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    And I do walk among ones dike. And i do survey the land. And i did become the reaper with my own bare hands. for i am wooden, those some call me Hermes, some call me Rome, and Mercury. god of cargoes, god of weather. Hanging god of boundaries. hanging god of gibbits hill. Killing god of hidden...
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    Standing or Sitting?

    Which way do you do it - sitting or standing? Most people i believe do it sitting and think folk that stand up are a bit weird. well? !bog
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    Gore Motel

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    Gore Motel

    That band were rubbish - I saw them at dynamo in 93 or 94 or somthing - they were ultra crappy in an embarrasing way. The singer used to conduct interviews in is cookie monster voice.
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    hole scratching

    garbage pail kids were banned in my school. One teacher took particular offense to Acne Annie. Back in the day when kids toys were cool. I giive garbage pail kids !bog !bog !bog !bog + !bog !bog for the memories
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    hole scratching

    I hear they have Carcinogenic in coffee now.
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    Flavourite Chockit bar

    whats your flavourite choccy bar? mine are. either way if its smothered in cadburys chocolate its usually a winner (irish made, the british made stuff is inferior) Except time out's i dont like them.
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    Opal Fruits (or Starburst to you heathens)

    cos i couldn't be arsed. I dont pander to the whims of coprophagists such as yourself.
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    Opal Fruits (or Starburst to you heathens)

    The other day wils wating for a train I purchased a packet of opal fruits from a vending machine. As I crammed sweet after sweet into my salavating maw I noticed tha lack of yellow semi-cubes in my bag - further inspection turned up no yellow ones at all!!! A quick inspection of the ingridents...
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    TV3 sinks to new lows

    I hate Amanda Byram I hope she bumps into a bunch of nast me who are down with the surprise sex.
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    stop jazz

    NICE! Nice!
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    Getting a vinyl pressed

    I dunno - €200 isn't a bad price to pay for a vinyl when you think about it
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    thats good, but im skeptical. Ever flick stations on the radio? - its the same bunch of chart crap on every station, Inane nattering or diddly eye trad crap. so its good to see phantome finally get their broadcasting licence. but... they have (in my books anyhoo) taken a serious nose dive in...
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    John Peel Dead

    what a shame. Popular Music is going to fall further into the realms of banality and mediocrity without the likes o Peel around to champion it. Unhappy days in a world where John peel dies and the Thrills have managed to put a second album out. :( :( :( :( :( John Peel gets an...
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    Best Pantera Record

    Heres my opinion of this overrated band Metal Magic - two Toilets !bog !bog Projects In The Jungle - two Toilets !bog !bog I Am The Night - Zero Toilets Power Metal - Zero Toilets Coboys from Hell - two Toilets !bog !bog Vulgar Display of Pooer - Zero Toilets Far Beyond Driven -...
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    The Thrills Halloween Single release

    Bleaugh the thrills should have an accident which leaves them all maimed so they cant move, speak or make music anymore.