COME BACK, PATH! (1 Viewer)

Actually, I was talking with Dudley about this the other day.
I know we were both pretty appalled by the hassle that Path guy got. It seemed almost entirely unwarranted.
I think it was Alan from Decal who pointed out that in less prosperous times there were plenty of terrible zines that attempted to have a social conscience (eg Gearhead Nation), yet when things are better there only seems to be Path's (well written) zine. Yet he just gets shouted down.

Things like that really give Thumped a bad reputation and are usually championed by people who swan in here for a while and then slink off for a few months.

Not that I haven't ever called anyone a prick [whisper] you are all pricks [/whisper].
I often forget that this is a public forum that anyone can look at. Especially when I'm grumpy. Which is often. But that's allowed because I'm older than you.
(Except for Anne, Beardy and Pete.)

What do any of you other types reckon of this bidness?
I 'gree. Hunned p'cent.

Someone mail that guy and tell him to come back. He has his supporters here as well as his detractors, and he'd do well to recognise that.

(Alan O'Boyle's point is also good, btw.)

joss (05 Feb, 2002 12:17 p.m.):
Actually, I was talking with Dudley about this the other day.
I know we were both pretty appalled by the hassle that Path guy got. It seemed almost entirely unwarranted.
I think it was Alan from Decal who pointed out that in less prosperous times there were plenty of terrible zines that attempted to have a social conscience (eg Gearhead Nation), yet when things are better there only seems to be Path's (well written) zine. Yet he just gets shouted down.

Things like that really give Thumped a bad reputation and are usually championed by people who swan in here for a while and then slink off for a few months.

Not that I haven't ever called anyone a prick [whisper] you are all pricks [/whisper].
I often forget that this is a public forum that anyone can look at. Especially when I'm grumpy. Which is often. But that's allowed because I'm older than you.
(Except for Anne, Beardy and Pete.)

What do any of you other types reckon of this bidness?
Oh right - you said "other types". Sorry.


joss (05 Feb, 2002 12:17 p.m.):
Actually, I was talking with Dudley about this the other day.
I know we were both pretty appalled by the hassle that Path guy got. It seemed almost entirely unwarranted.
I think it was Alan from Decal who pointed out that in less prosperous times there were plenty of terrible zines that attempted to have a social conscience (eg Gearhead Nation), yet when things are better there only seems to be Path's (well written) zine. Yet he just gets shouted down.

Things like that really give Thumped a bad reputation and are usually championed by people who swan in here for a while and then slink off for a few months.

Not that I haven't ever called anyone a prick [whisper] you are all pricks [/whisper].
I often forget that this is a public forum that anyone can look at. Especially when I'm grumpy. Which is often. But that's allowed because I'm older than you.
(Except for Anne, Beardy and Pete.)

What do any of you other types reckon of this bidness?
I (vaguely) remember talking to a few people at the thumped disco (Anne?) and they agreed that Path was given way too much shit here.

The only problem I had was, when buy Nothing Day was coming around, he or his associates spent a fortune on spray cans and went on a graffitti binge all over the city.

I consider graffitti to be a permanent kind of rubbish and think it's the sport of buffoons. But the chap's principals are to be commended in most other areas.

I'd like to see the prick posting here again.
I reckon if you can't take a slagging then you've no sense of humour. eg Anne O'Malley, you're a bollix. Hey, I was just joking!

There's no doubt that Thumped has a reputation for cutting people down, and I know people who, unlike me, have adequate levels of self esteem and pride and choose not to post on it for that reason.

But for us junior members, could you enlighten us about this guy Path and what he did/didn't do?

By the way Joss, you don't look a day over 40 (just joking etc)
Well said.

(And speaking of commending principals, do take a look at Florian Fricked's photo, which shows our own former principal, a humourless man much given to the eradication of longhairs - hence his honorary enmulletment.)

Stuart Little (05 Feb, 2002 12:36 p.m.):
I (vaguely) remember talking to a few people at the thumped disco (Anne?) and they agreed that Path was given way too much shit here.

The only problem I had was, when buy Nothing Day was coming around, he or his associates spent a fortune on spray cans and went on a graffitti binge all over the city.

I consider graffitti to be a permanent kind of rubbish and think it's the sport of buffoons. But the chap's principals are to be commended in most other areas.

I'd like to see the prick posting here again.
joss (05 Feb, 2002 12:17 p.m.):
I think it was Alan from Decal who pointed out that in less prosperous times there were plenty of terrible zines that attempted to have a social conscience (eg Gearhead Nation), yet when things are better there only seems to be Path's (well written) zine. Yet he just gets shouted down.

What was terrible about Gearhead Nation? I always enjoyed it, so i did. All them words, and every month...

I think there's still a couple of copies at

(Whatever happened to Burt Cokain anyway...?)
I've given Path a hard time here alright but it was usually arguing a point, not personally directed shtuff. I emailed him a while back and told him all this anyways and said I thought there was usually good reading in the zine even if I didn't agree with all of it (wasn't that the point - to challenge what 9-5ers think?). Anyways he said he was wrapping the zine up so I suppose there won't be a Path so to say anymore. I reckon alot of the stuff aimed at him personally here was tongue-in-cheek but it probably doesn't seem so to people that don't look at thumped regularly. I think the guy just got wound up and retaliated in the wrong way and that made it easier to have a pop at him - that's not saying it was alright to do it though. In fairness I would never have gone on the Critical Mass bike rides or realised what pricks GAP etc. are without him...
Path is a guy who happens to have some pretty strong opinions on certain political and economic matters. He used to post some very interesting and informative info to Thumped concerning the likes of the anti-globalisation movement.

Some individuals seemed to develop a problem with Path. I suspect it was more because of the style of his delivery than the content of it, which I guess is one of the reasons he buggered off - rightly or wrongly.

Those individuals seemed to forget that they had the choice of not reading what Path wrote. That makes me think that the term for what happened is "bullying" - basically, wanting to be king of the playground.

On the other side, I think Path failed to recognise that the amount of attention his posts garnered was in itself a sign of how seriously people were taking what he had to say. And that's also why I'm asking him to come back.

You have to be able to take a bit of slagging, true, but what was meted out to Path at the end was far in excess of humour. (You'll find the relevant threads archived somewhere here - can't remember where though.)

There's a price to be paid for an unmoderated bulletin board, and that price is civility - the same basic decency that keeps (most of) us from, say, punching some random geezer in the face just 'cos we're in a bad mood (Joss).

By the way, Snakybuss, I AM a bollix. My full address is 23, The Sac, South Groinshire.

snakybus (05 Feb, 2002 12:46 p.m.):
I reckon if you can't take a slagging then you've no sense of humour. eg Anne O'Malley, you're a bollix. Hey, I was just joking!

There's no doubt that Thumped has a reputation for cutting people down, and I know people who, unlike me, have adequate levels of self esteem and pride and choose not to post on it for that reason.

But for us junior members, could you enlighten us about this guy Path and what he did/didn't do?

By the way Joss, you don't look a day over 40 (just joking etc)
Anne O'Malley (05 Feb, 2002 01:13 p.m.):
He used to post some very interesting and informative info to Thumped concerning the likes of the anti-globalisation movement.

Some individuals seemed to develop a problem with Path. I suspect it was more because of the style of his delivery than the content of it

On the other side, I think Path failed to recognise that the amount of attention his posts garnered was in itself a sign of how seriously people were taking what he had to say.

You have to be able to take a bit of slagging, true, but what was meted out to Path at the end was far in excess of humour. (You'll find the relevant threads archived somewhere here - can't remember where though.)

True, true. The style of his delivery particularly opened itself to argumentative debate - it was like he wanted someone to disagree with him. And usually someone did and usually it descended into personal jibes. But that's usually harmless enough if the argument is good natured to start with but because of his style of delivery people usually didn't have good natured debates with him so when the slagging started it was stronger than the usual. I'd say he understands this but the thought of having a good natured debate on thumped probably seems unlikely to him.
snakybus hissed:
There's no doubt that Thumped has a reputation for cutting people down...

True. And I would imagine that most people learn quickly that anything said via th' internet is to be taken with several sacks of salt and certainly not taken personally.

But Thumped's reputation isn't entirely deserved and is certainly no reflection of Pete. I've heard a lot of people talk down Thumped recently based on this bulletin board. Do you folk think it's worth remembering that the reputation (and inclusivity for new oiks) of the site is at stake when posting here or would some sort of self-censorship ruin what's good about it? Perhaps self censorship is too strong a term.

But a lot of good people fear and dislike this place, which saddens me. Then again, plenty of good people happily type pricks just as often as I do.
And that pleases me.

How to find the prick-quillibrium?
All that nasty shit about Path, in particular from Hag, is the reason why this is the first time I have checked in on the Thumped board since well before Christmas - and only because someone told me about this thread... I won't be in a hurry to revisit either. I've just turned 30 and I'm too fucking old for this playground bully bullshit. So much of the world is fucked because of the apathy and self-serving attitudes of the majority, while people like Path are looking for reasons to keep fighting. I KNOW that he's a genuwine guy, who doesn't understand why so much cynicism has been directed at him. Time to grow up Thumpers!
I think alot of people unfamiliar with the Path situation could do worse than check out the following threads:

I'm not trying to get at the guy, I'm just trying to prove that thumped shouldn't have a bad name because of what happened. In most cases he could simply have taken it for banter instead of taking it so seriously. Most of his posts were either serious debate or serious slagging - no in between. Particularly towards the end he simply replies to the bait with insults and makes no attempt at good natured banter. I can understand this given how wound up he got but still he could've just ignored it.
Tracy_Eminent (05 Feb, 2002 02:00 p.m.): I KNOW that he's a genuwine guy, who doesn't understand why so much cynicism has been directed at him.
because he was always trying to prove how genuine he was. in my opinion he never admitted once that he could be incorrect on any point. this lead to people calling him aloof and self-righteous. the guy is genuine but lacks humility. he just gave an aura (is that how you spell it?) of "i'm right and you're wrong". His defence to being called hypocritcal (rightly or wrongly)on some points was to refer to an article in the path zine instead of straight up admitting it. this gave an impression of "oh i can't be bothered to explain myself - go read my zine". he just is one of those guys that can rub some people up the wrong way. i feel that there was very little cynicism directed towards him. he was introcucing debate and the replies weren't always to his liking - that's not cynicism. as Anne said, the fact that he got so much attention shows how seriously people took his points. there was plenty of vitriol directed at him, not cynicism.
Tracy_Eminent (05 Feb, 2002 02:00 p.m.):
All that nasty shit about Path, in particular from Hag, is the reason why this is the first time I have checked in on the Thumped board since well before Christmas - and only because someone told me about this thread... I won't be in a hurry to revisit either. I've just turned 30 and I'm too fucking old for this playground bully bullshit. So much of the world is fucked because of the apathy and self-serving attitudes of the majority, while people like Path are looking for reasons to keep fighting. I KNOW that he's a genuwine guy, who doesn't understand why so much cynicism has been directed at him. Time to grow up Thumpers!

sweeping generalisations don't make the world a better place either though
lads you have to admit the forum ain't up to much lately?

Also seeing as I seem to be the only one to actually know the path I feel I should say something, but to be honest I don't really feel like it.

I kinda get dishearten alot when I look around the scene I was so into in me youth, a scene that was somewhere I could feel at home, which no longer exists.
Personally I think everything has stepped up a notch. Not saying that's a good or a bad thing.
I mean I just remember being a veggie in Carlow, listening to Fugazi and not drinking then all of a sudden going to gigs in New Ross and Dublin and finding I wasn't the only one. I remember Padric(of Cheapskate) explaining to me that he'd sell me tape's without a mark-up. Where is that honesty?
Where is that feeling of inclusion?
I'm not really to interested in the rights or wrongs of what happened... just as I wasn't terribly intertested in what happened, or did not happen

but Stweart reminded my of the buy nothing weekend

I remeber Path was plugging the buy nothing weekend and I, at the time, was really pissed off about the graffitti "promoting" this event. So I asked Path how he felt the right on attitude of Buy Nothing day could sit with the childish and dumb practise of Graffiting shop fronts and stuff (one shop on Parnell Street I had in mind... I mean its bad enough were encvouraged to boycott this poor chap trying to make a living but spraypainting his shop!!... its not like it was Champion Sports or McDOnalds.. just some guys shop!!)

anyway Path ignored my comments and replied by more plugging, I asked again, he ignored them and informed where I could meet up to join the Buy Nothing day March....

This bothered me for ages, every time I walked by this guys shop... Path seemed so blinded by the “big evil” that he couldn’t see the simple facts in front of him, that wrecking some blokes shop isn’t going to stop globalisation

just like getting stroppy with people here wasn’t going stop people having a larf and generally being naughty on thumped.

It is sad he flet the need to leave

(and dis thumped on some mailing lists...)
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