aranos, z'ev and jon whitney @ lazybird may 2nd (2 Viewers)

I am very excited by this, but have to fit this in with bringing my mother to the
olympia, are you going to be starting at 9 on the dot? I really don't want to miss the Z'ev
Going to be legging it over from olympia.
The doors will open at 9...the running order hasn't totally been decided yet but it will be about 9.30 before anyone sets foot on stage...
cyclotron said:
The doors will open at 9...the running order hasn't totally been decided yet but it will be about 9.30 before anyone sets foot on stage...
Lovely wouldn't imagine gig in Olympia will be on too late.
Latex lizzie said:
..the only problem when this happens is there is always one fucker who has not idea of the meaning of keeping time is.I cant help looking at them and going "1,2,3,4" or whatever.Silly I know.
I seriously doubt that 4/4 rhythms will be of the party, for some reason...
Keeping time & cacophony?! Hmmm.:rolleyes:

Personally, I can't wait.

Where & when did Aranos play Galway last??
Great night. Venue was fucking tiny. But good crowd and great atmosphere.

Z'ev is something of an industrial music legend, his performance was short, but towards the end very entrancing and spellbinding. The first part of his drumming left me rather cold, but it was interesting in a ritualistic sort of way. The bit with the metal pipes was quality though: great range and subelty of sounds. Nice guy, too.

Aranos started off by distrubuting various noise making objects to the crowd to create a fun cacophony. Eventually he played a set which was excellent. I am probably biased as I know him, but I thought it was fantastic. Amazingly skilled violinist and a brilliant singer.

Jon Whitney dJed in between acts and briefly at the end of the night, which was a good thing, as he played great music such as tracks from Coil's "Love's Secret Domain", Can's "Tago Mago", a great Yo La Tengo version of a Sun Ra track, Stars of The Lid and Annie Anxiety.

I was delighted to see Nurse With Wound CDs on sale, and I do hope many were bought. A travesty that NWW albums aren't stocked in Irish record shops. Their current album "Angry Eelectric Finger" is stunning.
I was delighted to see Nurse With Wound CDs on sale, and I do hope many were bought. A travesty that NWW albums aren't stocked in Irish record shops.

hmmm Brian, they are....

there is quite ok selection of NWW stuff, Coil and C93 at the tower records.
just bought "Salt marie celeste" there....for...16 yoyo's!!!!
a masterpiece, "Salt..." it is.

anyway havent heard new NWW yet, but heard some good words on that one...

stapleton seems to be the only one of the world serpent crew who actually does sth new, instead of releasing only live and strange comp. albums (like C93 & coil). but anyway, thats only my opinion.


pagr said:
there is quite ok selection of NWW stuff, Coil and C93 at the tower records.
just bought "Salt marie celeste" there....for...16 yoyo's!!!!
a masterpiece, "Salt..." it is.
Yeah, they just got some in lately after a long time of not stocking any. oops. Yeah, "Salt Marie Celeste" is marvellous. Great to listen to while falling asleep.

stapleton seems to be the only one of the world serpent crew who actually does sth new, instead of releasing only live and strange comp. albums (like C93 & coil). but anyway, thats only my opinion.
Stapleton hates performing live, and I would say what he does would be near impossible to pull off live. He is a recording artist, and has been working very creatively with his pallette of sounds lately.

Coil haven't really released a proper album in ages. It is debately whether they still exist as a functioning project. The is some good stuff on the live albums (three and four have their moments) but releasing four at the same time is a bit excessive.

C93 also release a few too many live albums, but their latest one "Halo" is meant to be very good. Luckily Tibet is working on some new studio albums which I hear are meant to be very good, very creative.

If you like Nurse With Wound and Coil, you should check out "The Visitors" by Cyclobe, it's stunning.
Brian Conniffe said:
Yeah, they just got some in lately after a long time of not stocking any. oops. Yeah, "Salt Marie Celeste" is marvellous. Great to listen to while falling asleep.

true. this week i shall finally receive "Music from the horse hospital" by C93/NWW, really cant wait. i heard stapletons stuff is in the same direction as "Salt marie..." Must be really great music!

Stapleton hates performing live, and I would say what he does would be near impossible to pull off live. He is a recording artist, and has been working very creatively with his pallette of sounds lately.

Yea, he's great. actually there's not many NWW albums that i wouldn't like!
Coil haven't really released a proper album in ages. It is debately whether they still exist as a functioning project. The is some good stuff on the live albums (three and four have their moments) but releasing four at the same time is a bit excessive.

yes, especially that LIVE ONE repeats material from Coil presents time machines. althought LIVE ONE is the only one of these four that i have. i just love Time Machines!

If you like Nurse With Wound and Coil, you should check out "The Visitors" by Cyclobe, it's stunning.[/QUOTE]

yea, i'll try that. thanks brian!
pagr said:
true. this week i shall finally receive "Music from the horse hospital" by C93/NWW, really cant wait. i heard stapletons stuff is in the same direction as "Salt marie..." Must be really great music!
Well, the Nurse disc is basically "Salt Maire Celeste" minus all the sounds of creaking, moaning, skittering. It's essentially just the basic sound (sea) bed.

That said, I love it. Really meditative and soporific.

The Current disc is nice background music, no vocals, just piano, harmonium, violin. Great dinner party music, in fact.

The packaging is really, really nice as well.

Yea, he's great. actually there's not many NWW albums that i wouldn't like!
I presume you know "Soliloquy for Lilith"? Thats my favorite album ever. No instruments used, just the sound of an electrical hum through a closed series of effects pedals. Breathtaking stuff.

"Spiral Insana" (everyone seems to like that one) and "Thunder Perfect Mind" too... genius.

yes, especially that LIVE ONE repeats material from Coil presents time machines. althought LIVE ONE is the only one of these four that i have. i just love Time Machines!
Time Machines is another one of my favorite albums ever, I will never ever get sick of that one. In the right frame of mind, it can have some truely remarkable effects on people. The live material was ok, I thought, but didn't have the same power. I remember seeing that London Coil gig, the frequencies at one point made everyones stomachs rumble. At least, everyone I spoke to had the same experience.

Avoid Live Two though, its a crap recording of one of the least impressive performances of that particular Coil tour (Constant Shallowness Leads To Evil tour). There is an officially sanctioned bootleg recording of Coil live in New York that can be easily obtained via certain online means that is much much better. Brilliant in places in fact.

If you like Nurse With Wound and Coil, you should check out "The Visitors" by Cyclobe, it's stunning.
yea, i'll try that. thanks brian!
I promise you, you wont be disappointed. I can have some truely magical effects.
Brian Conniffe said:
Well, the Nurse disc is basically "Salt Maire Celeste" minus all the sounds of creaking, moaning, skittering. It's essentially just the basic sound (sea) bed.

thats actually great to hear! i lovethis loop on "Sakt marie..", it's so perfectly done :)))

I presume you know "Soliloquy for Lilith"? Thats my favorite album ever. No instruments used, just the sound of an electrical hum through a closed series of effects pedals. Breathtaking stuff.

yea, i know this one, and it is great in fact. i heard there was some 3CD box release of "soliloquy"?? did you hear about this one? do you know what's on the other discs????

Anyway, my fav. NWW would be "homotopy to marie" i think.

"Spiral Insana" (everyone seems to like that one) and "Thunder Perfect Mind" too... genius.

yea, i know these ones, thou "Spiral" wouldn't be in my top ten ;))))

Time Machines

oh man, don't even go there! for me TM is a total masterpiece of meditative music (i mean the first TM album)!! although i have this feeling that LIVE ONE does not have that strength of the first TM stuff....but thats just my impression....the fur coats are nice thou :))))

Avoid Live Two though,

I'll try, but you know.....:)))

anyway, now i need to get my hands on C93's "Halo", inspite of the fact that i'd rather like to hear some new stuff by senor Tibet, i simply adore the atmosphere Current is creating hile playing live, so need to have this live stuff.........soon!!!!!! :)))

Also, did You hear this live EP they did with this guy/band Anthony???
I didn't get much news on it.....


ps. last week i got Thunder Perfect... C93 in this new 2CD version, there is this live version of "A song for douglas.." on disc two....and it's simply killing me!!!! great stuff!!!
gosh, i need to see C93 live one day :)))
Thanks for the lovely evening! Those brainwashed CD-Rs sound good so far.

Z'ev was great. The latter half of the set was excellent stuff. He also looked like Nosferatu.

The first half of Aranos' set was lots of fun. Wasn't too gone on the second half of Aranos' set. I think he'd whipped up a lot of childish excitement with his interactive part - and the second half was a bit of an anti-climax. Like telling your kid brother that Santa doesn't exist two weeks before Christmas.

Anyway, does anyone else think that Neil looks like an action hero?

And did anyone else get a text during the gig saying:

"Krustier than a knacker's breakfast"
pagr said:
i heard there was some 3CD box release of "soliloquy"?? did you hear about this one? do you know what's on the other discs????
Yeah, I have it. It's one of the nicest looking CD cases ever, very classy and minimal, done in the style of the original 1988 triple LP box set (it looks so good you expect it to come with a chocolate mint!). The third disc of previously unreleased material (two tracks both around 20 mintues long) is from the same sessions and is extremely good.
Alas, it was a limited edition of 1000. But it is well worth searching out, and supposedly another edition of 1000 is forthcoming, but this seems to be delayed for some unknown reason (like the remixed/recreated version of "Insect and Individual Silenced" that has been due to come out for ages now).

Anyway, my fav. NWW would be "homotopy to marie" i think.
yeah, one of my favorites also. Epic stuff.

yea, i know these ones, thou "Spiral" wouldn't be in my top ten ;))))
Really? thats surprising. You might like the "A Missing Sense" CD. That has a noise based track called "Swansong". Some stuff off "Large Ladies With Cake In The Oven" might appeal as well (especially the track "Glory Hole").

for me TM is a total masterpiece of meditative music (i mean the first TM album)!!
Thats the only proper Time Machines album, supposedly Coil were meant to do Time Machines 2 as a 5 CD box set dedicated to the drug psilocybin. But Coil have announced at least, at least 10 albums that they haven't come trought with yet. Plus I think the drugs may be getting in the way of music production. that and Balance and Sleazy have split up and are living in different countries.

I dont think the kind of magic produced by the Time Machines album can be easily recreated, if at all.

although i have this feeling that LIVE ONE does not have that strength of the first TM stuff....but thats just my impression....the fur coats are nice thou :))))
No, I think that live material isn't minimal enough, and too vocal. It was brilliant when they came on stage at the first gig for about 18 years, in the Royal Festival Hall, under UV lights which made them all look like big pink teletubbies.

anyway, now i need to get my hands on C93's "Halo", inspite of the fact that i'd rather like to hear some new stuff by senor Tibet, i simply adore the atmosphere Current is creating hile playing live, so need to have this live stuff.........soon!!!!!! :)))
I waiting for my copy of Halo from Tibet to arrive in the post. I hear its excellent, though. He uses sonic elements of the old albums like "Nature Unveiled" and "Dogs Blood Rising" in the context of his recent songs, which sounds very interesting.

Also, did You hear this live EP they did with this guy/band Anthony???
I didn't get much news on it.....
Yeah, I heard it once. It has three short live songs by C93, stripped down to a single piano and Tibet's voice. Antony and The Johnsons aren't for every one, carbaret/diva style music. But he has a remarkable voice, but it certainly isn't for everyone.
Brian Conniffe said:
Yeah, I have it. It's one of the nicest looking CD cases ever, very classy and minimal, done in the style of the original 1988 triple LP box set (it looks so good you expect it to come with a chocolate mint!). The third disc of previously unreleased material (two tracks both around 20 mintues long) is from the same sessions and is extremely good.

ah, need to get this one! thanks for the info.

Really? thats surprising. You might like the "A Missing Sense" CD. That has a noise based track called "Swansong".

yeah, i know "a missing...', it's really good!
dont know the other one, need to investigate it more :0

I dont think the kind of magic produced by the Time Machines album can be easily recreated, if at all.

damn right that is brian, damn right!!!

No, I think that live material isn't minimal enough, and too vocal.
yep, thats the thing that pisses me off there. there's too much going on in the sound, all these unexpected buzzing sounds that last only for a sec or two...urgh!

I waiting for my copy of Halo from Tibet to arrive in the post. I hear its excellent, though. He uses sonic elements of the old albums like "Nature Unveiled" and "Dogs Blood Rising" in the context of his recent songs, which sounds very interesting.

sure, that must be. there's also few tracks from "sleep has his house" there, which is one of my fav. C93 albums, and one of the best albums ever!
let me know what do you think of "halo" once you get it :)

Yup, what a great gig, I reckon there should be more like that!!!
Pity about the sardine-can sized venue though.

Heard Salt Marie Celeste recently too and quite liked it; on a related topic, is anyone going to see Gavin Bryars in Christchurch? I haven't heard his Sinking of the Titanic (or whatever its called) but I believe its related thematically and possibly musically to SMC. Any thoughts??
Rene said:
Yup, what a great gig, I reckon there should be more like that!!!
Pity about the sardine-can sized venue though.

Heard Salt Marie Celeste recently too and quite liked it; on a related topic, is anyone going to see Gavin Bryars in Christchurch? I haven't heard his Sinking of the Titanic (or whatever its called) but I believe its related thematically and possibly musically to SMC. Any thoughts??

well yea, thematically they are similar..both about sinking. musically? in some way yes, definitely the mood is similar.

and both are great.

havent seen/heard this new bryars piece thou...pity...well...


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