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  • Before: Sep 16, 2004
  • Users: mc moley
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  1. mc moley

    Diefenbaker tour diary April 2004

    no but kilcoole is an ira strong hold an has bobby sand marches an such shite like that
  2. mc moley

    So Long, Stinktown...

    have a great time boyo! we'll miss ur pretty face....might take ya up on the whole visiting thing if i find myself with tons of money in a few months?
  3. mc moley

    Diefenbaker tour diary April 2004

    they did that in kilcoole...then we all shouted back hurray!!! it was quite a moment.
  4. mc moley

    fallout fest advice needed asap

    ill have a U.S punk rock/hardcore band over around about you think if its on while they're here they could play? they wont be looking for loadsa money or anything like that just good times!
  5. mc moley


    no no cryin yet.....gonna be on a bus for the next 26 hours later on today so there very well might be some crying soon. went to a thievig liars gig last night, twas deadly fun.....twas in the gheto yo! anyway better go pack me shite....take care, and good luck with all the gz stuff thats...
  6. mc moley


    anybody know how the fleshies gig went in kilcoole? i booked one and left it in turloks hands but havnt heard anythin....anybody know anything? that kinda sux the way people wint going to gigs....i know a lot of the kilcoole crew aint going too much cuz the thing is miles away from any kid of...
  7. mc moley

    Email for Turlogh (Kid Blunt)

    turlo is a hard man to get in touch with he resides in his gaf everyonce in a while and his girlfriends more often than not. your best bet is to tell eoin or stephen ur message and they can pass it on...he's an elusive fukker at the best of times. dar
  8. mc moley

    yo punx!!

    fuck that im in this for the bitches and money dogg.
  9. mc moley

    possible Irish compilation cdr?

    have you's recorded new stuff?
  10. mc moley

    yo punx!!

    no in the last few months i've cut back on tha aul coffe intake....tis very bad for the heart. no thick framed glasses yet...i rarely wear the ones i have
  11. mc moley

    possible Irish compilation cdr?

    any news on if the zines r ready?
  12. mc moley

    yo punx!!

    could be for sum i guess.... im gonna be on a bus to florida for a day and 2 hours thats a nightmare.
  13. mc moley

    possible Irish compilation cdr?

    fuk off ya big spa!
  14. mc moley

    Dagda Photos

    that is fucking funny
  15. mc moley

    yo punx!!

    any body know if phil from belfast is out of the country r anything like that? cant seem to get in contact with him....its been a while and i worry ever so much.
  16. mc moley

    I Walk The Line, Foot In Mouth, Complan, Bincharge on thursday

    its M.C. Moley yo! get it right or get dead. wurd
  17. mc moley

    Dagda Photos

    i have a few good ones, but wont be back for a while as you know. u can talk to oran if u see him and get him to get them from my room.....if your arsed like
  18. mc moley

    I Walk The Line, Foot In Mouth, Complan, Bincharge on thursday

    it was in new jersey though not g.ville
  19. mc moley

    I Walk The Line, Foot In Mouth, Complan, Bincharge on thursday

    already did that at this jock was great craic....i got absolutly shitface and then took a puff or two then did a few beer bongs or funnels and was in bits. me and ben were acting like mad fuckers....we all of a sudden ended up in a car and someone brought us back to where we were...
  20. mc moley

    ggi accounts

    .|..| I have a new found respect for you, thats deadly!.|..|