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  1. Mr Creosote

    PC wanted

    Whatever about building a PC there are some decent deals on that Insight website Pete, thanks.
  2. Mr Creosote

    PC wanted

    I'm looking on the net as I write, but if theres a site you'd recommend, I'd be grateful if you'd let me know.
  3. Mr Creosote

    PC wanted

    I would be interested in trying that (although I haven't a clue where to start - hint, hint). I was just hoping that someone would have something like a 266 that I could get fairly cheap. My budget is kinda small at the moment - how much does it cost to build your own? I have a screen, keyboard...
  4. Mr Creosote

    PC wanted

    ..aaaand it should have a decent sound card. Graciás!
  5. Mr Creosote

    PC wanted

    Anyone getting rid of a PC? Preferably a well known make like a Dell and preferably from with a decent PII or PIII... So if you've got a 133mHz Proteus Magnum for sale, you'd be fucked.
  6. Mr Creosote

    Asperion Music Collective (The Icarus Line, Zu + Guapo, Check Engine + Mrs Pilgrimm)

    The site seems to be a-ok now Stephen. That weird tuning thing was unreal alright, really interesting. You can hear a couple of samples at I can definitetly say I've never heard anything quite like it before! Now, wheres my geetar.. P.S> Guapo coming...
  7. Mr Creosote

    a sad day for us all, pricks included

    Fucks sake - I was just reading that news article about the Feeder drummer when this crappy ad for the new Rover Mini came up and took over my screen. What absolutely tasteless shit - 'Website saved by the New Mini' - well thank fuck for that.
  8. Mr Creosote

    if this is true, tis mighty cool

    Friend of my brothers reckoned Arabs and Irish had some join waaay back too. Apparently we have a word in Irish for God thats the same as the Arabic. I'm not sure if its Iosa or Dia or what, but when I heard it, it sounded the same. I know that sounds a bit weak but sure there you go, maybe...
  9. Mr Creosote

    if this is true, tis mighty cool

    Yep, that song was called 'Popular' and it was off their debut 'High/Low'. However, I reckon their second album 'The Proximity Effect' is far better. Problem is, is that their record company didn't hear another MTV hit like Popular on it and pulled its release. Nada Surf then set up their own...
  10. Mr Creosote

    if this is true, tis mighty cool

    I'd say you're right, that it would take some getting used to, but it'd probably be incredible once you'd tuned into it. Heres a bit more from that site 'i was lucky enough to see the bulgarian female choir in concert a few years ago... we sat in the sixth row and it was incredible. 50 women in...
  11. Mr Creosote

    if this is true, tis mighty cool

    From the Nada Surf website. Bear with me on this.. 'i've just started a book called temperament. it's about equal-tempered tuning. i'm only 30 pages into the book, so i still can't explain it quite right, but basically, we collectively decided, somewhere in the middle of the 18th century, to...
  12. Mr Creosote

    for those around limerick...

    Thats a real bastard about Estel's equipment. And I'm not talking about whats in their trouser-department.
  13. Mr Creosote

    for those around limerick...

    Lies and Deceit! I didn't play, but I did look at the Estel site and was visitor 1976.. which, wait for it people, is also the year I was born. Now is that cool or WHAT?!! (Its probably in the what category, but sure anyway..) PS Happy b-day Ivan
  14. Mr Creosote

    Story with Aina/Shiner?

    they're playing a second gig in Limerick instead.. ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!!!
  15. Mr Creosote

    site names

    ..and I thought my dreams were strange. Example, I go down to the kitchen to have a nutella sandwich one morning and Obituary are playing on my radio. Grand. Next thing is I'm on the Dublin road and I've been stopped by one of the policemen from CHIPS. Its a hot day. Strangely enough the music...
  16. Mr Creosote

    site names

    Thanks again for the help. (Magic indeed Mr Pete!) - that Scott Ian photo is cool but I have to say Sawboss' picture is fuckin hilarious!! - and I think Chrith's name ith the funnietht. I did a review for a college paper, put in a bit about upcoming gigth, but I forgot the ed had a bit of a...
  17. Mr Creosote

    pc recording

    I record with a drum machine and sometimes with a live drummer, then put guitar and vocals over the drum track. I do each instrument one by one so a single input is grand, for the time being anyway (I have a digital mike which does quite a decent job too). Maybe when I get some finances I'll try...
  18. Mr Creosote

    pc recording

  19. Mr Creosote

    site names

    while I'm at it, can anyone tell me how TRM got their address to stay up on their site even though it appears to be on eircom's freeserver. I'm thinking of doing a site, I've done one already but the site name I registered was no more than a pointer. For instance instead of saying...
  20. Mr Creosote

    pc recording

    yep another question on this topic, this one I suppose is aimed at Anne O'Malley. Where and how much are those boxes you talked about? (the ones that stop electrical noise from interfering with your recording signal in to your sound card?