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  1. telford collier


    does anyone remember a fugazi song on a football add on rte a few years ago? wonder if they got the spons for it.....
  2. telford collier

    Limerick Boatclub

    boatclub rip
  3. telford collier

    The talking about Liverpool FC thread.

    isnt he scorin all over the gaff now though? some cunts just arent cut out for the english game.
  4. telford collier

    Old fashioned friday rep thread

    :eek: Just cos i like Stevie Wonder jokes doesn't make me a racist mick.
  5. telford collier

    Old fashioned friday rep thread

    how do you rep someone? and what is the point? can i have some more? Thanks
  6. telford collier

    Limerick Boatclub

    highlights: Montana Pete, Check Engine....members of sweep the leg johnny, fuckin great band. Ensign Capdown Lords and loads others i cant remember now. If they put a spar with flats over it down there theres really no hope left for this country
  7. telford collier

    Limerick Boatclub

    theres gonna be free beers methinks
  8. telford collier

    Limerick Boatclub

    Its the last night in the Limerick Boatclub tonight. Misery buzz. Saw some great gigs there
  9. telford collier

    Primavera Sound/ATP '07 Dates

    ha! i'm totally slim. i hope you're not talkin aboout my brain;)
  10. telford collier

    Primavera Sound/ATP '07 Dates

    pardy hardy. will not lose mind this time
  11. telford collier

    Cansei De Ser Sexy tickets for tonight

    Wheh wheh wheh.
  12. telford collier

    Cansei De Ser Sexy tickets for tonight

    sorry to spare tickets for tvotr tomorrow night. face value
  13. telford collier

    Old fashioned friday rep thread

    severe rep deficiency over here. hook it to my veins
  14. telford collier

    unsane - scrape

    met the drummer from unsane a few years ago and was slaggin off 40+ metallers and he turned around and said..'well i'm 48' and then looked at me really menacingly until i neearly crapped myself and then burst his shit laughing. he had a lovely tattoo on his head. totally rad band
  15. telford collier

    Wanted: TV ON THE RADIO

    I need tickets. desperately. was supposed to book tickets for me and two friends but neglected to do so in time. needless to say they want me head on a platter. any help greatly appreciated :heart: :confused: :heart: :confused: :heart:
  16. telford collier

    Trinity College Freshers Ball

    No way! D'ya think you could get Korn for this? Hugh
  17. telford collier

    attn mormon nailer - answer me this

    ha..i'd say he was more likely to have been inspired by the wrestler. he was that kinda guy. sound guy though:D
  18. telford collier

    attn mormon nailer - answer me this

    He moved back to engalnd to assume his real identity or something...thats what i reckon anyway...what the hell kinda name is john jericho?
  19. telford collier

    attn mormon nailer - answer me this

    I was at a party with albert and this huge hard looking s.a.s guy named john jericho. they were talking to this nerdy guy and albert turned to john and said 'I'll give you twenty quid to punch this guy in the face" john said, 'look mate, and i aint bein funny, but i'm gonna have to deck you. its...
  20. telford collier

    new tom waits triple album

    How much?