Major Complaints Thread (9 Viewers)

Nah totally agree.I wouldn't really either.ive mainly found letting them know fully aware of your rights or the legal options available to you is enough of a bargaining chip to keep estate agents/landlords from keeping deposits or acting outside the law.Complaining is usually always not worth the hassle.also,housing is pretty much the only area I'd complain about,this stuff is so common,while illegal,it's accepted and is the norm.
Nah totally agree.I wouldn't really either.ive mainly found letting them know fully aware of your rights or the legal options available to you is enough of a bargaining chip to keep estate agents/landlords from keeping deposits or acting outside the law.Complaining is usually always not worth the hassle.also,housing is pretty much the only area I'd complain about,this stuff is so common,while illegal,it's accepted and is the norm.
Good for you

You shouldn't have been put in this shitty situation
You gotta do it too, if Irish people that actually know about the law don't call the fuckin pricks on this kind of shit then we can hardly expect some 20 year old erasmus student to get in touch with RTB when they don't get their deposit back. Everyone has to report these fucking scummy bastards at any chance we get.
Place I was living in a couple of years ago, been there for a year and the landlord says we all have to move out in the Summer because he's moving back into the house.
Didn't believe it for a minute, but anyway found somewhere new to live (got fucking lucky), and I was planning to randomly call up to the house around September time to check for mail (really see if the guy was actually living there or not). Got my deposit back after 4 weeks by basically pointing out to him that if he didn't give it back to me within the 30-day limit, he'd not have a good time.

Turns out one of my workplaces bizarrely sent a pay slip (just the details, not the actual money) to my old address, even though I'd given them my new address, and all my other payslips ended up at the right place. So around the start of September I get this random Facebook message from some French girl asking if this piece of mail is for me?
So I arrange to go and collect it from the house, some lad answers the door and I say Frenchie let me know there was mail for me, door lad lets me in to get it and I start chatting a bit about the house "Yeah this was a nice spot etc., how long have you lads been in here, I wonder has he done any work on the place (get a nice view of the living room and kitchen, not a single change) etc."

So yeah obviously dickhead landlord has just booted us out so he can jack up the price by €150 per room, which is naturally a lot more than the 4% every two years raise he's legally allowed to do. I find out from Frenchie that she's actually in what was my room paying €150 more than I was paying for it, landlord has done absolutely nothing to the place (few things needed fixed up, nothing major, he's done none of it anyway), and yeah his communication with us was just total lies.
So straight to Threshold and then RTB I go with my case. Now, turns out my actual case is that his 'notice' for us to end the lease was totally illegal – he'd just sent it to us by text message, whereas what is required is a written on paper signed with legal witness letter delivered to the house. Anyway case going to RTB, all my documents etc. are there for months, he gets his 'submission' in to them like 2 days before the hearing. His 'submission' includes the signed etc letter he sent to us - except that aside from that being total bollocks of course, his letter doesn't have legal witness and clearly could have been written yesterday for all it's worth. Also in his submission is all this nonsense documentation alluding to him having to move house, which also looks like a load of bollocks. Basically his whole spiel is a load of lies and he's actually trying to represent that to RTB as well.

So I go to the RTB hearing, yer man naturally doesn't turn up at all (on 'holiday' apparently), and after a few minutes of asking questions and looking at the documents, RTB person just goes "This is clearly total nonsense" (paraphrase) about yer man's stuff, totally agrees that his 'letter' was probably written 3 days before the case submission deadline, and awards the case in my favour to the tune of the landlord has to pay me €1000 compensation.
Took me 2 years to get that €1000 off him. Had to threaten him with court on numerous occasions, I had actually gone to RTB and got them to approve me for legal representation and all, after many no-replies he finally realised he wasn't getting away with it and said "Oh I thought I'd already paid that to you, well I'll set up a payment of €100 per month for 10 months then, how is that?" to which I replied (paraphrase) "Get fucked, if that was me telling you I'd pay a months rent over 10 months, you'd tell me to fuck off". But he starts paying me €100 per month, and the court shit is so much hassle that I just went fuck it and said no more. About 8 months in he tries to stop the payment thinking I won't notice, so back I go texting him again threatening him with court, and he says "Oh I just changed the payment to the end of the month was all".

Anyway I finally got the money. During this time, I'd also learned that the French erasmus girl that had moved in to my old room had basically been stiffed on her deposit, she got like half of it back and he just strung her along for the other half until she gave up. I told her RTB etc. but sure she's moved to Spain or something. During the whole process I'd also been letting my old housemates know about the whole thing, telling them they could also RTB etc., but guess what, they were French and Spanish themselves and basically just weren't arsed, they were just relieved to have gotten their deposits back at all I guess.
Another thing to note is that when I got the deposit back off him, and when I was getting the €100 per month payments, all this money was coming from an Italian bank account – simple conclusion being that he's avoiding paying any tax on it as well.

So end result, dodgy scum slumlord does dodgy scum illegal shit with his house, I find out, take him to RTB, win the case, and get €1000 compensation for it. You can say this doesn't stop him in the future, but guess what, now if anyone in the future goes to RTB over this guy, their system will already automatically say "This guy is probably a piece of shit" and guess who's going to win?
The process might be a pain in the ass, but it's worth it just for that, as it means he will be much less able to fuck people about in the future (and I fully suspect that he'll just keep renting to non-Irish short-term lease people so he can keep fucking with their deposits, as they are far far less likely to know about RTB etc.)

So TLDR – Landlord tried to fuck me, I went to RTB, got €1000 off him, threatened him with court to get the money, eventually got it, and now anyone in future taking him to RTB will probably automatically win their case, and hopefully he'll have the property taken off him at some point in the future.

Fucking slumlord pieces of shit.
You gotta do it too, if Irish people that actually know about the law don't call the fuckin pricks on this kind of shit then we can hardly expect some 20 year old erasmus student to get in touch with RTB when they don't get their deposit back. Everyone has to report these fucking scummy bastards at any chance we get.

Agree 100%. Shouldnt be let slide
Place I was living in a couple of years ago, been there for a year and the landlord says we all have to move out in the Summer because he's moving back into the house.
Didn't believe it for a minute, but anyway found somewhere new to live (got fucking lucky), and I was planning to randomly call up to the house around September time to check for mail (really see if the guy was actually living there or not). Got my deposit back after 4 weeks by basically pointing out to him that if he didn't give it back to me within the 30-day limit, he'd not have a good time.

Turns out one of my workplaces bizarrely sent a pay slip (just the details, not the actual money) to my old address, even though I'd given them my new address, and all my other payslips ended up at the right place. So around the start of September I get this random Facebook message from some French girl asking if this piece of mail is for me?
So I arrange to go and collect it from the house, some lad answers the door and I say Frenchie let me know there was mail for me, door lad lets me in to get it and I start chatting a bit about the house "Yeah this was a nice spot etc., how long have you lads been in here, I wonder has he done any work on the place (get a nice view of the living room and kitchen, not a single change) etc."

So yeah obviously dickhead landlord has just booted us out so he can jack up the price by €150 per room, which is naturally a lot more than the 4% every two years raise he's legally allowed to do. I find out from Frenchie that she's actually in what was my room paying €150 more than I was paying for it, landlord has done absolutely nothing to the place (few things needed fixed up, nothing major, he's done none of it anyway), and yeah his communication with us was just total lies.
So straight to Threshold and then RTB I go with my case. Now, turns out my actual case is that his 'notice' for us to end the lease was totally illegal – he'd just sent it to us by text message, whereas what is required is a written on paper signed with legal witness letter delivered to the house. Anyway case going to RTB, all my documents etc. are there for months, he gets his 'submission' in to them like 2 days before the hearing. His 'submission' includes the signed etc letter he sent to us - except that aside from that being total bollocks of course, his letter doesn't have legal witness and clearly could have been written yesterday for all it's worth. Also in his submission is all this nonsense documentation alluding to him having to move house, which also looks like a load of bollocks. Basically his whole spiel is a load of lies and he's actually trying to represent that to RTB as well.

So I go to the RTB hearing, yer man naturally doesn't turn up at all (on 'holiday' apparently), and after a few minutes of asking questions and looking at the documents, RTB person just goes "This is clearly total nonsense" (paraphrase) about yer man's stuff, totally agrees that his 'letter' was probably written 3 days before the case submission deadline, and awards the case in my favour to the tune of the landlord has to pay me €1000 compensation.
Took me 2 years to get that €1000 off him. Had to threaten him with court on numerous occasions, I had actually gone to RTB and got them to approve me for legal representation and all, after many no-replies he finally realised he wasn't getting away with it and said "Oh I thought I'd already paid that to you, well I'll set up a payment of €100 per month for 10 months then, how is that?" to which I replied (paraphrase) "Get fucked, if that was me telling you I'd pay a months rent over 10 months, you'd tell me to fuck off". But he starts paying me €100 per month, and the court shit is so much hassle that I just went fuck it and said no more. About 8 months in he tries to stop the payment thinking I won't notice, so back I go texting him again threatening him with court, and he says "Oh I just changed the payment to the end of the month was all".

Anyway I finally got the money. During this time, I'd also learned that the French erasmus girl that had moved in to my old room had basically been stiffed on her deposit, she got like half of it back and he just strung her along for the other half until she gave up. I told her RTB etc. but sure she's moved to Spain or something. During the whole process I'd also been letting my old housemates know about the whole thing, telling them they could also RTB etc., but guess what, they were French and Spanish themselves and basically just weren't arsed, they were just relieved to have gotten their deposits back at all I guess.
Another thing to note is that when I got the deposit back off him, and when I was getting the €100 per month payments, all this money was coming from an Italian bank account – simple conclusion being that he's avoiding paying any tax on it as well.

So end result, dodgy scum slumlord does dodgy scum illegal shit with his house, I find out, take him to RTB, win the case, and get €1000 compensation for it. You can say this doesn't stop him in the future, but guess what, now if anyone in the future goes to RTB over this guy, their system will already automatically say "This guy is probably a piece of shit" and guess who's going to win?
The process might be a pain in the ass, but it's worth it just for that, as it means he will be much less able to fuck people about in the future (and I fully suspect that he'll just keep renting to non-Irish short-term lease people so he can keep fucking with their deposits, as they are far far less likely to know about RTB etc.)

So TLDR – Landlord tried to fuck me, I went to RTB, got €1000 off him, threatened him with court to get the money, eventually got it, and now anyone in future taking him to RTB will probably automatically win their case, and hopefully he'll have the property taken off him at some point in the future.

Fucking slumlord pieces of shit.
Your story is great.
Had a similar thing with a landlord in Cabra one time many years ago, got fucked for the deposit, We took him to the small claims court, won, he never paid us. We hadn't clue what to do about that at the time, none of us had money for solicitors. I also had dealings with a dodgy lawyer one time more recently, we got another lawyer on the case, and it ended up that we were about to bring a complaint about him to the Law Society when he gave us the stuff we required. I wanted to proceed with the complaint anyway, but the new lawyer wouldn't represent us in an inter-lawyer dispute like this. I knew well what the trouble was...our new lawyer was a prick too. We let it slide and I still regret it. Well done!
Yeah, a friend of mine is a solicitor and I was gonna get him to help me figure out the circuit court thing (think it would have been circuit court for this) and just do it myself, but then I saw that I could apply to have RTB represent me, so I did that and they got back to me saying they would and I just needed to confirm for them, but then dickhead started paying me so I just left it.
Kind of wish I had just gone ahead with it now, but not sure how it would have gone in court with the case where your man would just be saying to the judge "But I offered to pay it" etc.
Place I was living in a couple of years ago, been there for a year and the landlord says we all have to move out in the Summer because he's moving back into the house.
Didn't believe it for a minute, but anyway found somewhere new to live (got fucking lucky), and I was planning to randomly call up to the house around September time to check for mail (really see if the guy was actually living there or not). Got my deposit back after 4 weeks by basically pointing out to him that if he didn't give it back to me within the 30-day limit, he'd not have a good time.

Turns out one of my workplaces bizarrely sent a pay slip (just the details, not the actual money) to my old address, even though I'd given them my new address, and all my other payslips ended up at the right place. So around the start of September I get this random Facebook message from some French girl asking if this piece of mail is for me?
So I arrange to go and collect it from the house, some lad answers the door and I say Frenchie let me know there was mail for me, door lad lets me in to get it and I start chatting a bit about the house "Yeah this was a nice spot etc., how long have you lads been in here, I wonder has he done any work on the place (get a nice view of the living room and kitchen, not a single change) etc."

So yeah obviously dickhead landlord has just booted us out so he can jack up the price by €150 per room, which is naturally a lot more than the 4% every two years raise he's legally allowed to do. I find out from Frenchie that she's actually in what was my room paying €150 more than I was paying for it, landlord has done absolutely nothing to the place (few things needed fixed up, nothing major, he's done none of it anyway), and yeah his communication with us was just total lies.
So straight to Threshold and then RTB I go with my case. Now, turns out my actual case is that his 'notice' for us to end the lease was totally illegal – he'd just sent it to us by text message, whereas what is required is a written on paper signed with legal witness letter delivered to the house. Anyway case going to RTB, all my documents etc. are there for months, he gets his 'submission' in to them like 2 days before the hearing. His 'submission' includes the signed etc letter he sent to us - except that aside from that being total bollocks of course, his letter doesn't have legal witness and clearly could have been written yesterday for all it's worth. Also in his submission is all this nonsense documentation alluding to him having to move house, which also looks like a load of bollocks. Basically his whole spiel is a load of lies and he's actually trying to represent that to RTB as well.

So I go to the RTB hearing, yer man naturally doesn't turn up at all (on 'holiday' apparently), and after a few minutes of asking questions and looking at the documents, RTB person just goes "This is clearly total nonsense" (paraphrase) about yer man's stuff, totally agrees that his 'letter' was probably written 3 days before the case submission deadline, and awards the case in my favour to the tune of the landlord has to pay me €1000 compensation.
Took me 2 years to get that €1000 off him. Had to threaten him with court on numerous occasions, I had actually gone to RTB and got them to approve me for legal representation and all, after many no-replies he finally realised he wasn't getting away with it and said "Oh I thought I'd already paid that to you, well I'll set up a payment of €100 per month for 10 months then, how is that?" to which I replied (paraphrase) "Get fucked, if that was me telling you I'd pay a months rent over 10 months, you'd tell me to fuck off". But he starts paying me €100 per month, and the court shit is so much hassle that I just went fuck it and said no more. About 8 months in he tries to stop the payment thinking I won't notice, so back I go texting him again threatening him with court, and he says "Oh I just changed the payment to the end of the month was all".

Anyway I finally got the money. During this time, I'd also learned that the French erasmus girl that had moved in to my old room had basically been stiffed on her deposit, she got like half of it back and he just strung her along for the other half until she gave up. I told her RTB etc. but sure she's moved to Spain or something. During the whole process I'd also been letting my old housemates know about the whole thing, telling them they could also RTB etc., but guess what, they were French and Spanish themselves and basically just weren't arsed, they were just relieved to have gotten their deposits back at all I guess.
Another thing to note is that when I got the deposit back off him, and when I was getting the €100 per month payments, all this money was coming from an Italian bank account – simple conclusion being that he's avoiding paying any tax on it as well.

So end result, dodgy scum slumlord does dodgy scum illegal shit with his house, I find out, take him to RTB, win the case, and get €1000 compensation for it. You can say this doesn't stop him in the future, but guess what, now if anyone in the future goes to RTB over this guy, their system will already automatically say "This guy is probably a piece of shit" and guess who's going to win?
The process might be a pain in the ass, but it's worth it just for that, as it means he will be much less able to fuck people about in the future (and I fully suspect that he'll just keep renting to non-Irish short-term lease people so he can keep fucking with their deposits, as they are far far less likely to know about RTB etc.)

So TLDR – Landlord tried to fuck me, I went to RTB, got €1000 off him, threatened him with court to get the money, eventually got it, and now anyone in future taking him to RTB will probably automatically win their case, and hopefully he'll have the property taken off him at some point in the future.

Fucking slumlord pieces of shit.
Endless respect for the tenacity here

Lots of people have a moan and then do fuck all
I got evicted a few years back because after five years of renting you lose all your rights and the landlord can evict you for no reason. Which he did. Fucking Ireland.
mare youbsure?
The longer you are living somewhere, the longer the notice they have to give you
Yes that's true, he had to give 90 days notice, just no reason.

So, exactly 90 days before I was there 5 years I received an eviction notice by letter, signed-for letter, and also someone sneaked into the building and pasted the notice to my door. He was renting it for a considerable rent increase soon afterwards. Charming,
Yes that's true, he had to give 90 days notice, just no reason.

So, exactly 90 days before I was there 5 years I received an eviction notice by letter, signed-for letter, and also someone sneaked into the building and pasted the notice to my door. He was renting it for a considerable rent increase soon afterwards. Charming,

What a prick

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