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  • Before: Oct 30, 2007
  • Users: Lord Damian
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  1. Lord Damian

    Overstepping boundaries?

    it was a dual purpose "holy moses" - holy moses that's gross and holy moses that guy's a freak. also, holy moses that you used the word "jizz"....for some reason, i had this wholesome, innocent image of it's all premarital sex with jizz flying everywhere....
  2. Lord Damian

    Overstepping boundaries?

    holy moses.
  3. Lord Damian

    errrr....i've got this lump...

    thanks folks, i was pretty freaked out already seems to be going away a bit (but that might just be wishful thinking)...never had a cyst or anything so had nothing to compare it to. if it lasts til the weekend i might break my no doctor rule and go see one. no i won't.
  4. Lord Damian

    errrr....i've got this lump...

    i have a meeting in an hour. what if it bursts and a billion little spiders start walking across my face, but they're so light i don't feel a thing, and then my colleagues start freaking out, and one of them has a complete mental breakdown and has to be taken to a psych ward, and then i get...
  5. Lord Damian

    errrr....i've got this lump...

    no, he's on the back of my neck. see, i'm the type of idiot that has to restrain myself from doing just that. i'm on the verge of shaving just so i can see what it looks like. but then it'll be exposed to the world. what a pickle.
  6. Lord Damian

    errrr....i've got this lump...

    doesn't really hurt, no, not like i know ingrown hairs/pimples in that region to hurt. it's more of an unpleasant pressure....tell you what it feels like...a swollen gland, like when you get the mumps...
  7. Lord Damian

    Overstepping boundaries?

    2 words - synchronized cycles
  8. Lord Damian

    errrr....i've got this lump...

    i lay awake all night while my head did the "is it cancer or is it a spider egg sac?" hoedown.
  9. Lord Damian

    e/z death listening

    as much as i love Slayer, i just wouldn't imagine they would be comforting to listen to as you lay dying.
  10. Lord Damian

    errrr....i've got this lump...

    that is almost comforting.
  11. Lord Damian

    errrr....i've got this lump...

    under my chin, around halfway between the tip of my chin and my adam's apple (right underneath where my tongue would be)...i can't see it as i have a full beard, but it's huge (approx 1/3 the size of a golf ball) so i'm thinking it isn't an ingrown-hair related thing. it doesn't really hurt...
  12. Lord Damian

    I think I may have found those single women

    yeah, cuz there are no other crises after that one.
  13. Lord Damian

    e/z death listening

    a bit morbid, perhaps, but i just recently had the idea to put together a cd of songs i'd want to have played as i shuffled off this mongo coil. not that i'm actually going to do it, as i'm far too lazy, but i just got thinking what songs i've heard over the past 30 years i would warrant as...
  14. Lord Damian

    Overstepping boundaries?

    you should move. i'm sure it was suggested, and if it hasn't been i'm sure you've already explained why you can't...but you should.
  15. Lord Damian

    Overstepping boundaries?

    Hayworth, for the love of god, they're talking about cookies and shit. post SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Lord Damian

    I think my housemate is having a midlife crisis

    what's it like living with a 40 year old, at your age? do you have to brush aside all the denture cream and girdles when you go take a shower?
  17. Lord Damian

    Mix my tape

    we have a winner. the CD MUST start with this song.
  18. Lord Damian

    Bored in Work 274

  19. Lord Damian

    Mad for yoghurts

    careful now Ernie, don't blow your yogurt.
  20. Lord Damian

    new mound track is awesome

    well you can ignore the 2nd half, i've figured it out... never mind, i'll figure the rest out for day...