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  • Before: Aug 23, 2006
  • Users: Rachel666
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  1. R

    new zine "Banshee" out now

    I don't really know what to charge. just throw in another euro or something...
  2. R

    new zine "Banshee" out now

    hey my zine is 32 pages, filled with art and stories. the first 40 are limited edition (oooh ahhh) as they have a card front and are more durable from the delicated digits of an anemic emo child to the scabbiest leprosy ridden crusties hands. (ehhh) anyhow, it's one euro. if you see this week...
  3. R

    Fizzy drinks making you feel like shit

    I read in the indo that if you drink a can of coke everyday for a year you will be a stone overweight. but that's just the indo! who gives a shit! I don't drink fizzy drinks because they were beginning to wear the enamel off my teeth and I find that when i know adverse health effects that turns...
  4. R

    Male Haircuts

    here seriously friends are the best! I haven't been to the hairdresser since last year. we used to go to this awful dose of a women who pulled my eyebrow ring with my hair. crying and bleeding is not the way to get your hair cut! in fact if you're coming on any part of the basta tour Aine can do...
  5. R

    Revolutionary Women Dayschool.

    oh janer! you and your morals!
  6. R

    Athmosperic Pressure

    I've been getting those headaches too but I put it to being dehydrated so I drank loads and loads of water which didn't do anything except made me pee clear piss as heavily as a cow for 20 minutes.
  7. R

    Wexford Distro

    You forgot the disapproving priests and wellingtons...
  8. R

    Spilt milk in car - now smells like corpses

    apparently morgue corpse washers (arms, face,torso, legs, not the nuddies) get paid 100 quid a day.
  9. R

    My Sunday (thread i started in 1988).

    I'm gonna wait another year before coming down as a little seed from heaven and be planted in mammys belly...
  10. R

    Spilt milk in car - now smells like corpses

    when I was 4 I left a periwinkle in my aunts car after being at silver strand. I don't think she ever found it... She ended up having to sell the car really cheaply.
  11. R

    Gigs In June

    where's the ghostmice town house gig tomorrow? what time?
  12. R

    mint ice burger

    hahaha. I actually think i've become a kleptomaniac.
  13. R

    Spilt milk in car - now smells like corpses

    you think the smell of gone off milk is bad?? try working in a deli! a friend of mine summed up the smell of chicken carcuses perfectly when he said "vomit, piss and shit altogether". Although putting a slice of lemon in your car won't hurt. We do it with our microwave and it works really...
  14. R

    Best RTE moments ever?

    totally agree with biddy dying. strange how a large black strap got attached to her car and pulled it over very very slowly... any of the elaborate zig and zag and podge and rodge storylines any toime Cleo in faircity says the wored "bitch" like. how does one get on fair city? i think I got...
  15. R

    least funny people 4evah

    Dane Cook is excellent. He's funny to listen to but to see him perform is deadly. There's actually such an art to telling stories, really getting people into them,being confident, being likeable and being unpredictable. I really like Pauline Mclynn, sometimes... jim davidson is UGH. absolute muck.
  16. R

    mint ice burger

    I stole a mint ice burger from londis yesterday because i just couldn't bring myself to break a tenner... I love eating all the squishy sides. Lovely!!
  17. R

    Name and Shame

    What put an indefinite end to me being vegan was when I went to Munich with my school, the teacher organising it said it would be no problem as she would phone ahead. Sadly package school trips included eating out EVERY FUCKING NIGHT in , oh my god, Wienerwald. Sausageworld. It was worse than...
  18. R

    Offiical World Cup songs thread

  19. R

    Age of Consent

    speaking of mullets, the other half thought it'd be hilarious to give me one... So far all I've got was bitter stares (jealous) and nasty comments (jealous).
  20. R


    Lying down flat for about ten minutes always helps me.