratio addressed a bit more.

In fact that whole question sort of brings up the issue of how viable it is to play in DIY bands in Ireland and have the opportunity and time to go and tour elsewhere, which is a very messy issue with countless different factors involved. Also Gary Sloan I think recently had a thread asking about how many Irish bands had stuff released this year, and in my opinion this is one of the factors in that as well.

As for stuff like venues to use and the continuing use of current venues when there are problems at some gigs, is this an issue that will effect us on an on-going basis or will it get better at some point?

Overall I would like to see a more solid co-operation between the different scenes around Ireland, I think at the moment there is a bit too much of separation between scenes in the different cities I would like to see people from all the different scenes working a bit closer together to try and make things better overall, if that makes sense.

Fuck it that will do me for the moment, sorry if that's a bit rambling but like I say everything just comes into my head at the same time and I have difficulty sorting it all out sometimes! I'm off to work, please try and post your opinions in this thread thanks.
I agree with the whole working more together thing your on about. I have often thought that maybe the main organisers of gigs from around the country should maybe meet up some time and discuss everything in detail.
2 cool 2 dance said:
I agree with the whole working more together thing your on about. I have often thought that maybe the main organisers of gigs from around the country should maybe meet up some time and discuss everything in detail.

I would totally be up for something like that and I am sure lots of other people would be too, hopefully there will be more response on this thread.
Right have to go to work, fuck sake!
i hate meeting up to discuss things in detail! i think the promoters around the country are pretty tight with each other.
Dunno if this helps much but i've been toying with an idea - going over to The Fest in florida again in november, about 150 bands play each year and about 1500 people turn up, including all the zine and label people. Anyways, was thinking of putting together a CDR compilation of irish bands, with a decent onesheet of contacts for bands, promoters and so forth. Stick it in one of them plastic cd things you get on the front of magazines or with CD-R demos, burn up maybe three or four hundred of them (or more if people want to help with the burning, i don't mind paying for it) and just hand them out all over the shop to bands, label people, zine people, punters. I think it'd be good for getting the word out to the bands that there's interested people and places to play this side of europe other than the UK. It might also get a mention in some zines and things which could be good, maybe put together a one page website with a load of irish resources for people who're interested and ask any zines who want to mention the compilation to list the website address. No reason we couldn't do up a batch and hand them out to record shops around the country aswell, if people know people in HMV, Virgin etc that might put them on the counter or slip them in someone's bag when they're buying some punk albums....?
ReadySteadyJedi said:
Dunno if this helps much but i've been toying with an idea - going over to The Fest in florida again in november, about 150 bands play each year and about 1500 people turn up, including all the zine and label people. Anyways, was thinking of putting together a CDR compilation of irish bands, with a decent onesheet of contacts for bands, promoters and so forth. Stick it in one of them plastic cd things you get on the front of magazines or with CD-R demos, burn up maybe three or four hundred of them (or more if people want to help with the burning, i don't mind paying for it) and just hand them out all over the shop to bands, label people, zine people, punters. I think it'd be good for getting the word out to the bands that there's interested people and places to play this side of europe other than the UK. It might also get a mention in some zines and things which could be good, maybe put together a one page website with a load of irish resources for people who're interested and ask any zines who want to mention the compilation to list the website address. No reason we couldn't do up a batch and hand them out to record shops around the country aswell, if people know people in HMV, Virgin etc that might put them on the counter or slip them in someone's bag when they're buying some punk albums....?
Excellant idea
I think its pretty healthy here at the moment.Gigs in alot of cities/other places(taking into consideration the size of our little island).
As far as scenes in other more isolated places...i don't think they exist really, and knowledge of DIY/gigs/bands touring is pretty limited.
I remember getting hold of Janes addiction/sonic youth cds when i was in school and thinking that was pretty underground!
Fact is alot of people move to the cities who are interested/want to be active in scenes.Its a worldwide pattern.
I'd would be great to see more Irish bands touring euroland though.
Cormcolash said:
This brings to me the question of how to get more people maybe who live outside the cities, are into punk, but don't know much about what is going on in Ireland overall, into putting gigs on in their own area? (That whole paragraph is badly worded by the way)
Well outside of the towns there is a problem with available venues that are all ages. There are a lot of venues that could be used, like parish halls etc but there are problems with insurance and so on. A lot of those problems are resolvable but people need a support network which Cormac alluded to.
ReadySteadyJedi said:
Dunno if this helps much but i've been toying with an idea - going over to The Fest in florida again in november, about 150 bands play each year and about 1500 people turn up, including all the zine and label people. Anyways, was thinking of putting together a CDR compilation of irish bands, with a decent onesheet of contacts for bands, promoters and so forth. Stick it in one of them plastic cd things you get on the front of magazines or with CD-R demos, burn up maybe three or four hundred of them (or more if people want to help with the burning, i don't mind paying for it) and just hand them out all over the shop to bands, label people, zine people, punters. I think it'd be good for getting the word out to the bands that there's interested people and places to play this side of europe other than the UK. It might also get a mention in some zines and things which could be good, maybe put together a one page website with a load of irish resources for people who're interested and ask any zines who want to mention the compilation to list the website address. No reason we couldn't do up a batch and hand them out to record shops around the country aswell, if people know people in HMV, Virgin etc that might put them on the counter or slip them in someone's bag when they're buying some punk albums....?

Great idea.
Ive made a few tape comps of Irish punk for various people while being over here & everyone seemed to like what they heard. Ive also seen Seans "Welcome to Hell" comp in a few distros & it seems to be doing well.
I think this is the lowest I have seen the Punk/Scene in ages, being a terrible last 6 months and without Runnin' Riot playing it would be dead, all we get now is non Punk bands or Hip Hop mixed bills...............

This is the least I have attended gigs in the last 6 years.
JANER said:
all we get now is non Punk bands or Hip Hop mixed bills.........
dont think the styles of music are a huge part of it...most people i know who put on gigs are into a wide range of music so why wouldnt they be putting on things their interested in?
rotten tropics said:
dont think the styles of music are a huge part of it...most people i know who put on gigs are into a wide range of music so why wouldnt they be putting on things their interested in?

Cormcolash said:
The gigs discussion thread and also various other talks with people and various things I've been reading has got me thinking a bit more recently about what the future holds for the punk scene in Ireland.
I was referring to the question :p
From my experience there are little scenes in obscure places around the country its a matter of finding them and supporting the people trying to do stuff there, which is what the Basta! tour last summer aimed to do (and did pretty succesfully in some cases) and aims to do again this June.

Greystones is a healthy scene outside of Dublin. On the basta tour in Wexford last year we played to a few people scattered around the place, it didnt feel like there was anyone there. We had the Basta! Appetite For Construction CDr and DIY booklet with us and sold them for like 1 or 2 euro. The kids in wexford now have their own collective called INFY Collective and i played a gig there in April and it was packed with kids really into whats going on.

I think the biggest problem is the lack of all ages gigs. if ya dont get kids into it when theyre 14-16 your probably not gona get them into it when theyre 18 and old enough to get into a pub. if there had been no all ages gigs in kilcoole when i was 15 god knows where id be now. and thats all down to a welcoming all ags atmosphere (in a non pub enviroment if possible).

Spaces/venues are massively lacking in Ireland, if people were more into OPEN house shows then i think it could be a possible solution. Like house gigs where the address is given out. People seem to respect the houses from what ive seen in america and i think given the right ideas and information about diy etc. there no reason why people wouldn't do the same here. Perhaps if the house shows were Non-alcohol then there would be little to no chance of people acting the maggot.

As for touring bands coming here, i think irelands reputation is definately growing. Chris from ghost Mice has been encouraging all the Plan It X bands who go to europe to come here. Similarly sending a few emails to bands lets them know where people are into them. A lot of the time in the past european promoters wouldnt bother wiith booking dates in ireland because it wasnt worth it.

I think a touring band needs to play at least 5 dates here to have any chance of recuperating their costs. I managed to cover all of Lattermans costs in getting and being here but that was because the Dublin and Wexford gigs were so succesful as people were really into them before hand, i dont know if it would be the same for many other bands. But yeh 5 dates at least. Also a lot of the american bands are finding it cheaper to do a separate UK/Ireland tour rather than lump it in with their european tour. TBIAPB for example played here on their european tour and are planning on coming back and just doing ireland and the UK. Irelands reputation is definitely improving internationally but we need to be able to meet that.
I think the scene in Ireland is really quite good to be honest. I've been going to gigs now for about 2 and a half years now and I can say that this is definitley the most healthy the scene has been in all that time. There are definitley a lot more tourings bands passing through lately which is really great. Plus I believe that Ireland really has some amazing bands at the minute that are equally and if not better than european and american bands.

In regards to putting gigs on in more out of the way places than cities, it can be really hard. I have been trying quite hard the last few months to get something sorted here in Lurgan in terms of having a venue to use but all the places here are really weird about rock bands other than the ones that they have known for years. And the scout halls etc are really difficult as well and require insurance. I'm sure its the same thing in a lot of places. Though I think the Greystones scene is definitley something that people should draw inspiration from.

One thing I find that doesnt change much is the people who are involved. There really doesnt ever seem to be too many new people coming into the scene from what I can see. Besides the odd person the faces at gigs here in Belfast have been the same since I started coming along. But I cant think how this could be improved.

All and all I think for such a small place Ireland is doing really well. Everyones very well networked between cities I find which really seems to help.
JANER said:
I was referring to the question :p
hahaha yeah fair enough...but lots of people who put on punk/harcore bands are also interested in other i can understand why line ups would reflect what their into,personally id rather go see a doom metal band/hip hop act/hardcore band on the same bill than 3 hardcore bands or 3 doom bands....but thats just me.guess it depends on the quality of bands aswell.
Janer, I'm not having a dig at you but like if you really are that pissed off with these mixed gig bills why dont you start putting gigs on yourself. Seriously theres probably an audience for totally punk/hardcore shows
More threads like this! rockin. I reckon the scene here in general is better now than it has been in a while. a lot of decent bands seem to be either coming over or planning it. The all ages thing is a huge disadvantage here, theres fuck all of them. And when there is its usually during the day. A lot of kids under 18 seem to want the "illusion" of goin out for the night, i reckon putting on all ages during the evening so that they finish for around 10 or so is the key.
When we were in the states the all ages gigs were excellent, they started around the 7 o clock mark and they were excellent. The kids were into it cause they were heading out "for the night"
Most gigs over there seem to allow in under 21's to regular gigs too, they just get an X on their hands so they cant buy beer. Over 21's get a wrist band or a stamp that allows em access to the bar. The craic was mad over there when you had this, cause you had yer kids lovin it and your over 21's having their night out.
It would be excellent to incorporate something like this over here. The insurance scam that bar managers and venue promoters try to pull is bullshit. They will often say they arent insured for under 18's etc. Thats bollocks, they have to have public liability insurance. which covers all ages.
As for unity in the scene, its getting better but theres still animosity against people who "arent in the loop" or who dont know each other.
Theres so much room for everyone to support each other and put on gigs and help each other out its mad. but theres still some punker than thou attitude. We've gigged all over this country and had nothing but positive times all round. Crashin in peoples houses and flats and I've done the same in my own gaff.
I've pretty much stopped putting on gigs just cause the turn outs were so bad but things seem to be picking up a lot. Theres some sweet venues around now and people seem to be a lot more willing to go to gigs now than 2 years ago.
Don't have too much time now to get too involved in this,but a few things I think are
Too many gigs. Seriously,I know we'd all love to SEE more gigs,especially bands that we individually like,but I can't help but wonder how many gigs happen just because a band asked. Nobody has time or money to go to them all,especially bands you're not bothered about. And then there's the price thing,remember how most people agreed gigs could cost more in?
Lack of releases and strong distros. I know there are a few about,Rimbaud being the most obvious,but for the most part,bands record demos and rarely anyone outside a few friends ever get to hear them. And distros,were do you all buy your records cd's etc? I buy the vast majority of mine mailorder. It would be great if irish distros could be more active and have a bigger turnover of stock.
Zines,not too many about really is there? And I'm talking more music orientated ones. It would be good if there was more,maybe with a few interviews with irish bands or active people. Also,interviews/articles with bands who are coming to ireland before they play could maybe perk up interest. Maybe even do an online zine so the printing costs are down.

For the most part most things feed each other. But the bottom line is supprt and how to get it. I think the punk scene will always be snobby,and newcomers,especially young ones can feel unwelcome or laughed at. Very few will ever stick with it.
There's too much back patting and that leads to laziness/coplacency and that's not needed. The scene has been better and worse in the past but the past is of no importance. There's more to roping people in than eirecore,advertise gigs,release records/demos and write about things be they bands or whatever else in zines. If that doesn't happen things will only go downhill.

I know some of that sounds negative,but improvement will never come from compliments.

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Fixity/Meabh McKenna/Black Coral
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Portobello Harbour, Saint Kevin's, Dublin, Ireland
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