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  1. J

    The Immediate Split

    ah well
  2. J

    Story with Modest Mouse

    interspresed with dire dance music that makes you wanna stab yourself in the ears, and chelsea dagger, my local nightclub played the new modest mouse on saturday i was like:eek::):heart: good times
  3. J

    The band you were obsessed about when you were young

    Manic Street Preachers, its about 5 years now since i bought Know Your Enemy and thats what started it off. I was really really really obsessed loike
  4. J

    Hayfever solidarity thread

    the steroid injection works a fucking treat
  5. J

    Anyone here live in Drogheda?

    i live there :)
  6. J

    The Home and Away Thread

    :cool: that bad boy got 1000 hits overnight on wednesday :p
  7. J

    Catch Me If You Can

    porn star would be the obvious choice
  8. J

    Best Of 2006

    Luxembourg's Front was album of the year for me other good'uns were Left by Hope Of The States, the Guillemots album, mogwai, Saso not that great a year though, in comparison with the one previous
  9. J

    THE IMMEDIATE - Sat 16th / 2 shows in Whelans

    who knows? who know?
  10. J

    THE IMMEDIATE - Sat 16th / 2 shows in Whelans

    Excellent, I'v no idea why bands have decided to start playing in Drogheda, Director and Ham Sandwich in the last fortnight. Previous to that the last band of note were the complete stone roses:D I'd be over-dressed frankly, and probably get stains all over them, which would not do
  11. J

    THE IMMEDIATE - Sat 16th / 2 shows in Whelans

    whats your stage time for your mchughs, drogheda gig? want to know if ill have time to change after work
  12. J

    Damien Rice: a national treasure

    i like him :)