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  1. Richie

    What movie did you watch last night?

    The Shape of Water, kind of like E.T. for adults only with a strange sexual component to it.. The stylized retro twee vibe was a bit off putting but there's enough dark weird shit going on to offset that. Great central performances, Michael Shannon makes a very good villain.
  2. Richie

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    Watched both seasons of Search Party, I think after reading about it earlier in this thread.. Season 1 I really enjoyed,. the combo of mystery / investigative storyline and darkly funny skewering of self absorbed 20-somethings works well (Alia Shawkat as lead is a big plus also). 2nd season was...
  3. Richie

    Dublin's Independent Music Shops?

    I used to work very near Queen & Yonge intersection, the real estate values have gone sky high there and driven our anything that isn't catering to suited types and luxury condo dwellers.. They did still have some really good record shops a bit further out from downtown when I left 2 years ago...
  4. Richie

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Saw The Disaster Artist last night.. It's entertaining and quite funny, though I feel like they didn't do much more than weld the real life story onto a standard Hollywood feelgood buddy comedy. Franco mimics the real Wiseau very well but I don't know that he gives him much of an inner life (as...
  5. Richie

    What gig did you go to last night?

    John Maus at Grand Social - was buzzing after this, the live band added a lot of power to the sound and his murky 4-track compositions really explode onto another level in a live setting. The manically intense performance style would leave you slightly concerned for his health but I assume...
  6. Richie

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Blade Runner 2049 - It looks and sounds fantastic, and I liked that it held to the sometimes leisurely pacing of the original film (but didn't feel like it dragged, which is to its credit for a near 3 hour film).. I would say that it lacks the vivid characters of the original, Gosling is a bit...
  7. Richie

    What movie did you watch last night?

    The Limehouse Golem - felt like a BBC historical potboiler given higher production values, quite entertaining though I had a strong inkling of the 'twist' from about 10 minutes in, paced well and never got boring anyway. The Farthest - this is an extremely good documentary made by an Irish...
  8. Richie

    Twin Peaks: The Return (spoilers)

    It's really cooking with gas now.. Besides the Cooper turning point I am deffo looking forward to seeing what happens with the crazy cast of characters they are assembling in that jail.. They really hit the emotional notes in this one with the Ed / Norma / Nadine segment and Log Lady's sendoff...
  9. Richie

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    I caught up with Season 4 of Silicon Valley over the last few days.. It's still entertaining enough but it feels like a series that's running out of steam a bit. I wish they'd allow plot arcs to develop gradually over the course of the season, instead of the ongoing crisis-of-the-week thing...
  10. Richie

    Twin Peaks: The Return (spoilers)

    Yeah that last one was great. Is it implied that Sarah Palmer has always had some kind of Black Lodge entity in her even prior to Season 1 (was she the girl we saw the frog-insect thing crawling into in Ep 8 I wonder)? Enjoyed the trek into the forest, good to see Andy getting his moment to...
  11. Richie

    Twin Peaks: The Return (spoilers)

    Nope, not that I've been available to find anyway, it was available for a few hours only on a German TV streaming site but nobody apparently captured and distributed it, I'm just going off descriptions that people posted in a few places..
  12. Richie

    Twin Peaks: The Return (spoilers)

    Yeah that one kept things moving nicely I thought.. Happy to see some more of the original cast having a bit more to do. Evil Cooper's warehouse showdown was like something out of an 80s action flick. If classic Cooper is ever going to come back it doesn't look like it'll be til the very end...
  13. Richie

    Twin Peaks: The Return (spoilers)

    Agreed that the latest one was a bit of a clunker, lots of very drawn out conversations that didn't seem to either advance the story significantly or do much to develop characters (with the exception of the genuinely unsettling Sarah Palmer scenes, I thought).. Audrey's back but that scene felt...
  14. Richie

    Kevin Myers is back on form

    Young Kev was the spitting image of TJ Miller:
  15. Richie

    What movie did you watch last night?

    I felt like Nolan's apparent lack of interest/ability in making properly rounded characters didn't matter much in Dunkirk because the characters are kind of dwarfed by the scale of the event, they're just giving you various different points of view of the terror and hopelessness of it. Must have...
  16. Richie

    Twin Peaks: The Return (spoilers)

    That actress is from Malahide, oddly enough.. A lot of plot machinery in the last couple of episodes.. I'm looking forward to seeing what Garland Brigg's message leads to out in the woods.. Funny that we still haven't seen anything of Audrey. If Richard is her son I suppose we can infer things...
  17. Richie

    What movie did you watch last night?

    It's getting quite positive press reviews so my opinion might be an outlier.. The 1971 version looks hilariously sexist, based on the trailer, all these sex starved women fighting over Mr masculinity Clint Eastwood.. the new version is at least a bit more subtle in that respect, though they've...
  18. Richie

    What movie did you watch last night?

    The Beguiled - I didn't get a lot out of this one.. thought it was undercooked for the first hour and then melodramatic in a silly way for the last 30 mins. Part of the established Sofia Coppola genre of groups of ladies trapped in languid purgatory worlds, this time in the Civil War era deep...
  19. Richie

    Twin Peaks: The Return (spoilers)

    Gah I meant episode 8, not 6..
  20. Richie

    Twin Peaks: The Return (spoilers)

    I'm gobsmacked by episode 6, that was a whole heap of exquisite art movie weirdness. Still only a third of the way through the season!