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  1. N

    what was your oxegen highlight??

    Gotta say, as crap as I thought it might turn out I really enjoyed Oxegen this year. Didnt go to see Interpol becasue I've seen them before so I caught Mylo instead. Absolutely loved it! Was at LCD Soundsystem whilst the Magic Numbers were on, again I've seen them before so I wasn't too...
  2. N

    Is it the sun?

    How can a man be called Donkey? Is it a simple case of "because I'm hung like a .." or is it something more sinister... The nancyboy thing all started after a chance encounter between a friend who liked Placebo and a need for a password collided in a public library many moons ago
  3. N

    Is it the sun?

    I quite fancy those clogs actually..To Barretts! (Cue Nancyboy jumping from her desk, swooshing imaginary cape behind her) Meet you behind the handbags?
  4. N

    Is it the sun?

    Eyeliner -check Dungarees and clogs- what the hell??
  5. N

    Is it the sun?

    Burping ? Are you crazy? I'm a GIRL!!
  6. N

    Is it the sun?

    Doesn't that depend on the kind of room I'm in? For example, I am in an extremely warm office today so yes, I may be sweating ever so slightly. In the breezy comforts of my own home,(where I am not nagged about the imaginary 'draft' coming from the open window) I do not sweat. Does that mean...
  7. N

    Is it the sun?

    We all have our faults..
  8. N

    Is it the sun?

    was thinking loll, more than stand off but sure feck it, I'll give it a go! Cant promise I'll go with the hang sang-gitches cos I don't be doing no meat but cheese, well cheese is my friend
  9. N

    summer music

    The new one from Minotaur Shock-'Maritime' is just made for summer, especially Vigo Bay. Bee-oot-iful :)
  10. N

    Is it the sun?

    Hi everybody, new to the board - hope we shall all become life long (internet) friends etc Anyway.. I've just started working around Phoenix Park-Number 10 entrance. As a park virgin, can anyone suggest a good spot to loll for 35 mins during my lunch?