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  • Before: Aug 14, 2003
  • Users: rumpus
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  1. rumpus

    To dream the impossible dream

    whatever he's paying you I'll double it.
  2. rumpus

    introducing musijaalwisrdri

    lamchop and a game of bowels.....the perfect sunday. (que billy and his 'you're so old' shtick)
  3. rumpus

    To dream the impossible dream

    ask a friend who has a credit card ask a family member Busk, playing pink floyd songs for 48 hours on grafton st Have a pub quiz in your local write a 2000 word article full of lies about Collin Farrel and sell it to the sunday world ........ ... . steal it. Get a large metal...
  4. rumpus

    introducing musijaalwisrdri

    Hi snakey! Just a guess based on the lamchop reference. If you aint snakeybus, welcome sir.
  5. rumpus

    very important music stuff

    No, losers, hee hee
  6. rumpus

    very important music stuff

    Football, like all forms of sport, is for losers. Not football - now that's for winners.
  7. rumpus

    Bored in Work (Hawaii) 5-0

    'and it's crow versus crow a brawl in mid air... ...and you're loosing your wings feather by feather' I love smog with all my black little heart.
  8. rumpus

    make your own...

  9. rumpus


    down. when I sex I sex down.
  10. rumpus

    Keith Moss

    Looks like your guitar has some kind of virus there, Mehawl.
  11. rumpus


    Sold. Meet me outside Argos, Jervis at 5.30. Bring some biscuits.
  12. rumpus

    The Music Room

    Smiley's a gas man. no mobile. Never there except in the evening, so you go in there in the evening and he says: "sure call in here anytime and we'll set up a gig".... "yeah ok lets's set one up so"...... "Ok, just call in any time, I'm always here"'... "Ok, well, I'm here now, Smiley"...
  13. rumpus

    A message to those of you starting your junior or leaving cert tomorrow.

    fuckit, I'm gonna fail anyway I don't know me onion weatheirng from me long division
  14. rumpus

    "Thumped is for pricks these days" - Discuss

    so bitter so young so cowardly you're wearing your anonymity like a bad toupee
  15. rumpus

    guests and lurkers - why won't you register?

    furry muff, whatever. I respect what you say but it really duddint more than what I say. It's true what I read once, winning an argument here on the internet is like winning a special olympics medal. Not nice to the athletes, but true. It's like everyone comes on here and...
  16. rumpus

    guests and lurkers - why won't you register?

    I did think 'gannon' as I read....he's a trooper.
  17. rumpus

    guests and lurkers - why won't you register?

    Fair play. That's an honest, constructive enough expression of why you don't like settler. Don't feel guilty. As if, eh? The bit about 'As if they used to rock, but then...' would make sense to me if we did ever really rock. Truth is was never the thing...(If anything settler has been getting...
  18. rumpus

    BLONDIE vs. BOWIE HOOT NIGHT ~ June 6th!!!

    yyyup, being this inaccessible is what makes radio stations truly powerful.
  19. rumpus

    Respect in Irish Music Industry!

    my god this is actually true
  20. rumpus

    Respect in Irish Music Industry!

    thwang thwang thwang :eek: sept its actually mike's banjo :eek: :eek: