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  1. M

    songs to do with nudity

    Tenacious d songs usually have nudity try "Double Team" and "Fuck her gently"!!.|..|
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    only in my van

    My uncle was 3 when he downed a half a bottle of sherry, he then went around the house on his tricycle, into my grandad's shop and knocked over the icecream machine, and that's one big machine
  3. M


    Happy Birthday Wheels!! Here have some Birthday Cake *hands out birthday cake*
  4. M

    Making a profit on gig tickets

    i think that's horrible mind you companies like ticket master aren't much better themselves, they make phenominal profits from tickets and half the time they don't actually advertise the right price for tickets
  5. M

    Pink Floyd to reform for Live 8

    Pink Floyd ruled last night, I was a little disapointed that they didn't play the Wall pt2, mind you my dad is now convinced that they were playing the wall pt1 when they played comfortably numb. And he calls himself a pink floyd fan
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    only in my van

    To watch forumla 1 while eating a salted peanut sandwich That was a good day
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    Ice-T vs Ice Cube

    sorry dears you just don't mess with a guy that can wear all royal blue and stand beside badly dressed people AND still look macho
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    Dj's, I just don't get it

    Dhush dhush music what is the not to love? Oh yea all of it's annoying repetitvness Forget i said anything
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    Magickal Folk of the Faraway Tree back in Print.

    Mary, the irish one that WAS on big brother but got kicked out in the first week, strange, strange child
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    ah happy birthday here have some cake *passes around chocolate cake*
  11. M

    Bands that were great but then became shit when a member left/died/was replaced

    Smashing Pumkpkins. After Darcy left. *Sniff sniff* I didn't like Machina Zwan sucked as well Loved "Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness" though .|..|
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    okay so u2 gig is on now, with the radiators starting at round 4 Any pre show comments?
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    no no not you sorry, the guy on the gigsmart site
  14. M

    Party Tunes?

    i just have the one song to suggest Local God by Everclear It's on the Romeo and Juliet soundtrack
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    jesus someone got up on the wrong side of the bed
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    Embarrassing things that happen in work

    dammit i knew i'd forgotten somthing that day
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    Embarrassing things that happen in work

    oops sorry, this is what i always use my thing
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    Embarrassing things that happen in work

    This was at school the other day well to be more precise my junior cert German exam! I had finshed my exam with 45mins to spare and rather than read through it for the 4th time i decided to leave. Now because the German exam involves a tape, we were not in our school gym for this particular exam...
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    my friends didn't think that him being hot was a good enough reson to go see it
  20. M

    Mandatory Drug Testing

    I thought the whole point of an opinion poll is to have your own opinion on the matter and not do what someone else says