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  1. ostrichsyndrome


    whats a WEBSIDE?
  2. ostrichsyndrome

    Redneck Manifesto release info???

    I was talking to them on sat. at the digital hub, that was me making a mockery of the words sound engineer (with a bit of help from concrete walls, echo, white paint, bad roofing etc.) i've also had dealing with gringo before, so i knew they had some of those albums. i'm not a huge fan, i think...
  3. ostrichsyndrome

    Redneck Manifesto release info???

    You can try they have some stuff but are UK based try They occasionally post on here new album is out on sep 24, they'll probably be selling cd's old and new at their gigs. They play galway 22august cork 24 september dublin 25 september and more...
  4. ostrichsyndrome


    OXES SUCK COXES you fucking idiot, their drummer is really good... who the fuck are you jimmy chamberlain? great drummer play simple things most of the time... time to learn
  5. ostrichsyndrome


    Anywhere in specific you're looking for, i've been to almost every venue (or conceivable venue we'll say also) in the country. some of the info. i dont give out. (not cos i'm a bollix) If it's proper venues/bars i can probably send a few on... some people wil be very pissed off if i start giving...
  6. ostrichsyndrome

    Rednecks - cork show?

    well i assume website's cost money, and so do albums, i'd rather have the new album than a website... dunno if the cork gig is part of the beamish thing... if it's not it should be
  7. ostrichsyndrome

    the most amazing girl i've ever slept with award goes to...

    dear dear, my typing fingers pressed ir whilst my head was thinking re, must be from french verbs... i'm so silly
  8. ostrichsyndrome

    the most amazing girl i've ever slept with award goes to...

    get a room, lock yourselves in, hopefully you'll suffocate, or someone with pump noxious gasses in their...
  9. ostrichsyndrome

    Rednecks - cork show?

  10. ostrichsyndrome

    Pavement 'Lost' album

    yay, another pavement album that sounds like all the rest of their albums, after buying a few would you not just stop... all there sounds are the same song...
  11. ostrichsyndrome

    Jaffa Cakes - Biscuits or cakes?

    never experienced that... sorry. i normally stop at 6, just so i know there's still 6 left, i dont like to share
  12. ostrichsyndrome


    i dont like frisps, i think... they're the melty ones? i was thinking dry roasted peanuts and hunky dorky kezzels, with butter of course. but i think i'll try salted peanuts also. how did you find this out?
  13. ostrichsyndrome

    Jaffa Cakes - Biscuits or cakes?

    but like... why would you eat a whole pack? i could eat all the jaffas, but if its hob nobs or somethin there's no way i'd make it through. at least not all one after the other
  14. ostrichsyndrome


    what? this is the first time this has been salted peanuts and cheese and onion crisps, with butter?
  15. ostrichsyndrome

    Jaffa Cakes - Biscuits or cakes?

    no you couldn't, and why would you want to... after about 10 there's just no point anymore
  16. ostrichsyndrome


    you know the things which taste good separetely but better together i'm going for Tea and Milka (cream) or beans on toast, with large amounts of buttered melted on
  17. ostrichsyndrome

    Jaffa Cakes - Biscuits or cakes?

    mcvities yum, my local londis is doing 2 packs for 1.50, how chuffed was i cos they normally jack up prices to whatever the fuck they want. tesco ones are ok... i dont especially like any part of the bikkie, it's just the combo that gets me.
  18. ostrichsyndrome

    new fav band

    yeah...sure (nudge)
  19. ostrichsyndrome


    do you work for them, they're bastards... no offence to you if you do...
  20. ostrichsyndrome

    songs and crying

    'reign in blood' by slayer