Save Dunphy! (1 Viewer)

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slurms (can i call you slurms?)
when i said 'everyone',i meant all his supporters,sorry to confuse you.that junior cert english must have fried your brain yeah,i understand.

using the american dictionary now are we?

slurms enters the room with his champion sports bag and an 'i love dunphy(but not in the brown way)' t-shirt.
'HEEEEEEEEEERE'S SLURMSY',he roars.Nobody notices him.
'what the fuck',muses slurms,'i am always the centre(center slurms?) of attention,ALWAYS!'.

He begins to recount some of the witty posts that he has unleashed on the thumped ma-lovers he is so disgusted by. response.

He begins to think,and realises how long it has been since he has activated that section of his cerebral cortex,and comes to this conclusion:'if i hate these people and what they stand for,then why do i keep coming back?'.
This revelation shakes slurms' whole value system to the core.

nine,also in the room,realises the irony of using slurms' tried and tested method of takin the piss out of everyone,to take the piss of slurms himself.then,in a pre-emptive strike similar to those considered during the cold war by the 'reds',says this:
i'm gay and me ma's a slu' and i'm pathetic..
chorkle! i've obviously ruffled your feathers there sonny! here's an idea, why don't you post something along the lines of "i'm not going to rise to this" and then rise to it, just like you've done for the past 6 months.
i admire the way you avoided addressing the points i made regarding the whole dunphy thing. this would suggest that you have accepted that i am correct and that you are, as usual, incorrect.
also, try to think for yourself when attempting to ridicule somebody. mentioning the fact that you rip off my style does not make it ok. actually don't bother, you're better off copying me in every possible way seeing how pathetic you've become by being yourself for the past 23 years. your job must be incredibly interesting seeing as you spend 12 hours a day posting here.
also, try to notice that since me and the buachaili stopped posting here all that people seem to post is shite like "quiet day today" or "where is everyone?" or "i prefer the company of men".
therefore, you are in love with me.
Originally posted by nine
slurms (can i call you slurms?)
when i said 'everyone',i meant all his supporters,sorry to confuse you.that junior cert english must have fried your brain yeah,i understand.

thus rendering the word 'everyone' completely irrelevant. e.g. everyone is coming round to my house tonight to suck me off (when i say everyone i mean nine's da). capiesce?
just put me on 'the list' will ya,and we'll put this whole nasty business behind us.

oh wait....nasty business???.....behind??
i left myself wide open with that one eh...

and stop laughing like you're a character in the fuckin beano!
Originally posted by nine
just put me on 'the list' will ya,and we'll put this whole nasty business behind us.

and stop laughing like you're a character in the fuckin beano!

regard the list.
y'know nine, sometimes i'll willing to put up with a bit of sproutliness on your part but i feel it my moral duty to tear you limb from limb every now and then. try not to take it too personally. now, get back in your box.
I am confused as to where the notion that you were any use came in to play. Verbose? Witty?

Tiny penis.

But yeah it took balls for Dunphy to go out there and go against popular opinion of asshoes like me in order to drum up more publicity for his book.

You are hopelessly fucking stupid.

Would you like to go out to dinner with me sometime?

Maybe a movie?


'assholes like you...'

'geebags like you...'

looks like you're not the only one touching nerves round here, eh?
touching cloth more like

Originally posted by slurms

regard the list.
y'know nine, sometimes i'll willing to put up with a bit of sproutliness on your part but i feel it my moral duty to tear you limb from limb every now and then. try not to take it too personally. now, get back in your box.
binky, your command of the english language is truly astonishing. i read that last post of yours twice and it still makes little if any sense. but yeah, any time i feel like going out for some lentil soup i'll definitely give you a buzz you sandal wearing sprout. i've said it before and i'll say it again now, the jimmy cake sound like kenny g. i can just picture you now , tie-died t-shirt, sandals, face like neil from the young ones , tucking into a nice lentil bap. if you spent more time thinking before you did anything and less time smoking dope/riding your own sister we'd all be better off.
ps. free r kelly.
You said it before and then you said it again. I liked it when you said it again better than the time when you said it the first time. I wonder if I'll like it even more next time you say it. I sure hope so coz I've nothing else to live for. Slurms, some day you and I are going to kiss and when we do I'm sure I'll remember a very bad joke you once made on back when you were the guvenor telling it like it was and how it shall be and then logging off and masturbating furiously at the sight of your own post. Then thinking to yourself, "I posted that, I did", and then off you went to bed with a smile on your little face because you had finally found somewhere that people accepted you for the spotty repetitive humourless pituitary retard that you so clearly are. I'm going to use my tongue and roll it delicately around your mouth and I might even grab your tiny hairless balls and whisper in your ear that I hate you so very very much, which will be a lie obviously because I'm hopelessly in love with you. And if it's okay with you little Slurmy, I'd like all of this to happen up a tree.
I am well and truly cowed by your superior intellect, razor sharp tongue and marvellously on the button lambasting. Long live you!

Originally posted by slurms
binky, your command of the english language is truly astonishing. i read that last post of yours twice and it still makes little if any sense.
ps. free r kelly.

That's because you are an unspeakably dumb fuckshit.

Originally posted by slurms
free r kelly.

You are an unspeakably dumb fuckshit.

I've said it before, then I said again, now i'm going to say it again; you are an unspeakably dumb fuckshit.

"ahhh!" says slurms as he kicks back and puts his feet up on the desk in front of him. he is wearing a white shirt, red tie, red braces, paisley underpants, black socks and black leather slip on shoes, "mission accomplished". he looks out the window at the city below. he is the kingpin.
meanwhile, the front lounge, enter leagues with the jimmy cake.
hippy no.1-"oh yes leagues, three bags full leagues, we've just finished making another terribly dull video of such bad quality it wouldn't make one of those dennis norton things".
leagues-"but this is just the same few clips repeated over and over".
hippy no.2-"cripes!"

hey there vinny and binky, i'll bet you were both standing up as you wrote those replies, wrinkled foreheads, sandals flung against the wall, heh heh, the drugs don't work homeboys. all that slow, tedious post rock obviously just isn't mellow enough. although, i hear you're getting some pretty good airplay on phantom fm these days... sound! i've never said it before but i'm going to say it now, vinny, your mother is delores keane. binky, your father is delores keane. i remember seeing you boys play once, one of you said some bullshit about one song being about serving time in the 'joy for a crime you didn't commit.... and i'm "an unspeakably dumb fuckshit"? chorkle!
sCHtory boys!

10 years, hot on the scene steps off the 56A from fettercairn.
dressed in nothing but a green white and orange cummerbund.
scrawled in red lipstick across his cock are the words


10 yearsy spits on his hand and wipes the lipstick off in disgust and also with just a hint of regret.

its been a while brothers. and in my absence what has occured?


i'll tell yis. just a lot of fannying about. well i'm back. enough of this thomfoolery.

our services are required in the homeland: the 'stan!

rise up!


ps respect to r-kellyzier. above the law and back on the streets.....fuck the kelly family.
back to Dunphy:

Dunphy admits guilt after RTE suspension from Cup
By Eithne Donnellan

RTÉ suspended outspoken soccer analyst Eamon Dunphy from its coverage of World Cup matches yesterday after he turned up "unfit for work".

Mr Dunphy admitted last night he had drink taken and had not slept before appearing on the World Cup Live programme at noon yesterday. He apologised to the station and viewers last night. RTÉ, in a statement issued following Mr Dunphy's brief appearance on the show, said he was being suspended because he was unable to fulfil the terms of his contract.

Mr Dunphy was in studio at noon with presenter Mr Peter Collins and fellow analyst Mr Brian Kerr for a preview of Japan's match with Russia. However, after providing some brief analysis, he was dropped and the show continued without him.

RTÉ refused to elaborate on the circumstances surrounding his departure. In a short statement it said: "Following this morning's broadcast of the World Cup Live programme, RTÉ has announced that Eamon Dunphy has been unable to fulfil the terms of his contract with RTÉ and that he has been suspended."

Mr Dunphy told RTÉ news last night he had not been in a fit state to do his work.

"I arrived for work tired and emotional, I think is the euphemism and I was tired. I'd had a few drinks, I hadn't slept and I think wasn't fit to fulfil my contract to provide proper commentary and I think RTÉ did the right thing and we agreed what the right thing was so I've no problems with it. I owe them an apology. I owe the viewers an apology," he said.

He added his behaviour was inexcusable. "I'm not going to make excuses. I accept what I did is wrong," he said.Mr Dunphy said his position with the national broadcaster would be reviewed today when he meets its head of sport. However, RTÉ would not say last night if it would take him back in the light of his apology.

This controversy is one of several to involve Mr Dunphy since the build-up to the World Cup began. His remarks on RTÉ after the Roy Keane affair irked many viewers. The station received an "unprecedented" 1,300 complaints about remarks made by him during analysis of the match between Ireland and Cameroon. He had said he wanted Ireland beaten by Cameroon and Germany so the FAI would be forced into taking action to improve itself.
and after all his talk about the 'professionalism' he so admires in keane:rolleyes:

you still gotta love him though
I think we should take some lessons from the Eamon Dunphy situation. It shows us all the tragedy that drink can cause.
Like any person in the 18-25 bracket, I listen to his excellent show: The Final Word. But we must side with the professional approach of Mick McCarthy and the boys in green.
So when someone offers you one too many drinks, say "no. I want to be a winner - like Gary Breen"

Eamon used to be with the PDs, but we're a young, clean fighting machine now....

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