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  1. mazzyianne

    Mayo V Kerry: More goals than the Eircom League

    Next time Mayo, next time. :( :D:mad::D:mad::D:mad::D:mad:
  2. mazzyianne

    Mary Harney

    How do you know the percentages? How do you know why women choose to get abortions? It's not even acknowlegded that Irish women have abortions because there's people like you hysterically screaming murder. What I would or wouldn't do personally has no relation to how I feel on this issue...
  3. mazzyianne

    occisional vegan cafe type affair

    That was mainly me being lazy, cut and paste-ing instead of separating the two things. But also, a while back in the warehouse on North Strand every sunday there used to be a bike workshop and then a great vegan cafe. the Book and zine libraries would be open too and sometimes music or a...
  4. mazzyianne

    occisional vegan cafe type affair

    I also love cheese... mmmmmmmmm But the cafe I assume is to be vegan so anyone can eat there. So thanks michelle for offerring to eat the food, but we're looking for chefs and choppers and clean-upers and stuff first :p
  5. mazzyianne

    Mary Harney

    Ohhhh wearing the soundbite on a t-shirt. Smart thinking. That'll show us questioners of the janer 'life=black and white' viewpoint. Well done explaining your well thought out point of view. Man, what were people thinking voting on the x-case, letting a murder happen. I feel enlightened.
  6. mazzyianne

    occisional vegan cafe type affair

    Hey spraoiers are, trying to get something like the certain death cafe (that used to be in the north strand warehouse) going again. You can ignore the bike bit if u like seeing as it doesn't belong in the food section. ...Moderator!! Anyays, e-mail seomraspraoi at gmail if yer interested in...
  7. mazzyianne

    Help wanted to set up occasional vegan cafe and bike fixing

    Hey all, Just passing word along, anyone interested email seomraspraoi at gmail or head to the meeting next thursday at 7.30 (they're every thursday). The cooker thing should be sorted, we just need to get it there. There was a seomra spraoi meeting last night, minutes available shortly on...
  8. mazzyianne

    Mary Harney

    What I meant was that all you have on this issue is a soundbite, not an opinion. I'm basing this on everthing you've writen on this forum, so maybe you've thought long and hard about pregnancy, rape, choice, morality, but judging from this I doubt it. .. Lesbians accidentally getting up the...
  9. mazzyianne

    embarassing sexual situations

    Phew! I know a guy who moved over there a while ago... He's a bit of a nasty character when it comes to sleaziness (to put it mildly), I dread to think what he's been up to. I've heard a few stories already. So embarrasing sexual stories... Ummm, I'm not embarassed about any of mine I dont...
  10. mazzyianne

    The eccentrics/weirdos of Dublin city hall of fame thread

    Yeah, he's a lovely guy, haven't seen him in years. Hehe, can't believe he came up in this thread.:p I have it somewhere, don't know how I got it though. Anyone seen the film, oh god.. It's...well... disturbing
  11. mazzyianne


    Dunno, You could start earlier? You have the place four hours so maybe the video in the middle? I'm just reading that I see on the .org site, I don't exist in the real world anymore...
  12. mazzyianne

    embarassing sexual situations

    yeah, it sure is. It was this comment along with the :eek: face Made me suspect the lad on gear was about to rob someone. :D
  13. mazzyianne

    The eccentrics/weirdos of Dublin city hall of fame thread

    Anyone know Jake, well, that's not his real name... Soup man we called him. Sits in Cornucopia licking all the soup out of the bowl and putting all his sugar packets in a row. Carries around lots of newspapers and magazines and tries to give people them. Wears a wu-tang clan jacket. Or that...
  14. mazzyianne

    embarassing sexual situations

    A friend? Is there another use for rohypnol I'm missing out on? I would be more like :mad::mad::mad::mad: and then a punch in the face emoticon.
  15. mazzyianne

    Mary Harney

    No, I'm giving him rep for trying to show you that soundbites aren't opinions and life isn't as black and white as we would like it to be. It was a good effort, one I wouldn't have the patience for.
  16. mazzyianne


    There's an event on after this too in the seomra, at 6 I think. The Pig Brother thingy thats on in Derry too, an anti-police repression theatrical group (I think) from Switzerland. just googled them, nasty pictures... yikes edit: In a multi media...
  17. mazzyianne

    The eccentrics/weirdos of Dublin city hall of fame thread

    Hahahaha (sorry), did he give any explanation for punching you? He's not a bad guy, he's just a bit eccentric and has had a tough time of it living in that gaff.
  18. mazzyianne

    Thai Green Curry

    Well, if it's been frozen it marinates in seconds, soaks that shit up like the sponge it has become. And I find if you cut thinish strips (of the fresh/unfrozen stuff) it only takes 15mins or so to marinate. yumyum tofuuuu
  19. mazzyianne


    Twice as many? Thats shokin'. What was the place? We might be looking for a different place for issue two as this place couldn't do bleed and we didn't discover this til the last minute and it screwed up our design to an as yet unknown extent. I don't know who else we looked for in the UK coz...