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  • Before: Mar 1, 2007
  • Users: Rachel666
  • Order by date
  1. R

    Kidd Blunt On RTE!!!

    :rolleyes: planet zog i do believe omg
  2. R

    dudes only: the last time you cried

    but i am a dude? in the stoner sense...
  3. R

    dudes only: the last time you cried

    while in the pits of hell, absolutely demented with a stomach bug no one was looking after me or doing death watch. (it was 3am) so i decided to bawl really loudly to make everyone feel bad.
  4. R

    Getting a hair cut while drunk, I NOW HAVE FRET LOCKS

    Roisins haircut, 2 thumbs up mine, 3.
  5. R


  6. R


    well i don't know about being drunx in courtown but the ghost train broke down when i was really young and i held the biggest screaming crying panic attack that cardboard shack ever had. :(
  7. R

    bift contamination

    hey jill maybe if you collect enought crystals...
  8. R

    bift contamination

    are you sure its not just from the soil the plant was in? like when ya don't wash lettuce...
  9. R

    The Locust on Jerry Springer

    I've just finally figured out how to set janers posts to ignore... :D
  10. R

    Ladies - great hairdresser recommendation

    yes up the local wans! mine does it from her garage and costs about a tenner for a dry cut, or 28 for me, my mam and my sister. she does a great job, except that she once near ripped my eyebrow bar (RIP) out, i sat in shock as blood dripped down my face. she also talks none stop in an o-ild...
  11. R

    Meat Is Murder

    yeah le tigre did this too which was an even bigger pisstake. why would a band thats against negative beauty standards want to be associated with something that also uses supermodels in the nip... BAH!
  12. R


    plz explain underlined words thanks:o
  13. R

    its half 12 and im pissed

    i generally don't post on thumped drunk unless im drinkin with users and am in WAAAAAYLESGODRUNXPOSTONTHUMED mood... love ya rois. and gerry ryan.
  14. R

    stereotypes by county/district

    hahaha i know this got who is as south dub as the rest of us but goes around saying she was born in crumlin and had a hard hard life to impress crusties FREE CRUMLIN HOSPITABLE 4 LIFE
  15. R

    cat star wars adventurez - ptz. 1, 2 AND 3!!!!!!!!!!

    r kellys trapped in the closet is amazing, monged.
  16. R

    Meat Wear

    but i thought mackle was veg?
  17. R

    smokin etiquette

    ah thats shitty. I hate how it doesn't matter where or who's at a party, i can be gone for 5 minutes and find that my bags just been rooted through. uncool. also i found a full pack of drum with skins after the last lower deck there. drum is yuck! it smells and tastes like socks and cheese. but...
  18. R

    smokin etiquette

    what annoys you? is it wrong to ask people not to passive smoke on you when you smoke jays yourself? how often would you smoke jays? stoner slang is massive on this thread by the way. smoke and fly.
  19. R

    The Deadly Serious Tampon Thread -- No Jokes Please, We're Women

    jill has a picture of me licking mine...