Big Brother 8 (2 Viewers)

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Live big brother is the most irritating thing in the world sound cuttin out every 10 seconds, cameras locked on peoples faces when other people in the room are talkin and the cheeky fucking AD breaks every 10 minutes! for what? JOKE!
I'd give Channel one thats for sure. Just duck tape her mouth.

ROCK legend Prince is set to stun the contestants with an impromptu private gig.
The pint-sized star is a huge fan and asked his management to arrange an appearance — either in the BB garden or screened in the house from a London studio.

Prince, whose hits include When Doves Cry and Purple Rain, announced seven shows at the O2 Arena last month as part of a 21-date UK tour.

The remaining dates will be surprise gigs around the UK — with one live on BB.

A source said: “Prince is a huge fan of Big Brother. He has tuned in to every series of the show so far and loves the concept.

“His management are in discussions with producers Endemol to arrange a gig.

“Prince is hoping it will be an unforgettable moment that goes down in BB history.”

But Big Brother insiders fear that several of the housemates may not know who the musician is.

Lesley has admitted she hates music and never listens to it. The twins, at 18, are probably too young to remember most of Prince’s hits from the 1980s and 90s.

And Emily has already shown herself up to be less than an expert in all things musical when she announced: “There’s something sweeping the country and it’s called indie rock.”

A Channel 4 insider said: “Housemates like Tracey the raver and Shabnam the R&B fan will probably be appreciative of their own audience with Prince.

“But some of the others probably won’t have a clue who he is and won’t realise what an amazing opportunity they are being given.

“It will be hilarious to see the different reactions.”

Prince’s seven dates at the O2 Arena sold out within minutes of going on sale.

The eccentric star is also expected to announce more mad ideas for impromptu shows during his month-long stay in Britain during August.

"i've been wearing skinny jeans for three and a halfyears"


*i dont watch by the way. really.
'I can't believe you said that'

[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]This is a provisional transcript of the conversation between Emily, Charley and Nicky that led to Emily's departure from the house. The incident will be aired as part of the Big Brother highlights show on Channel 4 at 10pm tonight (Thursday June 7)[/FONT]

[FONT=Geneva,Arial,sans-serif]Thursday June 7, 2007

Emily: (referring to Charley dancing/pushing her hips forward) You pushing it out, you nigger.

Nicky: (shocked laughter) Em, I can't believe you said that.

Charley: You are in trouble.

Emily: Don't make a big thing out of it then. I was joking.

Charley: I know you were ... but that's some serious shit, sorry.

Emily: Why?

Charley: Oh my god. I'm not even saying it.

Nicky: Just don't talk about it anymore.

Emily: I was joking

Charley: Do you know how many viewers would watch that?

Nicky: Okay, don't make a big deal out of it.

Charley: Fancy you saying that. I can't believe you said that.

Emily: Somebody has already used that word in this house.

Charley: No way. (Pause) Yeah, me. I'm a nigger.

Nicky laughs.

Charley: I am one. Fancy you saying it. I know maybe you see it in a rap song. Maybe you and your friends sit there saying it.

Emily: I'm friendly with plenty of black people.

Nicky: And you call them niggers?

Emily: Yeah and they call me niggers. They call me wiggers as well.

Nicky: I'm quite shocked.

Charley: I'm fucking in shock.

Emily: It's not a big deal though is it?
Charley: Not for us, it ain't. Fuck me.
Big Brother Blog - Times Online - WBLG. Big Brother 8 blog by writers from The Times - we watch so you don't have to. Subscribe to a feed of this Times Online blog at
June 07, 2007
Here's a funny thing Just yesterday, Michael Herman and I had a wee chat, just before he posted this. In particular, he reckoned Lesley's comments about grasping, controlling Jewish mothers might have been quite dodgy, I wasn't so sure. (Michael and I are both Jewish, btw.) In the end, we agreed he should go softly, because the Shilpa situation had been so overblown and tiresome that we didn't want to look like we were trying to shamelessly stir up an equivalent. Plus, she was talking about Ziggy, and I think he's a preening knobhead.
Now, I think it warrants revisiting. Emily said a dodgy word, but apparently didn't mean anything dodgy by it. Lesley expressed dodgy views, but managed to do so without using the word "yid". Better? Worse? Should Big Brother punish one, and not the other? Or should Big Brother do nothing, and let people spew out all the rope they want until they hang themselves? I reckon the latter. Discuss.
Lesley wants them all dead

She does. She scares (and thrills) me more than Stella on EastEnders when she's burning Ben with hot spoons. I love her threats. I love the way, say, she'd go into her village shop, then upon discovering the shop had run out of her preferred organic porridge oats, she'd shove an Uzi in the face of the shopkeeper and say "No porridge oats? I don't think you want to say that. It makes me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry". Magically, the oats would be found and Lesley would leave the shop, having smoothed her Jaeger jacket down, and bid the terrified shopkeeper a cheery goodbye.


I realise that gone are the days where people entered the Big Brother house to win the prize money in order to help their ill friend. I have accepted that the only people to audition are fame hungry and untalented and see a stint in the house as a golden path to stardom (apart from Lesley who seems as baffled as we are as to what on earth she is doing there). And it is guaranteed fame for the idle. All contestants have to do is lie by the pool all summer, participate in the odd task and provide mild entertainment through their stupidity or eccentricity.
But I have no time for Shabman. Being famous for doing very little is common but everyone pays their dues getting there; a stint in a girl band, a topless photo on page 3, a one night-stand with a footballer. It is token but necessary. But wanting your 2 minutes and not even sticking out the BB house for a week! Get her out and lets hope it’s the last we see of her…Unless she has had a sex change in which case I am mildly interested.
Posted by Alexia Skinitis | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

Fame according to Shabnam
Did we all see Shabnam in the diary room complaining about how she wanted to leave? Two minutes or two years. It's either one or the other. Jesus, what would Larry Grayson say? He'd probably say 'Shut That Door' or 'What're the scores Miss St Claire'... that was all he ever said, and that's what made him famous. FAMOUS!!!!! He also mentioned Well'ard too... from time to time... Now, if I were Shaba, I'd be using my time in the house more constructively doing the following:

1) Learning the secret of eternal life
2) Learning how to fly (at altitude)
3) Becoming more self-aware of herself, her surroundings and the connection (if any) between the two - a sense of togetherness, if you will...

4) Preparing for the reality of people seeing her in the street and completely breaking down in torrents of tears

5) Concentrating on her spirituality and where she intends to be after her death. Hey, it's inevitable. Heaven surely is the ideal...

6) Studying pyrotechnics and the intricacies of illuminating the sky with the illusion of it becoming like a naked flame
7) Reviewing her progress on understanding the secrets to eternal life
8) Working on a system of making sure that infant children are able to memorise her full name upon first hearing.

And the deals; what deals was she talking about? She constantly claims to have entertainment value in the house. I haven't seen anything from Shabababababa which would make me want to go see her at The Comedy Store. And I love hanging around Leicester Square at the weekends. There's always a lovely atmosphere. Jilly Cooper and I went out for a pre-theatre dinner at a lovely little bistro place just down Bear Street. She loved it. She's going to include it in her new book 'Bear Street'. She didn't and she won't and it isn't by the way. Just to be clear... Although if Jilly were to invite me round for a sherry in her shed, I'd love it. I'd love it forever Jilly. Please call... speaking of bears, what the hell is Galloway doing with his body hair...?

Posted by Doogal | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

Up Yours, Ofcom?

Is it me, or are the BB editors getting a little bolshy again? Not that I'm complaining, it makes for more interesting viewing (and blogging) if we get to watch housemates arguing over the origins of religious fundamentalism instead of who gets to use the hair straighteners first.

Perhaps they are worrying that the all-girl trick is wearing a bit thin?
It's only day 5 and we've had:

1) Shower-gate - Charley invents a cruel urine-libel about Lesley
2) Pasta-gate - a 72 hour argument involving Charley (trend here), Nikki & some missing carbohydrates
3) Emily - a 19 year old - claiming to have invented the fashion for tight jeans
4) The Sermon in the Lounge - Lesley's impassioned exhortation to her flock of younger housemates not to waste their limited but flimsy chance of fame
5) Ziggy thinking (or pretending to think) that Wangers was Laura's second name

And finally:

6) Even by the bizarre standards we have come to expect and love from BB: the most abnormal person in Britain (I mean Tracey but accept you could equally substitute for Lesley or Carole. etc.)

Posted by Michael Herman | Permalink | Comments (13) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

Ziggy doesn't play[ed] guitar

But he does play in goal. And is quite good I am told by two people in his team.

He also seems to be quite a decent bloke. And cocky enough to enjoy his stinit as house deity without being an arse. He's also very polite but in what seems - perhaps the wise Dawn/GdP etc. will correct me - to be a non-slimey way. Which I've always thought was a useful skill.

He can definetely do better than Isombard Kingdom Chanelle.

Posted by Michael Herman | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

June 04, 2007

Look-a-like 2

With thanks to Becca, a lady who likes Star Trek and Big Brother: *swoon*

Dear Sir,

Have you, perchance, noticed the similarity between Odo, the ruthlessly efficient, shape-shifting head of security on the federation station Deep Space 9 and Ziggy.. [cut, that private eye joke is getting a bit boring. move on.]



Posted by Michael Herman | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

3, 7, 9 and 11...

Can someone tell me what Chanelle might find 'bad' about these numbers..? Numbers can be bad? Naughty numbers? If there are nasty little numerals out there I need to know what they are. As soon as I find out what they are, I'm going to stop using them - with immediate effect. I might have to take a few things back to the shops. I'll also have to do a complete inventory of all items I own. I'll have to count the lines on my tv screen. Toilet paper - might have to throw out a roll mid-way through if it turns out to have a bad amount of sheets left. This is going to be awful. Please let there not be naughty numbers.

Continue reading "3, 7, 9 and 11..." »

Posted by Doogal | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

It's a woman's woman's woman's world

I'm playing catch-up again - watching Big Brother on the Couch on E4. And Davina just said that women up and down the country, in nightclub toilets, often say to complete strangers "Nice boobs" and have a feel. Now, I don't know what kind of nightclubs she's been to - ones with red velvet ropes, obviously. But I've never felt up a complete stranger's boobs in a toilet.

Continue reading "It's a woman's woman's woman's world" »

Posted by Gabrielle Starkey | Permalink | Comments (13) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

From the Sunday People

about Nicky and how she ...

... LOATHED her body size and was obsessed with cleaning ... DROPPED four dress sizes from a curvy 14 to a skinny 8 after David confessed to having three one-night stands ... TORCHED all his belongings when she found out about his romps ...

That last one comes out of nowhere, doesn't it? Like finding an Uzi in Delia Smith's handbag. This is the real problem with Big Brother. It suddenly makes you suspect that, aside from the people you actually personally know, everybody in Britain is stark raging bonkers.

Porcelain chicken
This is really interesting shit yo beach ass.

Big Brother Blog - Times Online - WBLG. Big Brother 8 blog by writers from The Times - we watch so you don't have to. Subscribe to a feed of this Times Online blog at
June 07, 2007
Here's a funny thing Just yesterday, Michael Herman and I had a wee chat, just before he posted this. In particular, he reckoned Lesley's comments about grasping, controlling Jewish mothers might have been quite dodgy, I wasn't so sure. (Michael and I are both Jewish, btw.) In the end, we agreed he should go softly, because the Shilpa situation had been so overblown and tiresome that we didn't want to look like we were trying to shamelessly stir up an equivalent. Plus, she was talking about Ziggy, and I think he's a preening knobhead.
Now, I think it warrants revisiting. Emily said a dodgy word, but apparently didn't mean anything dodgy by it. Lesley expressed dodgy views, but managed to do so without using the word "yid". Better? Worse? Should Big Brother punish one, and not the other? Or should Big Brother do nothing, and let people spew out all the rope they want until they hang themselves? I reckon the latter. Discuss.
Lesley wants them all dead

She does. She scares (and thrills) me more than Stella on EastEnders when she's burning Ben with hot spoons. I love her threats. I love the way, say, she'd go into her village shop, then upon discovering the shop had run out of her preferred organic porridge oats, she'd shove an Uzi in the face of the shopkeeper and say "No porridge oats? I don't think you want to say that. It makes me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry". Magically, the oats would be found and Lesley would leave the shop, having smoothed her Jaeger jacket down, and bid the terrified shopkeeper a cheery goodbye.


I realise that gone are the days where people entered the Big Brother house to win the prize money in order to help their ill friend. I have accepted that the only people to audition are fame hungry and untalented and see a stint in the house as a golden path to stardom (apart from Lesley who seems as baffled as we are as to what on earth she is doing there). And it is guaranteed fame for the idle. All contestants have to do is lie by the pool all summer, participate in the odd task and provide mild entertainment through their stupidity or eccentricity.
But I have no time for Shabman. Being famous for doing very little is common but everyone pays their dues getting there; a stint in a girl band, a topless photo on page 3, a one night-stand with a footballer. It is token but necessary. But wanting your 2 minutes and not even sticking out the BB house for a week! Get her out and lets hope it’s the last we see of her…Unless she has had a sex change in which case I am mildly interested.
Posted by Alexia Skinitis | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

Fame according to Shabnam
Did we all see Shabnam in the diary room complaining about how she wanted to leave? Two minutes or two years. It's either one or the other. Jesus, what would Larry Grayson say? He'd probably say 'Shut That Door' or 'What're the scores Miss St Claire'... that was all he ever said, and that's what made him famous. FAMOUS!!!!! He also mentioned Well'ard too... from time to time... Now, if I were Shaba, I'd be using my time in the house more constructively doing the following:

1) Learning the secret of eternal life
2) Learning how to fly (at altitude)
3) Becoming more self-aware of herself, her surroundings and the connection (if any) between the two - a sense of togetherness, if you will...

4) Preparing for the reality of people seeing her in the street and completely breaking down in torrents of tears

5) Concentrating on her spirituality and where she intends to be after her death. Hey, it's inevitable. Heaven surely is the ideal...

6) Studying pyrotechnics and the intricacies of illuminating the sky with the illusion of it becoming like a naked flame
7) Reviewing her progress on understanding the secrets to eternal life
8) Working on a system of making sure that infant children are able to memorise her full name upon first hearing.

And the deals; what deals was she talking about? She constantly claims to have entertainment value in the house. I haven't seen anything from Shabababababa which would make me want to go see her at The Comedy Store. And I love hanging around Leicester Square at the weekends. There's always a lovely atmosphere. Jilly Cooper and I went out for a pre-theatre dinner at a lovely little bistro place just down Bear Street. She loved it. She's going to include it in her new book 'Bear Street'. She didn't and she won't and it isn't by the way. Just to be clear... Although if Jilly were to invite me round for a sherry in her shed, I'd love it. I'd love it forever Jilly. Please call... speaking of bears, what the hell is Galloway doing with his body hair...?

Posted by Doogal | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

Up Yours, Ofcom?

Is it me, or are the BB editors getting a little bolshy again? Not that I'm complaining, it makes for more interesting viewing (and blogging) if we get to watch housemates arguing over the origins of religious fundamentalism instead of who gets to use the hair straighteners first.

Perhaps they are worrying that the all-girl trick is wearing a bit thin?
It's only day 5 and we've had:

1) Shower-gate - Charley invents a cruel urine-libel about Lesley
2) Pasta-gate - a 72 hour argument involving Charley (trend here), Nikki & some missing carbohydrates
3) Emily - a 19 year old - claiming to have invented the fashion for tight jeans
4) The Sermon in the Lounge - Lesley's impassioned exhortation to her flock of younger housemates not to waste their limited but flimsy chance of fame
5) Ziggy thinking (or pretending to think) that Wangers was Laura's second name

And finally:

6) Even by the bizarre standards we have come to expect and love from BB: the most abnormal person in Britain (I mean Tracey but accept you could equally substitute for Lesley or Carole. etc.)

Posted by Michael Herman | Permalink | Comments (13) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

Ziggy doesn't play[ed] guitar

But he does play in goal. And is quite good I am told by two people in his team.

He also seems to be quite a decent bloke. And cocky enough to enjoy his stinit as house deity without being an arse. He's also very polite but in what seems - perhaps the wise Dawn/GdP etc. will correct me - to be a non-slimey way. Which I've always thought was a useful skill.

He can definetely do better than Isombard Kingdom Chanelle.

Posted by Michael Herman | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

June 04, 2007

Look-a-like 2

With thanks to Becca, a lady who likes Star Trek and Big Brother: *swoon*

Dear Sir,

Have you, perchance, noticed the similarity between Odo, the ruthlessly efficient, shape-shifting head of security on the federation station Deep Space 9 and Ziggy.. [cut, that private eye joke is getting a bit boring. move on.]



Posted by Michael Herman | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

3, 7, 9 and 11...

Can someone tell me what Chanelle might find 'bad' about these numbers..? Numbers can be bad? Naughty numbers? If there are nasty little numerals out there I need to know what they are. As soon as I find out what they are, I'm going to stop using them - with immediate effect. I might have to take a few things back to the shops. I'll also have to do a complete inventory of all items I own. I'll have to count the lines on my tv screen. Toilet paper - might have to throw out a roll mid-way through if it turns out to have a bad amount of sheets left. This is going to be awful. Please let there not be naughty numbers.

Continue reading "3, 7, 9 and 11..." »

Posted by Doogal | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

It's a woman's woman's woman's world

I'm playing catch-up again - watching Big Brother on the Couch on E4. And Davina just said that women up and down the country, in nightclub toilets, often say to complete strangers "Nice boobs" and have a feel. Now, I don't know what kind of nightclubs she's been to - ones with red velvet ropes, obviously. But I've never felt up a complete stranger's boobs in a toilet.

Continue reading "It's a woman's woman's woman's world" »

Posted by Gabrielle Starkey | Permalink | Comments (13) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

From the Sunday People

about Nicky and how she ...

... LOATHED her body size and was obsessed with cleaning ... DROPPED four dress sizes from a curvy 14 to a skinny 8 after David confessed to having three one-night stands ... TORCHED all his belongings when she found out about his romps ...

That last one comes out of nowhere, doesn't it? Like finding an Uzi in Delia Smith's handbag. This is the real problem with Big Brother. It suddenly makes you suspect that, aside from the people you actually personally know, everybody in Britain is stark raging bonkers.

Porcelain chicken
Hahahaha - I love this bit:

Big Brother Blog - Times Online - WBLG. Big Brother 8 blog by writers from The Times - we watch so you don't have to. Subscribe to a feed of this Times Online blog at
June 07, 2007
Here's a funny thing Just yesterday, Michael Herman and I had a wee chat, just before he posted this. In particular, he reckoned Lesley's comments about grasping, controlling Jewish mothers might have been quite dodgy, I wasn't so sure. (Michael and I are both Jewish, btw.) In the end, we agreed he should go softly, because the Shilpa situation had been so overblown and tiresome that we didn't want to look like we were trying to shamelessly stir up an equivalent. Plus, she was talking about Ziggy, and I think he's a preening knobhead.
Now, I think it warrants revisiting. Emily said a dodgy word, but apparently didn't mean anything dodgy by it. Lesley expressed dodgy views, but managed to do so without using the word "yid". Better? Worse? Should Big Brother punish one, and not the other? Or should Big Brother do nothing, and let people spew out all the rope they want until they hang themselves? I reckon the latter. Discuss.
Lesley wants them all dead

She does. She scares (and thrills) me more than Stella on EastEnders when she's burning Ben with hot spoons. I love her threats. I love the way, say, she'd go into her village shop, then upon discovering the shop had run out of her preferred organic porridge oats, she'd shove an Uzi in the face of the shopkeeper and say "No porridge oats? I don't think you want to say that. It makes me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry". Magically, the oats would be found and Lesley would leave the shop, having smoothed her Jaeger jacket down, and bid the terrified shopkeeper a cheery goodbye.


I realise that gone are the days where people entered the Big Brother house to win the prize money in order to help their ill friend. I have accepted that the only people to audition are fame hungry and untalented and see a stint in the house as a golden path to stardom (apart from Lesley who seems as baffled as we are as to what on earth she is doing there). And it is guaranteed fame for the idle. All contestants have to do is lie by the pool all summer, participate in the odd task and provide mild entertainment through their stupidity or eccentricity.
But I have no time for Shabman. Being famous for doing very little is common but everyone pays their dues getting there; a stint in a girl band, a topless photo on page 3, a one night-stand with a footballer. It is token but necessary. But wanting your 2 minutes and not even sticking out the BB house for a week! Get her out and lets hope it’s the last we see of her…Unless she has had a sex change in which case I am mildly interested.
Posted by Alexia Skinitis | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

Fame according to Shabnam
Did we all see Shabnam in the diary room complaining about how she wanted to leave? Two minutes or two years. It's either one or the other. Jesus, what would Larry Grayson say? He'd probably say 'Shut That Door' or 'What're the scores Miss St Claire'... that was all he ever said, and that's what made him famous. FAMOUS!!!!! He also mentioned Well'ard too... from time to time... Now, if I were Shaba, I'd be using my time in the house more constructively doing the following:

1) Learning the secret of eternal life
2) Learning how to fly (at altitude)
3) Becoming more self-aware of herself, her surroundings and the connection (if any) between the two - a sense of togetherness, if you will...

4) Preparing for the reality of people seeing her in the street and completely breaking down in torrents of tears

5) Concentrating on her spirituality and where she intends to be after her death. Hey, it's inevitable. Heaven surely is the ideal...

6) Studying pyrotechnics and the intricacies of illuminating the sky with the illusion of it becoming like a naked flame
7) Reviewing her progress on understanding the secrets to eternal life
8) Working on a system of making sure that infant children are able to memorise her full name upon first hearing.

And the deals; what deals was she talking about? She constantly claims to have entertainment value in the house. I haven't seen anything from Shabababababa which would make me want to go see her at The Comedy Store. And I love hanging around Leicester Square at the weekends. There's always a lovely atmosphere. Jilly Cooper and I went out for a pre-theatre dinner at a lovely little bistro place just down Bear Street. She loved it. She's going to include it in her new book 'Bear Street'. She didn't and she won't and it isn't by the way. Just to be clear... Although if Jilly were to invite me round for a sherry in her shed, I'd love it. I'd love it forever Jilly. Please call... speaking of bears, what the hell is Galloway doing with his body hair...?

Posted by Doogal | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

Up Yours, Ofcom?

Is it me, or are the BB editors getting a little bolshy again? Not that I'm complaining, it makes for more interesting viewing (and blogging) if we get to watch housemates arguing over the origins of religious fundamentalism instead of who gets to use the hair straighteners first.

Perhaps they are worrying that the all-girl trick is wearing a bit thin?
It's only day 5 and we've had:

1) Shower-gate - Charley invents a cruel urine-libel about Lesley
2) Pasta-gate - a 72 hour argument involving Charley (trend here), Nikki & some missing carbohydrates
3) Emily - a 19 year old - claiming to have invented the fashion for tight jeans
4) The Sermon in the Lounge - Lesley's impassioned exhortation to her flock of younger housemates not to waste their limited but flimsy chance of fame
5) Ziggy thinking (or pretending to think) that Wangers was Laura's second name

And finally:

6) Even by the bizarre standards we have come to expect and love from BB: the most abnormal person in Britain (I mean Tracey but accept you could equally substitute for Lesley or Carole. etc.)

Posted by Michael Herman | Permalink | Comments (13) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

Ziggy doesn't play[ed] guitar

But he does play in goal. And is quite good I am told by two people in his team.

He also seems to be quite a decent bloke. And cocky enough to enjoy his stinit as house deity without being an arse. He's also very polite but in what seems - perhaps the wise Dawn/GdP etc. will correct me - to be a non-slimey way. Which I've always thought was a useful skill.

He can definetely do better than Isombard Kingdom Chanelle.

Posted by Michael Herman | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

June 04, 2007

Look-a-like 2

With thanks to Becca, a lady who likes Star Trek and Big Brother: *swoon*

Dear Sir,

Have you, perchance, noticed the similarity between Odo, the ruthlessly efficient, shape-shifting head of security on the federation station Deep Space 9 and Ziggy.. [cut, that private eye joke is getting a bit boring. move on.]



Posted by Michael Herman | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

3, 7, 9 and 11...

Can someone tell me what Chanelle might find 'bad' about these numbers..? Numbers can be bad? Naughty numbers? If there are nasty little numerals out there I need to know what they are. As soon as I find out what they are, I'm going to stop using them - with immediate effect. I might have to take a few things back to the shops. I'll also have to do a complete inventory of all items I own. I'll have to count the lines on my tv screen. Toilet paper - might have to throw out a roll mid-way through if it turns out to have a bad amount of sheets left. This is going to be awful. Please let there not be naughty numbers.

Continue reading "3, 7, 9 and 11..." »

Posted by Doogal | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

It's a woman's woman's woman's world

I'm playing catch-up again - watching Big Brother on the Couch on E4. And Davina just said that women up and down the country, in nightclub toilets, often say to complete strangers "Nice boobs" and have a feel. Now, I don't know what kind of nightclubs she's been to - ones with red velvet ropes, obviously. But I've never felt up a complete stranger's boobs in a toilet.

Continue reading "It's a woman's woman's woman's world" »

Posted by Gabrielle Starkey | Permalink | Comments (13) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

From the Sunday People

about Nicky and how she ...

... LOATHED her body size and was obsessed with cleaning ... DROPPED four dress sizes from a curvy 14 to a skinny 8 after David confessed to having three one-night stands ... TORCHED all his belongings when she found out about his romps ...

That last one comes out of nowhere, doesn't it? Like finding an Uzi in Delia Smith's handbag. This is the real problem with Big Brother. It suddenly makes you suspect that, aside from the people you actually personally know, everybody in Britain is stark raging bonkers.

Porcelain chicken
Big Brother Blog - Times Online - WBLG. Big Brother 8 blog by writers from The Times - we watch so you don't have to. Subscribe to a feed of this Times Online blog at <a href=" look like we were trying to shamelessly stir up an equivalent. Plus, she was talking about Ziggy, and I think he's a preening knobhead.</font></p><p><font size="1">Now, I think it warrants revisiting. Emily said a dodgy word, but apparently didn't mean anything dodgy by it. Lesley expressed dodgy views, but managed to do so without using the word &quot;yid&quot;. Better? Worse? Should Big Brother punish one, and not the other? Or should Big Brother do nothing, and let people spew out all the rope they want until they hang themselves? I reckon the latter. Discuss.
Lesley wants them all dead

She does. She scares (and thrills) me more than Stella on EastEnders when she's burning Ben with hot spoons. I love her threats. I love the way, say, she'd go into her village shop, then upon discovering the shop had run out of her preferred organic porridge oats, she'd shove an Uzi in the face of the shopkeeper and say &quot;No porridge oats? I don't think you want to say that. It makes me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry&quot;. Magically, the oats would be found and Lesley would leave the shop, having smoothed her Jaeger jacket down, and bid the terrified shopkeeper a cheery goodbye.


I realise that gone are the days where people entered the Big Brother house to win the prize money in order to help their ill friend. I have accepted that the only people to audition are fame hungry and untalented and see a stint in the house as a golden path to stardom (apart from Lesley who seems as baffled as we are as to what on earth she is doing there). And it is guaranteed fame for the idle. All contestants have to do is lie by the pool all summer, participate in the odd task and provide mild entertainment through their stupidity or eccentricity.
But I have no time for Shabman. Being famous for doing very little is common but everyone pays their dues getting there; a stint in a girl band, a topless photo on page 3, a one night-stand with a footballer. It is token but necessary. But wanting your 2 minutes and not even sticking out the BB house for a week! Get her out and lets hope it’s the last we see of her…Unless she has had a sex change in which case I am mildly interested.
Posted by Alexia Skinitis | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

Fame according to Shabnam
Did we all see Shabnam in the diary room complaining about how she wanted to leave? Two minutes or two years. It's either one or the other. Jesus, what would Larry Grayson say? He'd probably say 'Shut That Door' or 'What're the scores Miss St Claire'... that was all he ever said, and that's what made him famous. FAMOUS!!!!! He also mentioned Well'ard too... from time to time... Now, if I were Shaba, I'd be using my time in the house more constructively doing the following:

1) Learning the secret of eternal life
2) Learning how to fly (at altitude)
3) Becoming more self-aware of herself, her surroundings and the connection (if any) between the two - a sense of togetherness, if you will...

4) Preparing for the reality of people seeing her in the street and completely breaking down in torrents of tears

5) Concentrating on her spirituality and where she intends to be after her death. Hey, it's inevitable. Heaven surely is the ideal...

6) Studying pyrotechnics and the intricacies of illuminating the sky with the illusion of it becoming like a naked flame
7) Reviewing her progress on understanding the secrets to eternal life
8) Working on a system of making sure that infant children are able to memorise her full name upon first hearing.

And the deals; what deals was she talking about? She constantly claims to have entertainment value in the house. I haven't seen anything from Shabababababa which would make me want to go see her at The Comedy Store. And I love hanging around Leicester Square at the weekends. There's always a lovely atmosphere. Jilly Cooper and I went out for a pre-theatre dinner at a lovely little bistro place just down Bear Street. She loved it. She's going to include it in her new book 'Bear Street'. She didn't and she won't and it isn't by the way. Just to be clear... Although if Jilly were to invite me round for a sherry in her shed, I'd love it. I'd love it forever Jilly. Please call... speaking of bears, what the hell is Galloway doing with his body hair...?

Posted by Doogal | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

Up Yours, Ofcom?

Is it me, or are the BB editors getting a little bolshy again? Not that I'm complaining, it makes for more interesting viewing (and blogging) if we get to watch housemates arguing over the origins of religious fundamentalism instead of who gets to use the hair straighteners first.

Perhaps they are worrying that the all-girl trick is wearing a bit thin?
It's only day 5 and we've had:

1) Shower-gate - Charley invents a cruel urine-libel about Lesley
2) Pasta-gate - a 72 hour argument involving Charley (trend here), Nikki & some missing carbohydrates
3) Emily - a 19 year old - claiming to have invented the fashion for tight jeans
4) The Sermon in the Lounge - Lesley's impassioned exhortation to her flock of younger housemates not to waste their limited but flimsy chance of fame
5) Ziggy thinking (or pretending to think) that Wangers was Laura's second name

And finally:

6) Even by the bizarre standards we have come to expect and love from BB: the most abnormal person in Britain (I mean Tracey but accept you could equally substitute for Lesley or Carole. etc.)

Posted by Michael Herman | Permalink | Comments (13) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

Ziggy doesn't play[ed] guitar

But he does play in goal. And is quite good I am told by two people in his team.

He also seems to be quite a decent bloke. And cocky enough to enjoy his stinit as house deity without being an arse. He's also very polite but in what seems - perhaps the wise Dawn/GdP etc. will correct me - to be a non-slimey way. Which I've always thought was a useful skill.

He can definetely do better than Isombard Kingdom Chanelle.

Posted by Michael Herman | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

June 04, 2007

Look-a-like 2

With thanks to Becca, a lady who likes Star Trek and Big Brother: *swoon*

Dear Sir,

Have you, perchance, noticed the similarity between Odo, the ruthlessly efficient, shape-shifting head of security on the federation station Deep Space 9 and Ziggy.. [cut, that private eye joke is getting a bit boring. move on.]



Posted by Michael Herman | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

3, 7, 9 and 11...

Can someone tell me what Chanelle might find 'bad' about these numbers..? Numbers can be bad? Naughty numbers? If there are nasty little numerals out there I need to know what they are. As soon as I find out what they are, I'm going to stop using them - with immediate effect. I might have to take a few things back to the shops. I'll also have to do a complete inventory of all items I own. I'll have to count the lines on my tv screen. Toilet paper - might have to throw out a roll mid-way through if it turns out to have a bad amount of sheets left. This is going to be awful. Please let there not be naughty numbers.

Continue reading &quot;3, 7, 9 and 11...&quot; »

Posted by Doogal | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

It's a woman's woman's woman's world

I'm playing catch-up again - watching Big Brother on the Couch on E4. And Davina just said that women up and down the country, in nightclub toilets, often say to complete strangers &quot;Nice boobs&quot; and have a feel. Now, I don't know what kind of nightclubs she's been to - ones with red velvet ropes, obviously. But I've never felt up a complete stranger's boobs in a toilet.

Continue reading &quot;It's a woman's woman's woman's world&quot; »

Posted by Gabrielle Starkey | Permalink | Comments (13) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

From the Sunday People

about Nicky and how she ...

... LOATHED her body size and was obsessed with cleaning ... DROPPED four dress sizes from a curvy 14 to a skinny 8 after David confessed to having three one-night stands ... TORCHED all his belongings when she found out about his romps ...

That last one comes out of nowhere, doesn't it? Like finding an Uzi in Delia Smith's handbag. This is the real problem with Big Brother. It suddenly makes you suspect that, aside from the people you actually personally know, everybody in Britain is stark raging bonkers.

Porcelain chicken

LOL Cheers SPL!
Big Brother Blog - Times Online - WBLG. Big Brother 8 blog by writers from The Times - we watch so you don't have to. Subscribe to a feed of this Times Online blog at <a href=" look like we were trying to shamelessly stir up an equivalent. Plus, she was talking about Ziggy, and I think he's a preening knobhead.</font></p><p><font size="1">Now, I think it warrants revisiting. Emily said a dodgy word, but apparently didn't mean anything dodgy by it. Lesley expressed dodgy views, but managed to do so without using the word &quot;yid&quot;. Better? Worse? Should Big Brother punish one, and not the other? Or should Big Brother do nothing, and let people spew out all the rope they want until they hang themselves? I reckon the latter. Discuss.
Lesley wants them all dead

She does. She scares (and thrills) me more than Stella on EastEnders when she's burning Ben with hot spoons. I love her threats. I love the way, say, she'd go into her village shop, then upon discovering the shop had run out of her preferred organic porridge oats, she'd shove an Uzi in the face of the shopkeeper and say &quot;No porridge oats? I don't think you want to say that. It makes me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry&quot;. Magically, the oats would be found and Lesley would leave the shop, having smoothed her Jaeger jacket down, and bid the terrified shopkeeper a cheery goodbye.


I realise that gone are the days where people entered the Big Brother house to win the prize money in order to help their ill friend. I have accepted that the only people to audition are fame hungry and untalented and see a stint in the house as a golden path to stardom (apart from Lesley who seems as baffled as we are as to what on earth she is doing there). And it is guaranteed fame for the idle. All contestants have to do is lie by the pool all summer, participate in the odd task and provide mild entertainment through their stupidity or eccentricity.
But I have no time for Shabman. Being famous for doing very little is common but everyone pays their dues getting there; a stint in a girl band, a topless photo on page 3, a one night-stand with a footballer. It is token but necessary. But wanting your 2 minutes and not even sticking out the BB house for a week! Get her out and lets hope it’s the last we see of her…Unless she has had a sex change in which case I am mildly interested.
Posted by Alexia Skinitis | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

Fame according to Shabnam
Did we all see Shabnam in the diary room complaining about how she wanted to leave? Two minutes or two years. It's either one or the other. Jesus, what would Larry Grayson say? He'd probably say 'Shut That Door' or 'What're the scores Miss St Claire'... that was all he ever said, and that's what made him famous. FAMOUS!!!!! He also mentioned Well'ard too... from time to time... Now, if I were Shaba, I'd be using my time in the house more constructively doing the following:

1) Learning the secret of eternal life
2) Learning how to fly (at altitude)
3) Becoming more self-aware of herself, her surroundings and the connection (if any) between the two - a sense of togetherness, if you will...

4) Preparing for the reality of people seeing her in the street and completely breaking down in torrents of tears

5) Concentrating on her spirituality and where she intends to be after her death. Hey, it's inevitable. Heaven surely is the ideal...

6) Studying pyrotechnics and the intricacies of illuminating the sky with the illusion of it becoming like a naked flame
7) Reviewing her progress on understanding the secrets to eternal life
8) Working on a system of making sure that infant children are able to memorise her full name upon first hearing.

And the deals; what deals was she talking about? She constantly claims to have entertainment value in the house. I haven't seen anything from Shabababababa which would make me want to go see her at The Comedy Store. And I love hanging around Leicester Square at the weekends. There's always a lovely atmosphere. Jilly Cooper and I went out for a pre-theatre dinner at a lovely little bistro place just down Bear Street. She loved it. She's going to include it in her new book 'Bear Street'. She didn't and she won't and it isn't by the way. Just to be clear... Although if Jilly were to invite me round for a sherry in her shed, I'd love it. I'd love it forever Jilly. Please call... speaking of bears, what the hell is Galloway doing with his body hair...?

Posted by Doogal | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

Up Yours, Ofcom?

Is it me, or are the BB editors getting a little bolshy again? Not that I'm complaining, it makes for more interesting viewing (and blogging) if we get to watch housemates arguing over the origins of religious fundamentalism instead of who gets to use the hair straighteners first.

Perhaps they are worrying that the all-girl trick is wearing a bit thin?
It's only day 5 and we've had:

1) Shower-gate - Charley invents a cruel urine-libel about Lesley
2) Pasta-gate - a 72 hour argument involving Charley (trend here), Nikki & some missing carbohydrates
3) Emily - a 19 year old - claiming to have invented the fashion for tight jeans
4) The Sermon in the Lounge - Lesley's impassioned exhortation to her flock of younger housemates not to waste their limited but flimsy chance of fame
5) Ziggy thinking (or pretending to think) that Wangers was Laura's second name

And finally:

6) Even by the bizarre standards we have come to expect and love from BB: the most abnormal person in Britain (I mean Tracey but accept you could equally substitute for Lesley or Carole. etc.)

Posted by Michael Herman | Permalink | Comments (13) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

Ziggy doesn't play[ed] guitar

But he does play in goal. And is quite good I am told by two people in his team.

He also seems to be quite a decent bloke. And cocky enough to enjoy his stinit as house deity without being an arse. He's also very polite but in what seems - perhaps the wise Dawn/GdP etc. will correct me - to be a non-slimey way. Which I've always thought was a useful skill.

He can definetely do better than Isombard Kingdom Chanelle.

Posted by Michael Herman | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

June 04, 2007

Look-a-like 2

With thanks to Becca, a lady who likes Star Trek and Big Brother: *swoon*

Dear Sir,

Have you, perchance, noticed the similarity between Odo, the ruthlessly efficient, shape-shifting head of security on the federation station Deep Space 9 and Ziggy.. [cut, that private eye joke is getting a bit boring. move on.]



Posted by Michael Herman | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

3, 7, 9 and 11...

Can someone tell me what Chanelle might find 'bad' about these numbers..? Numbers can be bad? Naughty numbers? If there are nasty little numerals out there I need to know what they are. As soon as I find out what they are, I'm going to stop using them - with immediate effect. I might have to take a few things back to the shops. I'll also have to do a complete inventory of all items I own. I'll have to count the lines on my tv screen. Toilet paper - might have to throw out a roll mid-way through if it turns out to have a bad amount of sheets left. This is going to be awful. Please let there not be naughty numbers.

Continue reading &quot;3, 7, 9 and 11...&quot; »

Posted by Doogal | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

It's a woman's woman's woman's world

I'm playing catch-up again - watching Big Brother on the Couch on E4. And Davina just said that women up and down the country, in nightclub toilets, often say to complete strangers &quot;Nice boobs&quot; and have a feel. Now, I don't know what kind of nightclubs she's been to - ones with red velvet ropes, obviously. But I've never felt up a complete stranger's boobs in a toilet.

Continue reading &quot;It's a woman's woman's woman's world&quot; »

Posted by Gabrielle Starkey | Permalink | Comments (13) | TrackBack (0) | Email this post

From the Sunday People

about Nicky and how she ...

... LOATHED her body size and was obsessed with cleaning ... DROPPED four dress sizes from a curvy 14 to a skinny 8 after David confessed to having three one-night stands ... TORCHED all his belongings when she found out about his romps ...

That last one comes out of nowhere, doesn't it? Like finding an Uzi in Delia Smith's handbag. This is the real problem with Big Brother. It suddenly makes you suspect that, aside from the people you actually personally know, everybody in Britain is stark raging bonkers.

Porcelain chicken

LOL Cheers SPL!

No worries RAC IMHO ;) FAQ:D QED:eek:
Charley: No way. (Pause) Yeah, me. I'm a nigger.

Nicky laughs.

Shouldn't she be thrown out too for using the 'N' word ???

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