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  • Before: Feb 19, 2004
  • Users: mc moley
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  1. mc moley

    Kilfuckingcoole gig on next Saturday

    we're gonna get all the girls to line up on one side of the hall and boys on the other...just like back in the day of the kilcoole discos! tough shit if your gay or anything...your not allowed be gay in the country.
  2. mc moley

    pmfs need a lift...

    i thought some one like mcd sorting out their stuff? they are in dublin right? if so dont fuckin help anything to do with mcd...they're fucking cunts.
  3. mc moley

    first the Osbournes, then rich girls, now..

    dont forget dire straights! "i want my mtv" "money for nothing and chicks for free" <- kinda sounds like oly!
  4. mc moley

    gunz n roses thread.

    ah axle was a racist and slash was fairly fuckin cheesy. i say let sleeping dogs lie. its better that way. GnR are aparently touring w/axle and no other member cuz he owns the rights to the name? i hope skid row come back now that was the shit!.|..|
  5. mc moley

    first the Osbournes, then rich girls, now..

    what about a rich boy eh?
  6. mc moley

    Den2.. kid blunt?

    fuk u! where hav u been these days?
  7. mc moley

    dun leary gig

    we cant play no more so the soliders take half are gonna play instead. sorry bout that...but they are better anyway so its a gud thing!
  8. mc moley

    Bite The Hand That Feeds The Poisoned Food zine.

    sound! i didnt know you could give them to people. i just thought weeler marked people on their goodness. i thought he got his kicks by playing god or whatnot. well liaden thanks very much as soon as i fiqure out how to do it ill return the fav! ;)
  9. mc moley

    first the Osbournes, then rich girls, now..

    i was actually reall dissapointed when he came across quite well in bowling for columbine....i wanted more ammo for me thinkning he was a spa.
  10. mc moley

    What was the worst gig you ever went to?

    posers....real cool dudes drink hino
  11. mc moley

    Bite The Hand That Feeds The Poisoned Food zine.

    come on who ever is in charge of the punk points shud give me one for that. i've only got 11!!!
  12. mc moley

    Bite The Hand That Feeds The Poisoned Food zine.

    i assure u thats no dude...thats a serpent
  13. mc moley

    can anyone think of...

    i'd rather do it at home..there's a gud bit to do. thanks for everything. by the way...what u doing in coolie 2moro?
  14. mc moley

    can anyone think of...

    cheers....ill have to see where i can get my hands on those programs
  15. mc moley

    Den2.. kid blunt?

    dinny is nothin...we had the whole cast to kick it with when they used to shoot in kilcoole. sure eoin, kendo , and many many others have even been in the show lots!! funny stuff. didnt you meet andy when you were down the shannon? (andy = kinda plump stoner from kilcoole)
  16. mc moley

    single greatest human achievement ever

    best game ever was for the ps 1 it was called Courior crissis. fucking deadly. ya had to cycle around the city and do drops everywhere, you could bust out mean table tops and all sorts of narly little tricks. as well as the fact that if you broke the law the cops came chasing after your ass and...
  17. mc moley

    can anyone think of...

    can anyone think of a program that you can scan a pic into a cpu then kinda alter the colours or edit it so it looks like its been drawn or something? kinda like taking a colour/black and white pic and then clicking a button and all the lines turn either one colour or the other. does his make...
  18. mc moley

    Den2.. kid blunt?

    kid blunt was played and mentioned loads when they released the 82 ep. i think eoins ma gave it to dustin the turkey (theyre friends)and he played it or something. imagine they played the new would be crying with all the screaming they do now a days
  19. mc moley

    dun leary gig

    half an hour each band like! i dunno we only play for about 20 mins each go. we'll c how it goes.
  20. mc moley

    What was the worst gig you ever went to?

    worst gig ever was the recent rancid one. i got a free ticket but left with about a half an hour to go. they were just soo shit and annoying. or the vandals....dont ask i got dragged along by friends girlfriend