Death in St. Petersburg - Nazi attack after Food Not Bombs (3 Viewers)

Carlow Punks! said:
There's just violent people. Black, white, yellow, brown, etc. Colour's not really a deciding or defining variable in that.

Just like for stupid people.

I don't agree. there are differences between races, if you think colour is the only definition between races you are ignorant, and some races are more predesposed to VIOLENCE.

heres some examples....

Riots in Paris.
Riots in Bradford
Riots in Toledo, Ohio
Riots in LA
GENOCIDE in South Africa
Mass violence and looting after Hurricane Katrina.
Madrid bombings
London bomgins.

also think to yourself, where in the world are the most dangerous places you can go? chances are it will be predominantly black or muslim countries.

now take another race for example..

just like blacks and muslims, there are also many chinese and koreans living in white countries today. yet they are not violent like blacks. why is this? the circumstances are the same. The answer is that they as a race are just not as naturally violent.

La La said:
you seem to forget that millions of non-whites have suffered at the hands of white people.

and you believe that justifies eradicating the whites that are living today? if so you have some seriously fucked up sensibilities.

How many innocent people died in the Judeo-Bolsheviks gulag death camps? so by YOUR logic, ALL jews are accountable for this, and you justify the holocaust because of what jews have done in the past? YOU concedethat Hitler was right.

by that same logic you will also agree that all Japanese must be wiped from the earth, because of the attrocities committed against china and korea in WWII.

likewise, the chinese should be wiped out because of what they've done to Tibet.

Your logic says that all Muslims should be killed off because of their acts of terrorism.

And because of all the violence that was outlined previously, your logic dictates that all blacks should be exterminated too.

FUCK IT! Lets just nuke the entire planet and call it a day shall we? because there is no race on this planet that haven't committed some attrocity in their past, and by YOUR LOGIC, everybody from that ethnic group is accountable. :rolleyes:

...or you could actually grow a brain and realise that a past injustice does not justify the eradication of an entire race.
Lord Abbath said:
I don't agree. there are differences between races, if you think colour is the only definition between races you are ignorant, and some races are more predesposed to VIOLENCE.

heres some examples....

Riots in Paris.
Riots in Bradford
Riots in Toledo, Ohio
Riots in LA
GENOCIDE in South Africa
Mass violence and looting after Hurricane Katrina.
Madrid bombings
London bomgins.

also think to yourself, where in the world are the most dangerous places you can go? chances are it will be predominantly black or muslim countries.

and the most "dangerous" places to go in dublin are areas where people are living in council flats for decades and have been underfunded, ignored and mistreated by the government and gardai.

what about the riot in dublin in february?

if anyone feels totally helpless/hopeless because of the way they're treated by those in power, no matter what their background, they'd feel violent and angry too..
Lord Abbath said:
some races are more predesposed to VIOLENCE
try walking through any big city/town centre in ireland at 2am at any stage over the weekend

Lord Abbath said:
Madrid bombings
London bomgins

Lord Abbath said:
Riots in Paris.
Riots in Bradford
Riots in Toledo, Ohio
Riots in LA
haha, so what? riots just happen when the blacks want to let off some steam? what about the orange parade in dublin a small while back?
Lord Abbath said:
...or you could actually grow a brain and realise that a past injustice does not justify the eradication of an entire race.
what are you on about you prick, you're the fucking nazi who hates all non-whites because one nigerian guy was rude to your mother.
nooly said:
what are you on about you prick, you're the fucking nazi who hates all non-whites because one nigerian guy was rude to your mother.

Rude? thats what you call it? giving someone a concussion is "rude"? If someone shot a person in the head I suppose you would called that a "slight inconvenience"? if someone killed 50 people would you say it "just a flesh wound"?

You should write comedy.

ddmurph said:
try walking through any big city/town centre in ireland at 2am at any stage over the weekend

tried it many a time thanks and nothing has ever happened to me.

ever been to America? there are gang controlled areas in some cities where you would be shot on sight just because you are white. show me anywhere in the world where there are areas where white people shoot black people on sight? Nope, none exist. you have no comparison.

ddmurph said:
haha, so what? riots just happen when the blacks want to let off some steam? what about the orange parade in dublin a small while back?

so wanting to "let off steam" justifies en-masse violence?

you know me and a lot of other people are feeling pretty fucking annoyed at the situation in Ireland. would it be ok with you if we all took crowbars and baseball bats and started being every foreigner we could find?

and what of the orange parade? all this tells us is that we have enough problems of our own to sort out before importing everyone elses.

or is your point that because some bunch of hooligans acted the idiot it gives everyone else the right to do the same? hey, if so then me and any other racist have the same rights, correct? maybe you would even like to join in on the fun? you seem to show no reguard for human life, you'd probably love it.

but you know what I really think? I think an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth leaves the whole world blind and toothless. violence doesnt justify more violence.

spuded said:
yeah abbath just show up at some gig and spout ur crap if yer gonna stand ur ground and shut the fuck up on this forum:mad:

ah the usual punk thug theatening innuendo. the good old say it to my face crap. because then you could resort to violence couldn't you? I bet you would love that. to just hit out with animalistic rage when theres an opinion that threatens your fragile world view? fuck off.

eyelish said:
if anyone feels totally helpless/hopeless because of the way they're treated by those in power, no matter what their background, they'd feel violent and angry too..

I feel pretty helpless and hopeless. the people in charge dont listen to me and many many others who share my views and dismiss those views and concerns without consideration. in Ireland we have increasing crime rates, unemployement rates, more drugs than ever before, and it's all to do with multiculturalism. the government want to plough through our national landmarks building roads that could easily be re-routed, they want to put signs up everywhere in foreign languages. many of our jobs are being outsourced to places like India and many more of our jobs are being handed over to eastern european immigrants. many Irish homeless are going unheard because people seem to care more about some nigerian name kunle who was only supposed to get a visa to finish his leaving but ended up knocking up some Irish girl so he could stay and suck off our tax money some more. we as a people have struggled for 800 years for our freedom and now that we have it good the government is bent on pissing away billions and giving away even more billion to every johnny foreigner that shows up YOUR GOD DAMN FUCKING RIGHT IM FEELING VIOLENT AND ANGRY!!!
you know a woodpecker? imagine one endlessly pecking at your arm. except reading your posts is more like someone pecking at your brain.that's what you sound like, and your ignorance is grating. JESUS FUCKING WEPT, GET OUT.


Lord Abbath said:
Rude? thats what you call it? giving someone a concussion is "rude"? If someone shot a person in the head I suppose you would called that a "slight inconvenience"? if someone killed 50 people would you say it "just a flesh wound"?

You should write comedy.

tried it many a time thanks and nothing has ever happened to me.

ever been to America? there are gang controlled areas in some cities where you would be shot on sight just because you are white. show me anywhere in the world where there are areas where white people shoot black people on sight? Nope, none exist. you have no comparison.

so wanting to "let off steam" justifies en-masse violence?

you know me and a lot of other people are feeling pretty fucking annoyed at the situation in Ireland. would it be ok with you if we all took crowbars and baseball bats and started being every foreigner we could find?

and what of the orange parade? all this tells us is that we have enough problems of our own to sort out before importing everyone elses.

or is your point that because some bunch of hooligans acted the idiot it gives everyone else the right to do the same? hey, if so then me and any other racist have the same rights, correct? maybe you would even like to join in on the fun? you seem to show no reguard for human life, you'd probably love it.

but you know what I really think? I think an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth leaves the whole world blind and toothless. violence doesnt justify more violence.

ah the usual punk thug theatening innuendo. the good old say it to my face crap. because then you could resort to violence couldn't you? I bet you would love that. to just hit out with animalistic rage when theres an opinion that threatens your fragile world view? fuck off.

I feel pretty helpless and hopeless. the people in charge dont listen to me and many many others who share my views and dismiss those views and concerns without consideration. in Ireland we have increasing crime rates, unemployement rates, more drugs than ever before, and it's all to do with multiculturalism. the government want to plough through our national landmarks building roads that could easily be re-routed, they want to put signs up everywhere in foreign languages. many of our jobs are being outsourced to places like India and many more of our jobs are being handed over to eastern european immigrants. many Irish homeless are going unheard because people seem to care more about some nigerian name kunle who was only supposed to get a visa to finish his leaving but ended up knocking up some Irish girl so he could stay and suck off our tax money some more. we as a people have struggled for 800 years for our freedom and now that we have it good the government is bent on pissing away billions and giving away even more billion to every johnny foreigner that shows up YOUR GOD DAMN FUCKING RIGHT IM FEELING VIOLENT AND ANGRY!!!
I guess you feel pretty smart and analytical and all responding to all these deluded punks with such clarity

Lord Abbath said:
tried it many a time thanks and nothing has ever happened to me.
I've been attcked by white Irish people in our towns and capital, on a few occasions. Ever heard of dialectics. Look it up.

Lord Abbath said:
ever been to America? there are gang controlled areas in some cities where you would be shot on sight just because you are white. show me anywhere in the world where there are areas where white people shoot black people on sight? Nope, none exist. you have no comparison.
A viscious gang called the NYPD have a reputation for it.

Lord Abbath said:
violence doesnt justify more violence.
Good stuff, I'm glad we're on some kind of wavelenght.
May I also propose while on the eye for an eye thing, one act against your mother doesn't not justify hatred of unrelated people (other than similar skin pigmentation). If this is so...then blacks in have rights to hate Irish for the violent racism we inflicted upon African Americans in the 19th Century.

Lord Abbath said:
to just hit out with animalistic rage when theres an opinion that threatens your fragile world view? fuck off.
never seen stormfront board then

Lord Abbath said:
I feel pretty helpless and hopeless.
I figured that from the start, and I'm no Freud!
Lord Abbath said:
the people in charge dont listen to me and many many others who share my views and dismiss those views and concerns without consideration. in Ireland we have increasing crime rates, unemployement rates, more drugs than ever before, and it's all to do with multiculturalism.
specifics please!
Lord Abbath said:
the government want to plough through our national landmarks building roads that could easily be re-routed,
yeah, damn those big African road-building corporations
Lord Abbath said:
they want to put signs up everywhere in foreign languages.
like English?
Lord Abbath said:
many of our jobs are being outsourced to places like India
wha'? even someone of avarage intelligence knows this is under the control of corporations, not government or immigrants .
a) why would government actively seek outsourcing of Irish jobs and votes, don't we have a reputation for litterally begging for jobs from foreign corporations, and
b) explain cause and effect of immgrants 'flooding' here looking for work and outsourcing abroad. I'm confused on this one, surely any causee and effect would mean immigrants (and Irish.. as we left for better jobs in US, Britain, Austrailia, Canada, Germany, Ne...well you get the picture) leaving here for India, no? Again back this up with a drawn connection and I'll stand corrected
Lord Abbath said:
many more of our jobs are being handed over to eastern european immigrants.
not our jobs, our bosses jobs, remember? Unless you mean you yourself run a company (though in fairness I'mn not picturing yuo as a successful businessman, or even very successful in general) and you've had to let all the Irish employee's go and hand over the jobs to eastern europeans
Lord Abbath said:
many Irish homeless are going unheard
yeah I see you handing out sambo's and soup ever other week, good on ya'
Lord Abbath said:
because people seem to care more about some nigerian name kunle who was only supposed to get a visa to finish his leaving but ended up knocking up some Irish girl so he could stay and suck off our tax money some more. we as a people have struggled for 800 years for our freedom and now that we have it good the government is bent on pissing away billions and giving away even more billion to every johnny foreigner that shows up YOUR GOD DAMN FUCKING RIGHT IM FEELING VIOLENT AND ANGRY!!!
THis last line says it all. Not reasonable agueing, just emotive frustration, the root of most racism. I rest my case. Please don't try project a veneer on debate, just have a big fucking rant. Let it all go. At least that would be honest.

Look, its okay to be the fearful, powerless little man, lashing out at the easiest target in a hectic world without order.
You can cry on our shoulder.
We'll be here for you.

Lord Abbath, would you like a hug :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Lord Abbath said:
in Ireland we have increasing crime rates, unemployement rates, more drugs than ever before, and it's all to do with multiculturalism. the government want to plough through our national landmarks building roads that could easily be re-routed, they want to put signs up everywhere in foreign languages. many of our jobs are being outsourced to places like India and many more of our jobs are being handed over to eastern european immigrants. many Irish homeless are going unheard because people seem to care more about some nigerian name kunle who was only supposed to get a visa to finish his leaving but ended up knocking up some Irish girl so he could stay and suck off our tax money some more. we as a people have struggled for 800 years for our freedom and now that we have it good the government is bent on pissing away billions and giving away even more billion to every johnny foreigner that shows up YOUR GOD DAMN FUCKING RIGHT IM FEELING VIOLENT AND ANGRY!!!

Firstly, there is almost full employment in Ireland, without foreign workers our ecomomy would collapse.
what have all the things you pissed off about got to do with multiculturalism? Seriously, you seem like you are making up things to be pissed off about and scapegoating the worst off people in Irish society. What does the govt building roads through Tara have to do with foreign people living in Ireland? Surely it has more to do with how stupidly rich this country is and how nothing is allowed to stand in the way of 'progress' and growth???

We have a minister for justice who in one of your buddies, lovely fascistic thatcher-esuqe racist. You should be the happiest camper ever.
What are you really angry about?
have a seat on this couch...
Lets talk about your parents hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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