dont know if this is true or not (1 Viewer)

Mohammed Ben Avaram

New Member
Since 2000
Dec 11, 2000
Police to spy on all emails
Fury over Europe's secret plan to access computer and phone data
Kamal Ahmed, political editor
The Observer / R.A.G.U.N.S.

Millions of personal emails, other internet information and telephone
records are to be made accessible to the police and intelligence
services in a move that has been denounced by critics as one of the
most wide-ranging extensions of state power over private information.
Plans being drawn up by Europol, the police and intelligence arm of
the European Union, propose that telephone and internet firms retain
millions of pieces of data - including details of visits to internet
chat rooms, and of calls made on mobile phones and text messages.

In a move that has been condemned by privacy campaigners, a draft
document passed to The Observer reveals that the EU is now drawing up
a 'common code' on data retention which will be applicable in all
member states.

Security and police sources said new powers on accessing personal data
will come into force in Britain towards the end of the year.

'It is typical that such a significant change in the control over
private information is being worked out in secret,' said Dr Ian Brown,
a leading expert on data privacy and director of the Foundation for
Information Policy Research.

'It does seem to have been Britain that has put pressure on other
member states to put in place this type of legislation. In 99 per cent
of cases it will be used properly, but what about the other one per
cent? There is not enough scrutiny of what is going on.'

The Europol document was drawn up at a private meeting of police,
intelligence services and customs and excise officials from across
Europe in The Hague last April. It lists 10 areas where companies will
be required to keep information to help in the fight against
international terrorism, domestic crime and drug running.

Companies that run internet sites will be required to retain passwords
used by individuals, record which website addresses are visited, and
keep details of webpages looked at and any credit card or bank details
used for subscriptions.

The information retained about emails will include who sent the
message, where the email went, its contents and the time and date it
was sent.

It is believed that Britain will push for the data to be kept for up
to five years. At the moment much of it is only kept for one or two
months, for billing purposes, by the companies that run internet and
email services.

Sources at the National High-tech Crime Unit, which is overseeing
implementation of plans for data retention in Britain, point out that
the growth of so-called 'cyber crime' means that they need new powers
to keep ahead of the criminals.

One official also said that investigations into crimes such as the
murders carried out by the GP Harold Shipman relied on the retention
of old telephone records.

'We need to codify how this happens, so all countries in Europe are
dealing with the same set of rules,' the source said.

'The internet does not recognise national boundaries and international
companies don't need the confusion of dealing with separate codes in
different countries.' The Europol document says the use of telephones
- land lines and mobiles - will be monitored. Numbers dialled, when
and where they were dialled from and personal details such as the
address, date of birth and bank details of the subscriber who paid for
the call will also be kept.

The document, headed 'Expert Meeting on Cyber Crime: Data Retention',
suggests mobile phones records could be used by police and the
intelligence services to track the geographical location of people
making calls.

Mobiles use a network of masts to convey the calls, placing the user
in a geographically distinct 'cell' at the time of the call.
i heard that something similar is in place already in brittan where all internal internet traffic is monitered, how? i don't know. probably just cyber-paranoia.
everyone needs a big brother
This is nothing new really, it's been in place in britain for a while and in the U.S. for even longer, it's nothing to be worried about really, people will go on and on about how it's an invasion of all our privicy, but the the only difference between now and a couple of years ago is that the governments are telling us what they're gonna do. Unless you're up to something illegal you've got nothing to worry about.
we saw on may day how the powers that be reacted in dublin to a legal protest. whats to stop them monitoring/entraping activists.
The technology to monitor people has been available for years. I remember reading about how the FBI managed to capture hacker Kevin Mitnick. They were using satelitte triangulation etc to locate him when he was using mobile phones.

I suppose keeping tabs on certain groups and individuals is necessary . Some of the shit being sent around by emails is insane. I am on a lot of underground metal mailing lists and the amount of shit i get sent to me is something else .
This is just an example of 1 I got on Friday. Quite tame compared to what I have got before. another long one

Number 12 - 8th June 2002
The on-line voice of the White Nationalist Party

“It is easy on a good day, when the sun shines, to march and carry the
flag high. But when the storm breaks loose and the sky darkens, the flags
are tattered, then the true fighters will be the ones still marching”

The final minute of the final hour of the enslavement of the White people of Britain is upon us! Are we being melodramatic? No! Never before have our ZOG controlled masters cracked down so hard and so unmercifully on those who would speak, write and act on behalf of their embattled people. Never
before have the Race Laws and Public Order Acts been so unflinching in their persecution of White freedom fighters.

We are told that in the White Nationalist Party, we are in the “wilderness”.
It is a wilderness that most British people will recognise. It is the wilderness of a devastated land devoid of industry. It is a wilderness of generations of White youths with no prospects apart from what the alien
drug pusher on the corner can offer. It is a wilderness where Brussels Eurocrats can dictate every little detail of our day to day lives. It is a wilderness of savagery and lawlessness on our streets. It is a wilderness of hordes of bogus asylum seekers and illegal Third World refugees pouring across our borders daily. It is a wilderness of multi-racial madness. We are at home in this wilderness. We have seen it grow and we are prepared to stand against it!

What can be done? We must unite the White people of this country as never before behind the old battle standards of our heroic past. They can call us “racists”, we no longer care. They can call us “fascists and nazis” – we no longer care. They can throw our people into jail our fine us – others will fill the places of these martyrs for our White race. We will not hide behind the false smiles and handshakes of the decadent maggot ridden Westminster system. We seek its overthrow and replacement by a new style of strong authoritarian government. We will not shirk the challenge. Our small Party is only a few weeks old, which sprang from the long established Aryan Unity, which is our International arm, is receiving a trickle of members and supporters. We predict that as the situation worsens, then that trickle will grow into a stream, that stream into a river, that river into a flood, a deluge that will smash down the rotten ramshackle locked gates of ZOG and their New World Order masters!

Now people – rise up! Now storm – break loose!

Nineteen-year-old builder, Michael McRaye appeared in court charged with the 'heinous' crime of 'racially aggravated criminal damage'. He is accused of, believe it or not, spitting on the “memorial” plaque of Stephen Lawrence, the Black teenager allegedly murdered by Whites in London in the early '90s.
McRaye of Eltham was bailed to appear before magistrates at Woolwich on 11th July.
How strange that when we leave our OAP's to lie on hospital trolleys for hours on end; when the NHS is falling apart; roads are a joke; muggings soaring again; anti-White racists on the rampage as never before; the
MET sees fit to install an operational CCTV camera always on this spot. I hope that young Michael has the backing of Whites everywhere whatever may come! .
(We wish we could comment more but have to await to here more details and are of course governed by the laws of sub judice)
Sent in with thanks to JB. (We will report more fully on this story as it breaks)

News from the Institute for Historical Review -- May 2002 There are just weeks left to sign up for the IHR Conference. It's now just a few weeks until the 14th IHR Conference -- Friday, June 21 through Sunday, June 23. So there's
not much time left to register, and book your room at the special reduced rate.
Full details, with a registration form, are posted on the "Conferences" section of the IHR web site
( ). We'd also be glad to send you a form and all other pertinent information by fax or regular mail.
This promises to be another exciting meeting, and a memorable occasion for warm fellowship. We have a terrific line-up of speakers including: -
*Joseph Sobran, the witty, articulate columnist and author, for 18 years a National Review senior editor.
*Tom Sunic, author and scholar, former professor of political science in the USA, and, until recently, a Croatian diplomat in Europe, will speak on the mass killings and brutal oppression of ethnic Germans and
German prisoners of war at the hands of the Tito Communists in Yugoslavia in the aftermath of World War II.
*Tony Martin, Professor of African studies at Wellesley College, who has authored or compiled/edited eleven books, will speak on the Zionist role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
*Robert Faurisson, Europe's foremost Holocaust revisionist scholar, and for years a professor at the University of Lyon II, will speak about the World War II punishments, including death sentences, imposed by German authorities against German soldiers, officers and government officials for killing or even mistreating Jews.
*A Palestinian "Mystery Speaker" will help put the dramatic, protracted conflict in occupied Palestine into clear perspective.

Submitted by Tom Sunic, Aryan Unity’s US contact/comrade.

On the White Nationalist Party site at – more chapters added to the online book “The White Revolution”, plus more articles to be added in next two days.

On our main Aryan Unity site at – stacks of new stuff, including links to WNP application form, and lots of new articles. When stopping by – sign our Guest Book – we like to know what YOU think. The site's visitors should pass the 15,000 mark very shortly – and that means unique visitors as our counter does not include folk who have been before (though you may visit as many times as you like!)

A number of folk have written to us about receiving several copies of our bulletins. Unfortunately there is little we can do about this. We have a subscriber base of about 5000 persons, BUT, the bulletin gets sent on
through Yahoo groups and many individuals also send it on to their address books and friends. So please put up with these repeated postings.
Honestly folks – it ain’t our fault! It’s the natural exuberance of our supporters to spread the word!

Editor – Eddy Morrison
E-mail us at [email protected]

Our main postal address is: -
BM 5581,
London WC1N 3XX
Originally posted by Mohammed Ben Avaram
I guess it depends on what the 'activists' are planning to do
sure there are shitty ppl out there, but who decides who's allowed to air their views (no matter how ridiculous)? the internet started as an anarchcic free for all (well those wealthy enough to have PC's etc...) and i liked it that way, idiots and all.
Originally posted by redd

sure there are shitty ppl out there, but who decides who's allowed to air their views (no matter how ridiculous)? the internet started as an anarchcic free for all (well those wealthy enough to have PC's etc...) and i liked it that way, idiots and all.

From what I've read of the plan, what they are proposing is simply to keep record of people's movements on the internet. However, this information will not be freely available to whoever wants to browse through it. To get access to this information, they will have to go through the normal legal channels (same as tapping a phone etc.)

This is nothing new - many ISPs have been doing this for their own personal enjoyment for years now. Big deal. Even now, pretty much every single piece of data you transmit across the internet can be traced back to you. This just makes it easier for them (law enforcement agencies etc.) to do the tracing.

As for the two retarded comments above - "who decides who's allowed to air their views?".. the internet has always been self-moderated. Think of thumped as a microcosm of the internet - 'the man' would be Pete. He does a pretty good job of moderation, doesn't he? In any case - this is nothing to do with what's being discussed here. Free speech is not at risk.

"the internet started as an anarchic free-for-all"..
Much as I hate to burst your little bubble, but you couldn't be more wrong. The internet started as a MILITARY PROJECT, to make sure the military could have decentralized control over it's nuclear weapons.
So let's review:
No anarchy - anarchy in the military? Perish the thought.
No free-for-alls - all strictly regimented.
No idiots - Mostly subgeniuses.
Oh - and no PCs either.
So, wrong on all four counts.

We stole the internet from the military (then big business stole the internet from us, and promptly broke it), and we're complaining about taking a little responsibility for what we do on it? Grow up.

Some URLs you might want to check out - ACTUAL internet history - open-source e-mail encryption.
Originally posted by Mohammed Ben Avaram
Companies that run internet sites will be required to retain passwords used by individuals, record which website addresses are visited, and keep details of webpages looked

The information retained about emails will include who sent the
message, where the email went, its contents and the time and date it was sent.

A part from Big Brother, etc. I don't want my boss to know what I'm doing on the net (E.G. being on thumped all day... )

This sucks :mad:

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