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  • Before: Feb 17, 2005
  • Users: mc moley
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  1. mc moley

    LA QUIETE - Irish Tour

    good stuff!
  2. mc moley

    well whats the decorum?

    he doesnt even have contact lenses! anyway hows this for a shit day at work...the pipes got clogged and we had to pump 14 gallons of shit out of them onto the floor of the kitchen, then i had to clean it up!!! shit buzz
  3. mc moley

    G8 2005 Scotland

    even in spain and italy??? jaysus. what about touristy places like madrid,rome,seville,barcalona etc where there would be loadsa travellers with backpacks that obviously look like hippies/punks etc? what happened to you cormy? ya got stabbed in the arm or something didnt ya?
  4. mc moley

    18th December Basta! All Ages gig -Greystones

    greystones darts are like once or twice an hour. they'll get you into town in 40mins or so. so if you could get a dart at 8 you'll be ok for 9. me thinks
  5. mc moley

    18th December Basta! All Ages gig -Greystones

    this could well be the last gig in this place cuz apparently its gettng knocked down real soon and getting turned into a parking lot or somethin. its a deadly little room though...carpets an al!
  6. mc moley

    G8 2005 Scotland

    thats fucking big is the nazi contingent in europe? is it on the rise? im sure a lot of you's have seen the publicity they've been gtting at the football matches.
  7. mc moley

    G8 2005 Scotland

    damn right! activism at its best.|..|
  8. mc moley

    18th December Basta! All Ages gig -Greystones

    fuck that. if they dont follow the rules they'll be punished.
  9. mc moley

    18th December Basta! All Ages gig -Greystones

    im bringing a nightstick to fuck wit some one if they dont respect my power trip. i recomend a drinky poos down on the beach about an hour or two b4 the gig....anyone else gonna be there!!!???
  10. mc moley

    Haymarket Riot Monday Night!!!!!

    looking forward to seeing them....does anybody know where to get some sweep the leg stuff? ive only heard like 5 songs and totally fucking loved it. any mp3 site downloader thing ive tried hasnt had anyting by them. gonna be a good one!
  11. mc moley

    Gig in Kilcoole This sat Dec4th

    cormy you are a gentleman!
  12. mc moley

    Gig in Kilcoole This sat Dec4th

    your a funny lad wheeler.
  13. mc moley

    Gig in Kilcoole This sat Dec4th

  14. mc moley

    Gig in Kilcoole This sat Dec4th

    and my hip hop thread was in no way condescending. i was looking forward to that gig, and seeing gary rap and all that.....and it was fucking deadly. to be honest i have no idea why ya thought i was ripping it outta him i was just lookin forward to geting drunk and watching him. i thought you...
  15. mc moley

    Gig in Kilcoole This sat Dec4th

    i was taking a piss and next thing you an a few of your friends had formed a semi circle around me and were askin me what was up with our supposed attempt to ''jump you on stage''. something i didnt know anything about and came from a absurd joke someone from town made. i thought it was funny...
  16. mc moley

    Gig in Kilcoole This sat Dec4th

    i think my posts are fairly civil, with exception fro that last one. it just seems to me that you go through everybodys posts looking for shit to call them on. that to me is not really sound. and i think it's something more than 'calling people on their shit' in your attitude to me...
  17. mc moley

    Gig in Kilcoole This sat Dec4th

    i dont have a problem with drink at gigs, i do it all the time myself. and dylan i dont think we need to get rid of drinking at gigs either. its a fairly sociable thing. just at these gigs its a bit of a different story. i wouldnt have any problem with kids showin up drunk and sneakin off to...
  18. mc moley

    Dimebag Darrell shot.

    holy fucking shit! any links going to good news reports?
  19. mc moley

    BNP christmas do - you couldnt make it up

    that is fucking brilliant. id love to be a fly on the wall at that yoke. poor fucking dj though im sure he guessed what was up.
  20. mc moley

    Gig in Kilcoole This sat Dec4th

    they like to keep tabs on us anyway....but usually they come in to most gigs make sure we're not doin anything too illegal and then leave...its been pretty grad usually but the last three gigs have ended in them being pissed i bet they'll try somthing like getting imro onto us again...