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  1. M

    Do you hate emo?

    i had a dream last nite , a giant smiling fattie mike from nofx farted onto a group of emo types and their pretty peter mark hair was gently blown across there forlorn faces been his green eggnbeer odours immediately smiles grew on thier pouted visages and they began to laugh heartily and do...
  2. M

    I want to go to gigs in a bubble.

    mmmm i find that the more commercial or popular the band the more likely u are to have a high spanner content swingin high elbows in the pit and tryin to grope my girlie, went to offspring durin summer and it was retards a gogo with tops off playin rugby in front of the band and tryin to rip...
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    ha ha ledgend !
  4. M


    knack attack teacher in limerick told us once that a guy jumped into the shannon once to save a guy who was drowing , and a big crowd gatherd to watch and when he came out after saving the guy a chaV could be seen running off with his clothes dirty knack bastards
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    for some reason...

    Blink 182 are class, new albums very interesting , one of the best drummers ever . Nothing uncool about them I think .
  6. M

    johnny bravo appreciation thread

    Ah come on now ,in fairness spongebob is fairly untouchable followed closely by shin shang and then johnny bravo
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    First Album you Got /Bought

    okay I`m startin a First album you ever got/purchased thread,My First album was the 2unlimited album with that no no no no no no song on it back when I was a young un, oh the shame ,its still good for a laugh in a cheesy european techno sense though .I remember one of the Lyrics was "take it to...
  8. M

    Fallout Fest full details.

    Hey is anybody travellin from limerick that I could bum a lift off of , In return you can bask in the light of my fabulous personality and il share my covers.
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    PUNK MP3s

    You should be able to find a lot of stuff on I think
  10. M

    ELECTRIC PICNIC website now up and running!!!

    missed witness so im defo going , super furries is all I need to go for , Im gonna sleep in a field after wards cos I`m so hardcore , gonna bring my teddy and jammies as well though .How much exactly are these tickets?
  11. M

    Ever had the complete and utter crap kicked out of ya?

    being a loud mouth cheeky asshole and living in limerick has involved me in a lot of chases and sometimes beatings including the curled up in a ball variety with eight inbred skangers standing over you giving it socks with their nike air maxy force 12 on my skinny frame .
  12. M

    looking to start emo-ish band

    hey man ,I lurve emo and I play bass .Where are ya based?
  13. M

    ha ha luas-less cunts

    The luas is absolute insanity I`m always checking for it coming for me over my shoulder and watching to make sure im not on the tracks of death . Basically its a big truck with no brakes tearing around in the middle one of the most densley packed cities in Europe . Drunk Irish ppl cant even...
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    galway bassist

    oh - and preferably be up for gigging any time, anywhere with a complete lack of giving a shit .
  15. M

    galway bassist

    Heya, bass player here lookin for a band .Age 21 .Very commited , enthusiastic and passionate about the tunes . Not very talented or good but getting there. No interest in covers unless there complete fuck ups of old songs .would like to play energetic loud melodic punk stuff like emo , not so...