last night (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Since 2000
Nov 19, 2000
so this is possibly the worst way to address this situation but i'm quite busy for the next few days and couldnt think of anyother way to communicate with a wide variety of people. hopefully people will talk about this outside of t'internet world so those involved may have a chance to reflect upon their actions (or lack thereof).

if your lost: last night fuck all people showed up to the macrocosmica gig. of those who did, a fair proportion only came in to see one band and then left, but stayed hanging around outside/near the lower deck drinking cans and being fairly loud (ie you could hear them from the entrance to the lower deck, where the bar manager was standing for most of the night, and sporadically see people on skateboards, whatever). it was pretty obvious to all that everyone was drinking cans. all this went worse when something happened (i was stressing inside at the time, maybe someone can enlighten us) that led to a fight involving a few scobes, which ended up with andy mcsharry being taken off in an ambulence. as well, when the boys in blue arrived to see what was going on, they were given some hassle by members of "da punx".

first up, cans, fucking cans. i know i'm in no position to get zealous about this issue, but in fairness, the can drinking last night was rediculously obvious. clearly no one involved was using any natural cop on whatsoever. at the last gig in the lower deck (the one where true north didnt play), words were had with me about people drinking cans, i told as many people as possible and i assumed word was spread about the sketchyness of the can drinking situation. i had hoped that people would have used some common sense this time around, obviously not. the guy who was in charge last night was really sound, he's not the normal guy and it was the first time i'd met him. if the usual bar manager had've been there, theres no doubt in my mind he would have called off all future gigs in the lower deck.
people, for fucks sake, whats more important, a few cans or the only venue left in dublin where we can put gigs on? i know drink is expensive and no one wants to spend €20 a night or more in a pub but come on, can't you get drunk before the gig and keep it going with a pint or two during? or wait till after, warm up with a pint or two and then lash into the cans after the gig?
this leads me to the next situation; the gang outside (some of whom, i'm led to believe, we're even in at the gig but were still hanging around less than 50 meters from the entrance drinking cans, with people coming and going into the pub from there all night). it seems to be that when"da punx" are hanging out en masse and (especially) whyen they're boozing, all sense of peoples responsibility goes out the window. an "everyone's doing it so why blame me" kind of situation. to my knowledge the pub got a number of calls complaining about people drinking outside/near the venue, as it was clear that the gang was some how associated with the pub. the bar manager was expecting the cops to come around all night and said that they could/would object to the renewal of the lower deck's live music licence because of the situation last night.
which leads on to the last issue... i dont feel too comfortable commenting on something i didnt actually see, but clearly, from what i've heard, if there's two groups (punks and scobes) drinking near each other all night and some "friendly" abuse is going back and forth all night, it doesnt take a genius to figure out the most likely outcome. that shit last night could have been prevented with even the smallest amount of cop on, but due to the herd mentality it wasnt, and on top of all the other shit, andy had to be taken to hospital for his injuries.

so, end result: we lost money, not the biggest deal in the world but i voluntarily gave the Lower deck €50 for the room to stay in the good books. when the real manager hears about what happened i'm sure he's going to go through the roof, so there's no guarantee we'll be able to keep the venue. i was stressed as fuck all last night, didnt enjoy the gig at all, and guess what, i dont need this kind of shit in my life. i dont make money off this, i do it because i love it and without regular cheap gigs by touring bands the "scene" is nothing. if shit likes this keeps happening, my opinion on the positivity of doing all this could change and i say fuck it all and turn into a whingy cynical ex-scenester. i dont want that to happen.

anyway, right now the bottom line is, NO CANS EVER AGAIN in the lower deck, none, i mean if i dont someone pouring a can i'll give them a bollocking and take their drink off them.

anyway, enough blabbering, hopefully i've got some kind of point accross...
It's all well and good masking up and fighting the police, but when your mate is getting beaten in the head by kids, it's best to stand and watch.
Watching the gig is much better than being humiliated by 14 year olds. The funny thing is that if the venue did get lost and there were no more gigs, those of you drinking by the canal would probably give out the most.
Fair play to you Damien for saying the above and in such a public way. The "scene" has for ever been it's own worst enemy in the the ways you have said. Bullshit like that made me no longer want to do gigs in belfast. I didnt go last night but can fully appreciate what happenned.
Not that anyone wants to hear my two cents but fuck it im gonna ramble on anyway since i was doin the door an all last night so knew who did or did not pay in (there was at least 15/20 people otuside hanging around who didn't pay in). It should be pretty obvious to everyone that since the smoking ban came in the owners and staff of pubs have to keep a closer eye on the periphery of the pub, thus when shit is going on outside they are always keeping an eye on it. People wandered around with cans in their hands right outside the path beside the pub, right in the view of tha manager, to these people, what the fuck were you thnkin? Some people in ireland realise the work that goes into putting on gigs, and keeping the venues sweet. I think cans has been the reason over 4 or 5 venues have been lost over the past few years, not that it was the only reason but you have to be a realist and see how pubs view it. Each can they see or find is a fiver less they make on the till, thats the way they see it.
At the end of the day punk is about music, if you think it's about sitting outside they gig, doin ur scenester thing then please fuck off and do it elsewhere. The lower deck is a pretty class venue and the staff there have always been generally sound, even buying merch off touring bands. Compare that to what the bouncers were like in frazers a few weeks back at kaospilot.

And in regards to those scobes that were outside, it doesn't fuckin matter if they werre being friendly at first, what the fuck? thats what they do, it just part of a fuckin game, at the end of the day no matter 'how sound' you are, they think your a fuckin freak. Its reality. I believe there was a couple of younger kids out there too with a small terrier/bull dog, from what i could see these are the same kids who were attacking and mugging people from the homeless shelter where i work in the alleyway beside the building.
what damien said are all the reasons why we finally gave up putting on gigs after 3/4 years of non stop shit with venues (in most situations they had good reason to complain, what with the way people sometimes acted at the gigs), people not giving a fuck about anyone about themselves, and bands just being complete cunts.

nobody, and i mean NOBODY can have any clue what its like to put on a gig unless they've done it. And trying to put on regular gigs when youre not making money off it (and generally losing money) is a constant uphill battle.

The point when i realised that i couldnt do it anymore was the Fever Dream gig in the Wolfhound. This was mainly Eoin's gig, and the venue he originally had cancelled, and we had to move it to the Wolfhound on the day of the gig, and couldnt get money from the pub due to it being such short notice (the wolfhound used to pay €150 quid for a gig, and you couldnt charge on the door). Eoin gave Feverdream €100 out of his own pocket and they just looked at us and said "is that it?" before grunting and walking off, not speaking to us again for the entire night.

There have been plenty of times where we'd say "fuck it, never again" after a bad gig, and then you'd have a good gig and you'd think it wasnt so bad. But it almost always is (and if you think its hard to get a crowd in dublin, its fucking impossible in Cork)

The first gig we did was Brandtson and Unwed Sailor, and it was the most amazing gig ever, even though money was lost on it, the overriding thought was "an amazing gig happened because of us." However that feeling quickly dies when it repeatedly happens, and you have to constantly take responsibility for people being cunts.

Finally damien, all i can say is i know how you feel. Fair fucks for keeping it up so regularly. People dont ever say enough how important it is that people like yourself are around.
Alan Remorse said:
The first gig we did was Brandtson and Unwed Sailor, and it was the most amazing gig ever, even though money was lost on it, the overriding thought was "an amazing gig happened because of us."
Unwed Sailor! They're a cracking band. Are they still about?

Anyways, what Damien said is right. You don't want to fuck up the relationship with the Lower Deck. They're a very sound bunch of people and it's the only sizeable venue in the city with a decent policy towards independent promoters. Fucking up that relationship would be disasterous for the music scene in Dublin.

It was a good gig too. Macrocosmica were excellent. Bullets is one of the few genuinely interesting acts in Dublin right now. And Boxes are a proper rock band.
yep billy, Unwed Sailor are still around. Their new record is called "the marionette and the music box" and it is absolutely amazing. It left me speechless, i thought nothing could be as beautiful as their first album but i was wrong.

Did you see them live? they're still the best band i've ever seen. And they were so fucking nice, it sounds cheesy but after meeting them and talking to them at length it made me actually realise how much i want to achieve with music. They were by far the most passionate people i've ever met, it was so heartening.
He got his head kicked in by scumbag kids. I was enjoying the empty venue when it happened, but word on the underground scene is that people stood and watched. If it was the gards who were beating him up, they'd have got their arse kicked.
He was talking and moving when put into the ambulance. Haven't heard any more, so I'm assuming he's ok.
spuded said:
And in regards to those scobes that were outside, it doesn't fuckin matter if they werre being friendly at first, what the fuck? thats what they do, it just part of a fuckin game, at the end of the day no matter 'how sound' you are, they think your a fuckin freak. Its reality. I believe there was a couple of younger kids out there too with a small terrier/bull dog, from what i could see these are the same kids who were attacking and mugging people from the homeless shelter where i work in the alleyway beside the building. [/size]

spot on. Scobes are fuckin scum no matter how they seem to act. In the school i went to 4 out of 5 guys were complete scobes, and on a day to day basis i'd think "yeah he's sound out sure" and then something would always happen to make me realise that they were a complete dick.
yeah i feel similar alan, except luckily in my school the metallers were the hard lads, yay! But i spent a fair few years being 'friends' with scobes as well and thats a whole other story (zine), its just i recognised some of those kids as the same fuckers who had attacked homeless people outside the shelter, so if they'll do that, they aren't gonna fucks about giving a bunch of 'freaks' a goin over.

Maybe im too paranoid but its topped me from getting my head severely kicked in for a few years now, be alert as oi polloi would say an all (especially when your pissed). Anyway scumbags dont seem to try annoy me anymore, usualyl i just get random madsers, striking up conversations with me on the street, saying they know me from 'back home' or that i should let them saty in me gaff cause, 'we're in enemy territory here, us boggers'. I attract the creme de la creme.
sorry to hear bout it damien, spuded (sorry dont know yer name) and co, its real disheartening to hear it.

The reason alan and I (and others from outside dublin) take an interest in this is because firstly,
we can empathise with all of it. we've all had the same shit, have had to pay foreign bands out of our pockets because the local "scene goers" dont bother going to gigs relating to a scene which they claim to be a part of.
Same goes even for Irish bands, eoin and myself gave 50 quid each of our own money to Stand-Up Guy when they came down, cos no one showed up.(not that i minded i think they are class and nice guys to boot) but it does make you think twice about doing gigs in future. Thats why something like this has implications not only for Dublin but for the Iirsh scene in general.
Irelands a small place with relatively few DIY promoters. if damien and co got sick of doing gigs in dublin, that would mean the likes of us and other bands outside dublin would find it hard to get ourselves heard up there.
Same goes for the lads in Belfast, New Noise in Galway, AMC in Limerick, and Rhona, Noel and Leo and us in Cork.
So anytime something like this happens in one city it has consequences elsewhere. Ye might think im over exaggerating this, but this is the end result of shit like this.
anyways hope it wont put ye off gigs for too long and ye dont lose the venue.
Lots of thoughts on this, but to be honest, there's no point in writing them here.My opinion doesn't count anyway, apparently.

I would hope though, in spite of the fact that I won't be there, that people will have the cop on not to pull this shit at Tragedy on Tuesday.Consider it your last chance if you want to keep the venue.
Re: friday night, and again and again...

Hey Damo,

Listen, I've never put on a gig myself and so I can only guess work at all the details of stress etc you were going through at the gig. I certainly hadn't heard about the stresses you've recently endured on behalf of the scene, and yes can common sensedly figure out drinking outside beers infront of the mgmt is silly.
- badpunks!

Okay, so people don't realize! It's like all the people that are going to show up at ggi without a fuckin' sleeping bag - stupidity.

I'm sure you've got a big plate full right now, but maybe yourself and some one else who's got a clue what's involved could start handing out fliers at these gigs saying look, you can't drink cans because we're going to loose our venue. Then you won't have to play constable damien of the no-fun police, and we can all be the fuckin' gig cops.

just an idear.
Re: friday night, and again and again...

peoples stupid antics never fails to amaze me, I've had people smash tables etc, and it's always the kid putting on the gig who gets it in the neck, total respect for Damo for saying it how it is. hope it doesn't happen again down there....
Hey Tomahawk,

yeah a flyer would be an idea but then are we not just drawing more attention to something that really shouldnt have to be an issue. People should have a bit of fuckin cop-on, this is the really real world and if people choose to fuck with venues you lose the spaces, you lose the gigs etc, and as emo as it sounds, to me that would make this city almost uninhabitable for me (i need me rawk).

The thing is some people im sure will claim that they weren't even in the gig and have every right to drink cans wherever they want, fuck that. The bar manager who was standing outside doesn't know whether or not you are a payign customer or not, all he see's is a bunch of people hanging round otuside his workplace making his job pretty difficult. The bar manager isn't our fuckin enemy, he doesn't own the place, he's just a guy tryign to doa job with as little hassle as possible, and i couldn't blame him for being annoyed.

I felt wierd about my first post because alot of friends of mine and people i generally respect were there too, and i didnt wanna come on here an sound like the moral majority because i knwo what happened sucked but at the end of the day this is reality and if we wanna keep the lower deck we need this stupid shit to stop.
I don't mind sounding like the moral majority. If I see a cunt who wants to ruin the scene I'LL KILL THEM. You drink-outside-the-pub-wankers don't know what its like for there to be truly no gigs. I had to move to England just to see live bands regularly. I hope you all have to move to England. The dole is fuck all and as everyone knows, the English are pricks.
Man, I’ll never forget that. Dublin was hell then all the venues had shut down like the attic, the chinaman, the da club, that fusion bar place, galavans in new ross and just about every punk band in the country broke up as well except for skint. It was lame as fuck
The amount of touring bands we get here these days although it may seem poor is great and it was like that when I started going to gigs but then it all stopped, no venues, no promoters, no decent bands (only wanky instrumental shite). Oly and the lads all moved to Leeds and I moved to London and became horribly disilliusioned with the sXe buzz I was on at the time.
It was never easy to do this in Ireland the celtic tiger killed punk here and it took a long time for the scene to get back on it’s feet afterwards and it is still hard work. Don’t take what you have for granted and don’t take the hard work of everyone who actually makes an effort to keep DIY punk and hardcore alive in this country for granted.

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