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  1. ostrichsyndrome


    anyone know anything about this, any of your bands playing... is there any point? yes i have been on the website, it just doesn't give much away
  2. ostrichsyndrome

    Link these bands in four steps or less...

    i can do it in 2 kings of convenience wrote failure primal scream are rubbish
  3. ostrichsyndrome

    CD Cases

    what kind of cases? jewel slimline card gatefold
  4. ostrichsyndrome

    The Redneck Manifesto Album Launch

    the grapevine says this gig is on october 12. UCD just got a new PA put in last night... its loud...
  5. ostrichsyndrome

    Talk Like a Pirate Day

    she does if she's holding her shin at the time.... yes it is the worst joke ever, you gotta have vision though.... OTHERWISE YOU'D BE BLIND
  6. ostrichsyndrome

    FAO gugai

    i'd love to be cos she has breasts, or at least i imagine that she does, and no shes not one of my multi's and indeed i dont have any multi's.... normally she's on during the day.
  7. ostrichsyndrome

    Talk Like a Pirate Day

    you know the joke about the angry pirate.... if not its really good, wanna hear it. ok Next time a woman is going down on you, just before you come pull out and wank off in her eye. then kick her in the shin and run away, if you look around swifly you'll see and angry pirate........... sorry
  8. ostrichsyndrome

    FAO gugai

    says me is right... says you BUT WHAT AM I?
  9. ostrichsyndrome

    Talk Like a Pirate Day

    aye, pissin in de gravie boat is we? i smell the blood of an english man... no wait, that wasn't pirate talk... you're right its boring as fuck... how about? I just downloaded the last daemien frost album and plan to give it to everyone i know for free... pirate enough for ya?
  10. ostrichsyndrome

    The Redneck Manifesto Album Launch

    jesus, get a hold of yourselves... it'd need to be pretty fucking amazing then. when i say that, it's an understatement... think i'll be judging for myself.
  11. ostrichsyndrome

    Talk Like a Pirate Day

    shiver me timbers, mayties! arrr
  12. ostrichsyndrome

    FAO gugai

    it would've been so much easier to send him a PM than advertise on the board....
  13. ostrichsyndrome

    Where do *you* get your music?

    yeah, the last cds i bought were all from independent companies, matador, barsuk, acuarela... that would make them just plain thieves, instead of bastards who deprive artists of even the small percentage of royalties they get from cd sales. i think if you steal a bands album you should be...
  14. ostrichsyndrome

    Crayonsmith EP

    didn't see that gig, but seen him twice playing with other people, bass player and keyboard player. pretty solid, sounds good on CD
  15. ostrichsyndrome

    Crayonsmith EP

    Anyone heard this? pretty good, some sounds like goodtime john and other bits kinda like an electro MBV.
  16. ostrichsyndrome

    Where do *you* get your music?

    music thieves
  17. ostrichsyndrome

    Where do *you* get your music?

    generally record shops
  18. ostrichsyndrome


    it's all on the site it's cheaper before october 29 from what i know.
  19. ostrichsyndrome


    basically the way this works is if you apply as a band, then you get fucked over, first of all by sxsw who hire a bunch of teenage high school kids to listen through demos and decide first if your band should play and second where you should play. that's how come you ended up playing to no one...
  20. ostrichsyndrome

    american english - it's funny

    so who blows the horn first, do you get it ready or does he play and then give it to you to fix. nice one