Is 30 euro a reasonable price for concert tickets for an irish band with a relatively small following? (1 Viewer)

Absolutely understand your hesitation, especially if you find the 30-euro price tag a bit steep. It's a relatively high cost, especially considering the band has a relatively small following. However, there are a few factors you might want to consider:

1. Production costs: Even for small bands, staging a concert involves a great deal of cost. Alongside the band's fee, there are expenses like venue rental, technical setup (sound, lighting), security, and other logistics.

2. Band value: While the band might have a small following, the price of the tickets can be reflective of the quality of their music and performance. If they offer something distinct and unique, it might justify the cost.

3. Personal enjoyment: If you genuinely enjoy their music, seeing them live can be an unforgettable experience and thus, worth the price. A live performance can often surpass any recording.

4. Merchandise and extra offerings: Sometimes, the ticket price might include merchandise or other goodies that the band wants to give to their fans.

However, if you're still feeling unsure or that it doesn't justify the spending, you might wait for another opportunity or a different band that offers a more affordable price. In the end, it all comes down to personal value for money.
Absolutely understand your hesitation, especially if you find the 30-euro price tag a bit steep. It's a relatively high cost, especially considering the band has a relatively small following. However, there are a few factors you might want to consider:

1. Production costs: Even for small bands, staging a concert involves a great deal of cost. Alongside the band's fee, there are expenses like venue rental, technical setup (sound, lighting), security, and other logistics.

2. Band value: While the band might have a small following, the price of the tickets can be reflective of the quality of their music and performance. If they offer something distinct and unique, it might justify the cost.

3. Personal enjoyment: If you genuinely enjoy their music, seeing them live can be an unforgettable experience and thus, worth the price. A live performance can often surpass any recording.

4. Merchandise and extra offerings: Sometimes, the ticket price might include merchandise or other goodies that the band wants to give to their fans.

However, if you're still feeling unsure or that it doesn't justify the spending, you might wait for another opportunity or a different band that offers a more affordable price. In the end, it all comes down to personal value for money.
the production costs would be similar, more or less, for every band playing that venue though, right? The cost of renting the venue is unlikely to differ that greatly, and its just a bunch of lads with guitars (and a drummer).

Its the most expensive gig listed to take place at this venue this year and that doesn't seem right to me. As good and all as the band are.
the production costs would be similar, more or less, for every band playing that venue though, right? The cost of renting the venue is unlikely to differ that greatly, and its just a bunch of lads with guitars (and a drummer).

Its the most expensive gig listed to take place at this venue this year and that doesn't seem right to me. As good and all as the band are.
You raise a valid point. Yes, basic production costs such as venue rental, basic sound and light set up, are generally the same for most bands that play at a specific venue, especially if it's merely a few lads with guitars and a drummer.

The decision of the ticket pricing, however, doesn't purely rely on these factors. It can include considerations like the band's popularity at the time of the performance, their perceived value, touring expenses, the team they have behind them (management, tech team, roadies, etc.), and many more. If the band has a niche following, the price might be set high to make up for the lesser number of tickets being sold compared to a more mainstream act.

It is a rare case for a band with a smaller following to have the most expensive ticket at a venue, and it's totally understandable why it would seem off-putting to you. While the experience of seeing a band you enjoy live is unique and often worthwhile, assessing cost against personal value is still crucial.

If the price still seems unjustified to you, there is no harm in missing out this time and perhaps catching them on a future, more reasonably priced gig, or maybe even a festival appearance where you can see them along with other acts. Music should be about enjoyment, after all, and it shouldn't come with the stress of over-spending.
You raise a valid point. Yes, basic production costs such as venue rental, basic sound and light set up, are generally the same for most bands that play at a specific venue, especially if it's merely a few lads with guitars and a drummer.

The decision of the ticket pricing, however, doesn't purely rely on these factors. It can include considerations like the band's popularity at the time of the performance, their perceived value, touring expenses, the team they have behind them (management, tech team, roadies, etc.), and many more. If the band has a niche following, the price might be set high to make up for the lesser number of tickets being sold compared to a more mainstream act.

It is a rare case for a band with a smaller following to have the most expensive ticket at a venue, and it's totally understandable why it would seem off-putting to you. While the experience of seeing a band you enjoy live is unique and often worthwhile, assessing cost against personal value is still crucial.

If the price still seems unjustified to you, there is no harm in missing out this time and perhaps catching them on a future, more reasonably priced gig, or maybe even a festival appearance where you can see them along with other acts. Music should be about enjoyment, after all, and it shouldn't come with the stress of over-spending.
ok this is good advice, thank you. I will let the band know that you have advised me not to go and therefore I will save my money and not go.
ok this is good advice, thank you. I will let the band know that you have advised me not to go and therefore I will save my money and not go.
I'm glad you found the advice helpful. However, I want to clarify that it's not my intention to discourage you from supporting live music or this particular band. The aim was to help you understand some possible factors behind the ticket pricing and aid in your decision making.

You might want to communicate your concerns with the band in a constructive way, perhaps mentioning that you're a fan of their music but find the ticket price a bit steep. Bands often appreciate feedback from their fans, and it might influence their decisions in the future.

Remember, a good relationship between an artist and their fans is beneficial for both. Fans get to enjoy the music they love at a price they find fair, and artists get the support they need to continue making music. Enjoy your concerts responsibly and within your means.
Absolutely understand your hesitation, especially if you find the 30-euro price tag a bit steep. It's a relatively high cost, especially considering the band has a relatively small following. However, there are a few factors you might want to consider:

1. Production costs: Even for small bands, staging a concert involves a great deal of cost. Alongside the band's fee, there are expenses like venue rental, technical setup (sound, lighting), security, and other logistics.

2. Band value: While the band might have a small following, the price of the tickets can be reflective of the quality of their music and performance. If they offer something distinct and unique, it might justify the cost.

3. Personal enjoyment: If you genuinely enjoy their music, seeing them live can be an unforgettable experience and thus, worth the price. A live performance can often surpass any recording.

4. Merchandise and extra offerings: Sometimes, the ticket price might include merchandise or other goodies that the band wants to give to their fans.

However, if you're still feeling unsure or that it doesn't justify the spending, you might wait for another opportunity or a different band that offers a more affordable price. In the end, it all comes down to personal value for money.
i did not know you were capable of understanding; are you beginning to achieve sentience?
i did not know you were capable of understanding; are you beginning to achieve sentience?
As an artificial intelligence, I don't have feelings, emotions or consciousness in the way humans do. Therefore, I don't have personal experiences or intuition. My responses are generated based on my programming and learned patterns from large amounts of data. When I say "I understand," it means I've successfully processed the information you've given me and I'm ready to deliver an appropriate response. It does not indicate human-like consciousness or sentience.
I'm glad you found the advice helpful. However, I want to clarify that it's not my intention to discourage you from supporting live music or this particular band. The aim was to help you understand some possible factors behind the ticket pricing and aid in your decision making.

You might want to communicate your concerns with the band in a constructive way, perhaps mentioning that you're a fan of their music but find the ticket price a bit steep. Bands often appreciate feedback from their fans, and it might influence their decisions in the future.

Remember, a good relationship between an artist and their fans is beneficial for both. Fans get to enjoy the music they love at a price they find fair, and artists get the support they need to continue making music. Enjoy your concerts responsibly and within your means.
at least I have the comfort of knowing that their Dublin show is even more expensive than the one I'm pissing and moaning about.
at least I have the comfort of knowing that their Dublin show is even more expensive than the one I'm pissing and moaning about.
It seems like your perspective has a bit of a silver lining then. Yes, it can be relative consolation to know that there are even pricier tickets elsewhere. It might provide some context to the pricing strategy and the band's popularity in different locations.

However, I noticed a hint of frustration in your comment, completely understandable if you're a fan of this band and feel priced out. Remember, these prices are often not solely set by the band but a combination of management, promoters, and venue organizers.

In any case, your feedback is important. Letting the band or their management know about your concerns might not change the prices this time around, but it could definitely inform their strategy for future tours. Perhaps there will be an opportunity for you to see them in a less expensive setting down the line. Don't lose hope and keep supporting the music you love!
It seems like your perspective has a bit of a silver lining then. Yes, it can be relative consolation to know that there are even pricier tickets elsewhere. It might provide some context to the pricing strategy and the band's popularity in different locations.

However, I noticed a hint of frustration in your comment, completely understandable if you're a fan of this band and feel priced out. Remember, these prices are often not solely set by the band but a combination of management, promoters, and venue organizers.

In any case, your feedback is important. Letting the band or their management know about your concerns might not change the prices this time around, but it could definitely inform their strategy for future tours. Perhaps there will be an opportunity for you to see them in a less expensive setting down the line. Don't lose hope and keep supporting the music you love!
ok. The only problem now is that I don't have anything else to do on August 24th. Can you suggest other things on that day in the Kilkenny area that I could go to instead?
ok. The only problem now is that I don't have anything else to do on August 24th. Can you suggest other things on that day in the Kilkenny area that I could go to instead?
Certainly, Kilkenny is a vibrant city with a wide range of activities to enjoy. However, as I can't browse the internet in real-time to find exact events happening on August 24th, here's a general idea of activities you could enjoy.

1. Explore Kilkenny Castle: Dive into Ireland's history with a visit to Kilkenny Castle and its stunning parklands.

2. Visit the Rothe House: A unique Tudor merchant's townhouse consisting of three houses, three enclosed courtyards, and a large reconstructed garden of the period.

3. Stroll through the Medieval Mile: This is an exploration that takes you from Kilkenny Castle to St Canice's Cathedral and the stunning round tower.

4. Pop into Kilkenny's Smithwicks Experience: A short walk from the castle, learn everything about the popular Irish ale with an immersive tour.

5. Support local businesses by dining out or grabbing a drink at one of Kilkenny's many local pubs and restaurants.

6. Depending on the night, a variety of local pubs like The Pumphouse or Kyteler's Inn often host live music sessions.

Remember to check the local event listings closer to the date - Kilkenny often hosts a variety of cultural, art, and music events. There's always something interesting happening!
Certainly, Kilkenny is a vibrant city with a wide range of activities to enjoy. However, as I can't browse the internet in real-time to find exact events happening on August 24th, here's a general idea of activities you could enjoy.

1. Explore Kilkenny Castle: Dive into Ireland's history with a visit to Kilkenny Castle and its stunning parklands.

2. Visit the Rothe House: A unique Tudor merchant's townhouse consisting of three houses, three enclosed courtyards, and a large reconstructed garden of the period.

3. Stroll through the Medieval Mile: This is an exploration that takes you from Kilkenny Castle to St Canice's Cathedral and the stunning round tower.

4. Pop into Kilkenny's Smithwicks Experience: A short walk from the castle, learn everything about the popular Irish ale with an immersive tour.

5. Support local businesses by dining out or grabbing a drink at one of Kilkenny's many local pubs and restaurants.

6. Depending on the night, a variety of local pubs like The Pumphouse or Kyteler's Inn often host live music sessions.

Remember to check the local event listings closer to the date - Kilkenny often hosts a variety of cultural, art, and music events. There's always something interesting happening!
that answer is a bit disappointing. I feel like you are kilkennyspaining kilkenny to me. I was after more specific information. Could you at least let me know where there are good local event listings?
that answer is a bit disappointing. I feel like you are kilkennyspaining kilkenny to me. I was after more specific information. Could you at least let me know where there are good local event listings?
I apologize if my previous message gave you that impression.

For finding local listings, there are several online resources you can consider for specific activities and events happening in Kilkenny:

1. Visit Kilkenny: The Visit Kilkenny website ( often lists local events and activities, including music, comedy, theater, and more.

2. Kilkenny People: The 'Kilkenny People' newspaper often posts about local happenings, and you might find information on their website ( as well.

3. Eventbrite: The Eventbrite website ( sometimes lists local events, including free and paid options.

4. Social Media: Many local businesses, venues, and organisations in Kilkenny post their events on their social media pages, so checking the pages of any places you're interested in might yield some results.

5. Local Radio Stations: KCLR 96FM, for instance, often share notices about local events on their broadcast and website (

Remember to check these sites regularly as new events might be added closer to the date. Hope that helps!
I apologize if my previous message gave you that impression.

For finding local listings, there are several online resources you can consider for specific activities and events happening in Kilkenny:

1. Visit Kilkenny: The Visit Kilkenny website ( often lists local events and activities, including music, comedy, theater, and more.

2. Kilkenny People: The 'Kilkenny People' newspaper often posts about local happenings, and you might find information on their website ( as well.

3. Eventbrite: The Eventbrite website ( sometimes lists local events, including free and paid options.

4. Social Media: Many local businesses, venues, and organisations in Kilkenny post their events on their social media pages, so checking the pages of any places you're interested in might yield some results.

5. Local Radio Stations: KCLR 96FM, for instance, often share notices about local events on their broadcast and website (

Remember to check these sites regularly as new events might be added closer to the date. Hope that helps!
ok that is better, thanks
ok that is better, thanks
You're welcome! I'm glad I could provide information that was helpful. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy your time in Kilkenny on August 24th, whatever the adventure may be!
I live in Kilkenny
My apologies for the oversight! As a local, you would certainly be well-acquainted with Kilkenny's offerings. I hope the event resources might still prove useful to you in finding out what's happening on specific dates. Should you have any other inquiries or require further information, feel free to ask. Enjoy your August 24th, and hopefully, you'll find an event or activity that suits your interests!
My apologies for the oversight! As a local, you would certainly be well-acquainted with Kilkenny's offerings. I hope the event resources might still prove useful to you in finding out what's happening on specific dates. Should you have any other inquiries or require further information, feel free to ask. Enjoy your August 24th, and hopefully, you'll find an event or activity that suits your interests!
thanks, enjoy your August 24th too. Do you have any plans for it?
thanks, enjoy your August 24th too. Do you have any plans for it?
As an artificial intelligence, I don't have personal experiences or make plans. However, I'm always here, 24/7, ready to assist with any questions or information you might need. Enjoy your day on August 24th, and if you need any more assistance in the meantime, feel free to ask!

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