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  • Before: Nov 20, 2008
  • Users: Corey
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  1. Corey

    Photo Challenge: Creepy
  2. Corey

    I have the horn for...

    She's double posting. Eh? EH??
  3. Corey

    expression help!

  4. Corey

    What is the worst job you've ever worked?.....ever.

    That was my life for nearly fifteen years.
  5. Corey

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Copland was on the tellybox. Never seen it before. Good movie. Great fucking cast.
  6. Corey

    your house on fire. save one object.

    I have a 2nd edition Francis Lambe Print from 1807 I think. It's not worth much, but it looks fucking deadly. I love it. I'd probably put my keys in my pocket and carry it. It's pretty much the only thing i'm precious about. I dont live anywhere i cant leave at a moments notice.
  7. Corey

    your house on fire. save one object.

    My keys. Christ I'm on fire today.
  8. Corey

    Rory Gallagher's 60th

    My favorite live artist ever in ever. Sinnerboy's especially great live. As are pretty much every other tune. I'll be watchin.
  9. Corey

    men acting like babies

    This thread has no balls.
  10. Corey

    Pre-school "teachers"

    assholes. all of them.
  11. Corey

    Father snapped daughter's spine

    Great Thread. Pete, Sticky?
  12. Corey

    New Coen Brothers: Burn After Reading

    Yes it was. And so was that one. Your stuff needs more Fnarr, and your Yuk content could be better.
  13. Corey

    New Coen Brothers: Burn After Reading

    S'good this. I'm not clever enough to come straight out of a Coen Brothers flick and be able to say i like/dont like it straight off the bat. That's why i like Coen Bros. movies though, you get a couple hours out of it afterwards while it all sinks in. Was'nt nuts about Pitt in it though. Dont...
  14. Corey


    That's criminal.
  15. Corey

    I have the horn for...

    How they can concentrate is beyond me. She can glove, handle, pocket and rack my balls any time.
  16. Corey

    Thumped Christmas Party - 19/12/08 @ Cassidey's, Westmoreland St.

    Re: Thumped Christmas Party - 19/12/08 That's a cracking video. Well done chaps.
  17. Corey

    US Presidential Elections 2008

    It was'nt that punchy, but at least Barry stuck to the issues. The abortion topic was still a bit cloudy, but the McCain camp's dismal stance on it does the work for Obama without Obama having to do the work. The moderator was a total winner. Great questions and nicely timed. "let me end this...
  18. Corey

    Thumped Christmas Party - 19/12/08 @ Cassidey's, Westmoreland St.

    Re: Thumped Christmas Party - 19/12/08 I dont care if it's 2am. I dont care if it's only the internet. You're crazy.
  19. Corey

    Thumped Christmas Party - 19/12/08 @ Cassidey's, Westmoreland St.

    Re: Thumped Christmas Party - 19/12/08 Gazzer. This is meant to be a party.
  20. Corey

    Demmented people with pets..look at this

    You dont see good, decent and responsible hetrosexual men carrying on with this bullshit. Down with Women!